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Faqat ingliz tilidan savollar bo'lsa, @Alsabr0203bot'ga murojaat qiling.
English with @English_Navbahor

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👋 Hello everybody. How are you today? Are you ready for our the seventy seventh lesson?

Letʼs get started...

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Davomi yuqoridagi postda ⬆️


Audiosi kerimi yoki shart emasmi guys?

1. Kerak ❤️‍🔥
2. Shart emas 🐳
3. Oʻzingiz bilasiz manga farqi yu 😁



1. Darsning maqsadi

1. Inversiyaning mohiyatini tushuntirish
2. Asosiy qoidalar va tuzilmalarga oydinlik kiritish
3. To‘g‘ri qo‘llash bo‘yicha misollar bilan tushuntirish
4. Speaking va writing uchun foydali inversiya strukturalarini berish

2. Inversiya nima?

Inversiya – gapdagi odatiy so‘z tartibini o‘zgartirish orqali ta’sirchanlik yoki rasmiylikni oshirish usuli. Odatda, inversiya yordamchi fe’l yoki modal fe’lni gap boshiga qo‘yish bilan hosil qilinadi.

Oddiy so‘z tartibi (Normal word order):

✅ He had never seen such a beautiful view before.
Inversiya bilan (With inversion):
✅ Never had he seen such a beautiful view before.

3. Inversiyaning asosiy turlari

A) Negative adverbials bilan inversiya
Ba’zi negativ yoki cheklov bildiruvchi iboralar gap boshida kelganda, inversiya ishlatiladi.

✅ Never / Rarely / Seldom / Little / Hardly / Scarcely / No sooner
Never have I seen such a brilliant performance! (Men hech qachon bunday ajoyib chiqishni ko‘rmaganman!)
Little did she know about the surprise waiting for her. (Unga tayyorlangan syurpriz haqida u deyarli hech narsa bilmas edi.
No sooner had they arrived than it started raining. (Ular yetib kelishi bilan yomg‘ir yog‘a boshladi.)

Grammar structure!
Negative adverbial + Auxiliary/Modal verb + Subject + Main verb

B) "Only" bilan boshlangan iboralar
✅ Only after / Only if / Only when / Only by / Only in this way

Only after losing everything did he realize the value of life. (U hamma narsasini yo‘qotgandan keyingina hayotning qadriga yetdi.)
Only if you practice regularly will you improve your English. (Faqat muntazam mashq qilsanggina ingliz tiling yaxshilanadi.)

Grammar structure!
Only + phrase/clause + Auxiliary/Modal verb + Subject + Main verb

C) So‘roq gap shaklida inversiya (Conditional Inversion)

✅ Had / Were / Should bilan boshlanuvchi inversiya shartli gaplarda ishlatiladi.

Had I known about the traffic, I would have left earlier. (Agar tirbandlik borligini bilganimda, oldinroq chiqib ketgan bo‘lardim.)
Were I in your position, I would accept the offer. (Agar men sening o‘rningda bo‘lsam, taklifni qabul qilardim.)
Should you need any assistance, do not hesitate to contact me. (Agar sizga yordam kerak bo‘lsa, men bilan bog‘lanishdan tortinmang.)

Grammatik tuzilma:
Had + Subject + Past Participle, Subject + Would/Could/Might + Verb
Were + Subject + to-infinitive, Subject + Would/Could/Might + Verb
Should + Subject + Base form, Subject + Will/Would + Verb

D) "So" va "Such" bilan inversiya
✅ So + Adjective + Auxiliary verb + Subject

So difficult was the exam that many students failed. (Imtihon shu qadar qiyin ediki, ko‘p talabalar yiqildi.)

Such + Noun + Auxiliary verb + Subject
Such was her beauty that everyone admired her. (U shunchalik go‘zal ediki, hamma unga qoyil qolardi.)

Grammar structure!
So + Adjective + Auxiliary verb + Subject + Main verb
Such + be-verb + Subject + Clause

E) "Not only... but also" bilan inversiya
✅ Not only + Auxiliary verb + Subject + Main verb, but also...

Not only did he win the competition, but he also broke the record. (U nafaqat musobaqada g‘alaba qozondi, balki rekord ham o‘rnatdi.)

Grammar structure!
Not only + Auxiliary/Modal verb + Subject + Main verb, but also...

4. Inversiyani o‘rganishda eng yaxshi strategiyalar
✅ 1) Oddiy gaplar bilan boshlang.
Dastlab oddiy inversiyalarni ishlatish orqali grammatik tuzilmani tushuning.
✅ 2) Mavzuga mos vaziyatlarda qo‘llashni mashq qiling. Writing va speaking mashg‘ulotlarida inversiyani ishlating.
✅ 3) Ko‘p uchraydigan inversiya shakllarini yod oling. "Never have I...", "Not only did he...", "Only after..." kabi tuzilmalarni eslab qolish foydali.
✅ 4) Inversiyani yozma nutqda ko‘proq mashq qiling. Inversiya rasmiy va ta’sirchan matnlarda juda samarali ishlatiladi.
✅ 5) Tovush chiqarib gapirish va gaplarni tarjima qilish orqali mustahkamlang. O‘z tilingizda inversiya ishlatilmagan gaplarni ingliz tiliga inversiya bilan tarjima qilib ko‘ring.


Xayrli kech my dears 😊 Darsdan oldin bir ajoyib testdan mazza qilila qani goooooo reaksiya va komment kutaman. Vapshi super quiz tayyorladim sizlar uchun osh boʻlsin qani bitta ishlab tashilachi bilimdonlarim 🔥

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Hello guys qalisila 😊
Bitta grammatik dars joylavorimi nima deysizlar?

Difficult Situations – Topic Vocabulary & Useful Phrases

1. Vocabulary Related to Difficult Situations

Adversity – qiyinchilik, mushkul holat
Hardship – og'irlik, mashaqqat
Setback – muvaffaqiyatsizlik, orqaga ketish
Obstacle – to‘siq, g‘ov
Crisis – inqiroz, og‘ir holat
Predicament – qiyin ahvol
Dilemma – ikkilanib qolish, muammo
Misfortune – baxtsizlik, noxush voqea
Struggle – kurash, qiynalish
Endurance – chidamlilik, bardoshlilik
Overcoming difficulties – qiyinchiliklarni yengib o‘tish
Resilience – bardoshlilik, qiyinchiliklarga moslashish qobiliyati
Tough decision – og‘ir qaror
Unforeseen circumstances – kutilmagan holatlar
Emotional turmoil – hissiy beqarorlik, ruhiy notinchlik
To be at a crossroads – muhim tanlov oldida bo‘lish

2. Useful Phrases for Speaking

Talking About a Difficult Situation

"I found myself in a really tough spot when..."

"It was one of the most challenging experiences of my life."

"I was struggling to figure out what to do next."

"It felt like an impossible situation, but I had to find a way out."

"I was faced with a difficult choice between A and B."

Expressing Feelings During a Tough Time

"I felt completely overwhelmed."

"At first, I didn’t know how to react."

"It was a real test of my patience and strength."

"I had a lot of doubts, but I tried to stay positive."

"I was emotionally drained, but I kept pushing forward."

Describing How You Overcame the Challenge

"I had to think on my feet and come up with a quick solution."

"I took a step back and analyzed the situation logically."

"I sought advice from someone I trusted."

"Through perseverance and determination, I managed to get through it."

"Looking back, I realize it made me stronger."

Giving Advice on Handling Difficult Situations

"When facing difficulties, it's important to stay calm and think rationally."

"Every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow."

"No matter how tough things get, there is always a way forward."

"Sometimes, asking for help is the best thing you can do."

"The key is to stay focused and not let emotions take over."


Good morning my dears 🥰



Cultural Tradition C1 words

1. Heritage – madaniy meros

🔹 Our cultural heritage is what connects us to our ancestors and shapes our identity.

2. Ritual – marosim, rasm-rusum

🔹 Many cultures have unique rituals to celebrate weddings and births.

3. Ancestry – ajdodlar, nasl

🔹 Understanding our ancestry helps us appreciate the traditions passed down through generations.

4. Custom – urf-odat

🔹 It is a common custom in my country to greet elders with great respect.

5. Folklore – xalq og‘zaki ijodi

🔹 The local folklore is full of fascinating myths and legends.

6. Sacred – muqaddas

🔹 For indigenous communities, certain sites are considered sacred and must be respected.

7. Preservation – saqlash, asrab-avaylash

🔹 The preservation of cultural traditions is essential for maintaining a strong national identity.

8. Assimilation – madaniy moslashuv

🔹 Many immigrants struggle with assimilation while trying to maintain their cultural roots.

9. Legacy – meros, qoldiq

🔹 The legacy of ancient civilizations can still be seen in modern architecture and festivals.

10. Diversity – xilma-xillik

🔹 Cultural diversity makes societies more vibrant and enriched.

Speaking uchun foydali iboralar

1️⃣ One of the most significant traditions in my culture is…
2️⃣ In my country, we have a deep respect for…
3️⃣ Over the years, this tradition has evolved, but it still remains an important part of our identity.
4️⃣ A unique ritual that we follow is…
5️⃣ The younger generation is gradually losing interest in traditional customs, which is concerning.
6️⃣ Cultural traditions are what make each nation distinct and special.
7️⃣ There is a fine balance between preserving traditions and embracing modernity.
8️⃣ This festival is not just about celebration; it has a deep historical and religious significance.
9️⃣ Many people nowadays are reviving old traditions to keep them alive for future generations.
🔟 Although globalization is influencing our customs, we still strive to maintain our cultural roots.

Donʼt forget to click reactions guys ❤️‍🔥


"To Work Remotely"

1. Remote Work – Masofaviy ish
2. Telecommuting – Masofadan ishlash
3. Work-life Balance – Ish va shaxsiy hayot muvozanati
4. Flexible Schedule – Moslashuvchan jadval
5. Time Management
– Vaqtni boshqarish
6. Virtual Meetings – Virtual uchrashuvlar
7. Coworking Space – Birgalikda ishlash joyi
8. Productivity Tools – Ish unumdorligini oshiruvchi vositalar
9. Digital Nomad – Raqamli ko‘chmanchi
10. Cybersecurity – Kiberxavfsizlik

🗣 Speakingda qo‘llash uchun iboralar

"I prefer remote work because it gives me a better work-life balance."
(Men masofaviy ishlashni afzal ko‘raman, chunki u menga yaxshiroq ish va hayot muvozanatini ta’minlaydi.)

"One of the biggest challenges of remote work is staying productive without supervision."
(Masofaviy ishlashning eng katta qiyinchiliklaridan biri nazoratsiz unumdorlikni saqlab qolishdir.)

"Thanks to digital tools like Zoom and Slack, remote teams can collaborate efficiently."
(Zoom va Slack kabi raqamli vositalar tufayli masofaviy jamoalar samarali hamkorlik qilishadi.)

✅ "A flexible schedule allows me to work when I’m most productive."
(Moslashuvchan jadval menga eng unumdor bo‘lgan paytimda ishlash imkonini beradi.)

"Cybersecurity is crucial when working remotely to protect sensitive data."
(Kiberxavfsizlik masofaviy ishlashda muhim, chunki u maxfiy ma’lumotlarni himoya qiladi.)


Topic: E-books

1. Digital Library – Raqamli kutubxona

2. E-ink Display – Elektron siyoh ekrani

3. Portable Device – Ko‘chma qurilma

4. Battery Life – Batareyaning ishlash muddati

5. File Format (ePub, PDF, MOBI) – Fayl formati

6. Text-to-Speech (TTS) – Matndan nutqqa aylantirish texnologiyasi

7. Cloud Storage – Bulutli saqlash xizmati

8. DRM (Digital Rights Management) – Raqamli huquqlarni boshqarish

9. Bookmark & Annotation – Xatcho‘p va izoh qo‘shish

10. Subscription Service – Obuna xizmati


Hay hay sekinrooooo 😁

Hammaga yetadi talashmimiz 🍽

Alloh oʻzi qabul qilsin 🤲

Good evening guys. Iʼm sorry 🥹 Unfortunately today I canʼt make a lesson which is related to your interests. Because of my cough. My voice is so awful 😔😔😔😔 But, donʼt worry Iʼll do this later 😊

Sincerely Teacher Navbahor

Test qalay ekan guys?

Ha etgancha bugun bitta jonli dars oʻtamizni nima deysila?

Izoh va reaksiyalarga qarab bitta chotki dars oʻtib beraman! Qani ketdik ‼️‼️‼️

Nechta topa oldingiz future niners?

5 ❤️‍🔥
4 🔥
3 🐳
2 🕊
1 😭
0 😎


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