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Category: Edutainment

In the name of Allah, most benevolent, ever-merciful.

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From 16:00 to 17:00, we had an intense and thrilling football match between Globalists and Ideal Ta’lim students . It was an unforgettable experience, filled with passion and excitement. Both teams gave their best, making the game highly competitive with constant shifts in momentum. In the end, despite all the ups and downs, the match concluded in a well-fought tie. A truly amazing experience for everyone involved!


The book 📚 about self improvement.

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📢 Announcement!

A new season is about to begin, and we are opening spots for up to 5 new students in our ongoing IELTS course!
What You Will Get as a Student:
CEFR Assessment: You will take a CEFR test to assess your level, and we will provide all the necessary handouts and instructions. However, CEFR is not our main goal—it will be a natural achievement, just as it has been for my other students.
IELTS Practice Sessions: On even-numbered days, from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM, we conduct full IELTS practice sessions, including a complete listening test and Reading Passages 1 & 2. Then, from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM, we will review homework, analyze practice questions (especially multiple-choice questions), and ensure a deep understanding of every concept.
Comprehensive Preparation: The course runs until June, so don’t miss this opportunity to boost your IELTS score!
🆘 Requirements:
Details will be provided upon inquiry.
📩 Contact me: @IELTS_buster


📢 E'lon!

Yangi mavsum boshlanmoqda, va biz IELTS kursimizga koʻpi bilan 5 tagacha yangi o‘quvchini qabul qilmoqchimiz!

Siz o‘quvchi sifatida nima olasiz?

Yoʻl-yoʻlakay CEFR: Siz CEFR testini topshirasiz bu majburiy va biz sizga barcha kerakli materiallar hamda yo‘riqnomalarni taqdim qilamiz. Biroq, bizning asosiy maqsadimiz CEFR emas — u tabiiy ravishda erishiladigan natijadir, xuddi mening boshqa o‘quvchilarimda bo‘lgani kabi. Shuningdek CEFRni biz siz bilan dars tugagandan keyin o'tamiz qoʻshimcha sifatida, lekin bu IELTS darsmizga halaqit bermagan holda boʻladi.

IELTS practice time:

Juft kunlari soat 15:20 dan 17:00 gacha practice vaqti. Practiceda siz
IELTS listening full va reading passage 1 va 2 ishlaysiz mart oyining oxirigacha.

Undan keyin soat 17:00 dan 18:30 gacha esa uy vazifalarini tekshiriladi va analiz qilib chiqamiz xatolarni, (ayniqsa multiple choiceni) tahlil qilamiz.
Umuman olganda siz bir kunda 4 soat biz bilan shugʻullanishingiz mumkin boladi.

Davomiyligi : Kurs iyunni oxirigacha davom etadi, shuning uchun IELTS natijalaringizni yaxshilash imkoniyatini qo‘ldan boy bermang!

🆘 Talablar:
Batafsil ma’lumot shaxsiy murojaat orqali beriladi.

📩 Bog‘lanish uchun: @IELTS_buster


🤫News is coming soon...

Any suggestions, why we are here now?🫣😉


Our Hometask for 13.02.2025


🔥Do you want to know about the daily activities you have done since your birth? Then visit this website.🔥

LINK here🧩


🍗"Heyy  guys, I've found out why this guy earned the nickname 'Reading Buster' with a maximal reading score of 75.

🤩 Remember: reading books 📚 always helps you bolster your reading score and also widen your outlook.

In fact, this pic was taken in 2024. 😆😉😉"


Guys, for me it seemed a bit of showy?😅 🙆‍♂

You know what, guys? I'm a book lover 📚, and I absolutely love sharing my books with my friends and students! This book is for our #FirstFalcon for cooking that spectacular CEFR score of 60.


It is yours Saidaziz bro don't give it to other✅
Other results are yet to come...

#resulttalks #Falcon1 #MrSaidaziz
"Our first falcon is ready to hatch, embarking on a long-lasting journey that will soar through time."

Teacher: Mr.Mukhiddin

Saidaziz you are our first 🥇 Falcon you worth it.

574 0 14 11 27

It’s time to show up ❤️‍🔥

18 last posts shown.