📖Dars #90 Phrases+gerund (part II)
✳️ Yuqorida taqdim etilgan ingliz tilida iboralar+gerundiy darsining ikkinchi qismini taqdim etamiz.
1️⃣ It is a waste of time/ money+ gerund - vaqtni/ pulni bekor ketkazish
🔸It's a waste of time reading this book. It's rubbish.
🔸It's a waste of money buying things you don't need. (O'zingizda kerak bo'lmagan narsalarni sotib olish pulni bekorga sarflash hisoblanadi)
✅ to waste soʻzi fe'l bo'lib qoʻllanilganda bekor ketkazmoq degan ma'noda ham qoʻllaniladi.
▫️ to waste time/money + gerund - vaqtni/ pulni bekor ketkazmoq
🔸He wastes a lot of time day-dreaming. (U hayol surib juda ko'p vaqtini bekor ketkazadi)
2️⃣ to spend time/money+gerund - vaqt/pul sarflamoq
🔸I spent two hours trying to repair the old clock.
3️⃣ to sit/stand/lie + expression of place + gerund - biror joyda biror narsa qilib o'tirmoq/ turmoq/ yotmoq
🔸 She sat at the desk doing homework. (U stolida uy vazifasini qilib o'tirdi)
🔸 I stood there wondering what to do next. (Men u yerda endi nima ish qilishni bilmasdan turdim)
🔸 He is lying in bed reading a book. (U krovatda kitob o'qib yotibdi)
4️⃣ to go va to come fe'llari gerundiy bilan qoʻllanilib, sport yoki hordiq turlarini bildirib kelishi mumkin.
▫️go/come + shopping, swimming, fishing, sailing, climbing, walking, riding, skiing, sightseeing, waterskiing, jogging
🔸 Why don't you come fishing with us?
🔸 Have you ever been sailing?
🔸 I would like to go skiing.
5️⃣ What is the use of+gerund? - …nima foydasi bor?
🔸 What is the use of having a car if you never drive it? (Mashinang bo'lib, uni hech qachon haydamasang, undan nima foyda bor?)
6️⃣ There is nothing worse than+gerund - …dan yomoni yoʻq
🔸There is nothing worse than losing the game in the final stages. (So'nggi bosqichlarda o'yinni yutqazib qo'yishdan yomoni yo'q)
❤️If you want to do some good to your friends 👉 just share this post @grammarnotes #2025 #newlessons
🔗 Kanalga qo'shiling 👇https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFe2P5bFTJKJKkwvyA
✳️ Yuqorida taqdim etilgan ingliz tilida iboralar+gerundiy darsining ikkinchi qismini taqdim etamiz.
1️⃣ It is a waste of time/ money+ gerund - vaqtni/ pulni bekor ketkazish
🔸It's a waste of time reading this book. It's rubbish.
🔸It's a waste of money buying things you don't need. (O'zingizda kerak bo'lmagan narsalarni sotib olish pulni bekorga sarflash hisoblanadi)
✅ to waste soʻzi fe'l bo'lib qoʻllanilganda bekor ketkazmoq degan ma'noda ham qoʻllaniladi.
▫️ to waste time/money + gerund - vaqtni/ pulni bekor ketkazmoq
🔸He wastes a lot of time day-dreaming. (U hayol surib juda ko'p vaqtini bekor ketkazadi)
2️⃣ to spend time/money+gerund - vaqt/pul sarflamoq
🔸I spent two hours trying to repair the old clock.
3️⃣ to sit/stand/lie + expression of place + gerund - biror joyda biror narsa qilib o'tirmoq/ turmoq/ yotmoq
🔸 She sat at the desk doing homework. (U stolida uy vazifasini qilib o'tirdi)
🔸 I stood there wondering what to do next. (Men u yerda endi nima ish qilishni bilmasdan turdim)
🔸 He is lying in bed reading a book. (U krovatda kitob o'qib yotibdi)
4️⃣ to go va to come fe'llari gerundiy bilan qoʻllanilib, sport yoki hordiq turlarini bildirib kelishi mumkin.
▫️go/come + shopping, swimming, fishing, sailing, climbing, walking, riding, skiing, sightseeing, waterskiing, jogging
🔸 Why don't you come fishing with us?
🔸 Have you ever been sailing?
🔸 I would like to go skiing.
5️⃣ What is the use of+gerund? - …nima foydasi bor?
🔸 What is the use of having a car if you never drive it? (Mashinang bo'lib, uni hech qachon haydamasang, undan nima foyda bor?)
6️⃣ There is nothing worse than+gerund - …dan yomoni yoʻq
🔸There is nothing worse than losing the game in the final stages. (So'nggi bosqichlarda o'yinni yutqazib qo'yishdan yomoni yo'q)
❤️If you want to do some good to your friends 👉 just share this post @grammarnotes #2025 #newlessons
🔗 Kanalga qo'shiling 👇https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFe2P5bFTJKJKkwvyA