Forward from: Sunnat Abdukhakimov | Logistics
This is what’s happening in Los Angeles, California, Palisade and Eaton area (Hollywood sign), where a fire 🔥🚨is raging. Our hearts go out to everyone affected. It’s a reminder of how unexpected life can be and how, in just three days, everything can be erased by God’s will. It’s something we all need to think about.🙏
Respectfully Steve Hunter
Bu Los-Anjeles, Kaliforniya, Pasadena hududida yuz berayotgan holat. U yerda yong‘in davom etmoqda. Yuragimiz bu ofatdan aziyat chekayotgan har bir inson bilan birga. Hayot naqadar kutilmagan va qanday qilib borliq uch kunda yo‘q bo‘lib ketishi mumkinligi haqida o‘ylashimiz kerak.🙏
I wish all patience in these hard times.
Hurmat blan Logistika eksperti Steve Hunter:
This is what’s happening in Los Angeles, California, Palisade and Eaton area (Hollywood sign), where a fire 🔥🚨is raging. Our hearts go out to everyone affected. It’s a reminder of how unexpected life can be and how, in just three days, everything can be erased by God’s will. It’s something we all need to think about.🙏
Respectfully Steve Hunter
Bu Los-Anjeles, Kaliforniya, Pasadena hududida yuz berayotgan holat. U yerda yong‘in davom etmoqda. Yuragimiz bu ofatdan aziyat chekayotgan har bir inson bilan birga. Hayot naqadar kutilmagan va qanday qilib borliq uch kunda yo‘q bo‘lib ketishi mumkinligi haqida o‘ylashimiz kerak.🙏
I wish all patience in these hard times.
Hurmat blan Logistika eksperti Steve Hunter: