General English Grammar

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Do'stlar, hayrli kech barchaga.

Kanalga joylab borilayotgan ma'lumot, darsliklar foydali bo'lyabdimi ? Agar javobingiz Ha bo'lsa bundan shoyad mamnunman rahmat barchangizga.

Lekin kanalda kichik bir tanaffus e'lon qilmoqchiman, ma'lum bir sabablarga ko'ra vaqtinchalik kanalga information lar joylashga vaqtim bo'lmaydi va buning uchun sizlardan uzr so'rayman, lekin yana tez orada aktivelik qaytadi va bundanda zo'r kontentlar yaratamiz InshaAlloh.

● Phrasal Verbs with Let ✅

● Household Devices and Appliances ✅

Join : @generalenglish_Sh

Alternatives for GOOD LUCK 🍀
Omad tilashning boshqa usullari

🍀 All the best! – short for "I wish you all the best".

("I wish you all the best" so’zining qisqa ko’rinishi.)

We would like to wish you all the best in the year to come!
Kelayotgan yangi yilda sizga barcha yaxshiliklarni tilaymiz!

🍀 Break a leg! – Originally used for actors, as it was considered bad luck to wish luck before they went on the stage.

(Birinchi bor aktyorlar uchun ishlatilgan, omad tilashni anglatadi.)

You have an exam tomorrow? Break a leg!
Ertaga imtihoningiz bormi? Omad tilayman!

🍀 Blow them away! – to blow someone away = to impress/shock them

(hayratda qoldirmoq)

He is such a good guitarist. His performance blew me away.
U shunchalik zo’r gitaristki! Uning ijrosi meni hayratda qoldirdi.

🤞 Fingers crossed! – to cross one’s fingers is a sign of wishing luck or hoping for success.

(Barmoqlarni birlashtirish bu omad tilash yoki muvaffaqiyatga umid bildirish belgisi.)

All we can do is cross our fingers and hope that we will win.
Qo’limizdan keladigani g'alaba qozonishimizga umid qilish.


📌Another - boshqa, yana qo'shimcha

Give me another soup. I am not full.
Menga yana ovqat bering. Men to'ymadim.

📌Other - boshqa, (plural noun)

Some people are meat eaters other people are vegetariane. Ba'zi odamlar go'sht iste'mol qiladilar, boshqalari vegetarianlardir.

📌The other + boshqa narigisi, +singular noun

I have 3 children 2 sons and the other is my daugther.
Mening 3 ta bolam bor, 2 o'g'il va boshqasi qiz

📌Others - boshqalari - keng doirada

Some people are optimists and others are pessimists. Ba'zi odamlar optimislardir, boshqalari pessimistlar.

📌The others - boshqalari - tor doirada

Some people in my group are Uzbek and the others are foreigners.

Gruhimdagi ba'zi odamlar o'zbek va boshqalari chet elliklardir.

Good morning. Jumma mubarak

Teskari haqiqat !

Nechta topdik ?

3 ta topdim 🏆
2 ta topdim 🔥
1 ta topdim 😢
0 ta topdim 💔

Take off
  •   Tear something
  •   Leave the ground
23 votes

Check in
  •   Carry heavy items
  •   Register at a hotel or an airport
21 votes

Catch up with
  •   Reach the same point / level
  •   Chase something
20 votes


Imkoniyat bermoq

Kuchli xohish

Maslahat olmoq

Qattiq maslahat bermoq

Boshqa tanlov yo'q

Qiyin tanlov

Oson variantni olmoq

Imkoniyatni qo'ldan boy bermoq

Qiyin tanlovlarga duch kelmoq

Variantlarni ko'rib chiqmoq

Bir qarorga kelmoq

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The Hidden Psychological Impact of Your Phone: How to Prioritize Real Connections

Sifat darajalari - Deegres adjective

Sifatning 3 ta darajasi bor:

1. Positive - aniq : tall, big,
2. Comparative - qiyosiy : taller, bigger, more interesting
3. Superlative - orttirma : the tallest, the biggest

1. Agar sifat qisqa unlidan keyin undosh bilan tugasa ya'ni so'z qisqa o'qilsa, oxiridagi sifat ikkilantiriladi:

Hotter, wetter, smaller

2. Agar sifat oxiri mute "e" soqov i bilan tugasa daraja yasaganda o'ziniki tushib qoladi:

Brave - braver; large - larger.

3. Sifat oxiri y bilan tugasa ( ier) y dan oldin undosh kelsa y > i ga o'zgaradi. Y dan oldin unli kelsa o'zgarmaydi (er)

Heavy - heavier
* gay - gayer

Sifat darajalarining gapda ishlatilishi:

Quyidagi sifatlar qoidaga bo'ysunmasdan o'zagi o'zgarib ketadi:
1. Good - better - the best
2. Bad - worse - the worst
3. Little - less - the least
4. Much,many - more - the most

Quyidagi sifatlar o'zi kam bo'g'inli bo'lsa ham ko'p bo'g'inli qoida asosida yasaladi:

* real - more real - most real
Like - more like - most like
Tired - more tired - most tired
Modern - more modern - most modern

Join: @generalenglish_Sh

Curious 🤔


"Why do you ask?' — 'no reason, I'm just curious

"Nega so'rayapsiz?' — Hech qanday sabab yoʻq, men shunchaki qiziqaman

Assalomu alaykum. Hayrli tong 🍀

"How are you" deyishning 9 ta usuli ✅

1. How are things?
2. How have you been?
3. What's up?
4. What's new?
5. How's it going?
6. How's everything?
7. How's life?
8. How's your day?
9. How's everything going?

Common mistakes in English Language ❌ ✅

Join: @generalenglish_Sh

Synonyms for "Snow" 🏘

❄️ Flurry – Qor bo‘roni

❄️ Powder – Yengil qor (Chang qor)

❄️ Blizzard – Qor bo‘roni

☃️ Frost – Qorayish (muzlamoq)

❄️ Sleet – Muz qori

💧Hail – Do‘l

🏡Snowfall – Qor yog‘ishi

🌨Snowdrift – Qor uyumi

🌊Snowstorm – Qor bo‘roni

❄️Ice – Muz

📝 A1 (beginner) so'zlarning = C2 (advanced) shakli ✅

1. Beginner (A1): happy 
  Advanced (C2): ecstatic

2. Beginner (A1): large 
  Advanced (C2): enormous

3. Beginner (A1): friend 
  Advanced (C2): confidant

4. Beginner (A1): quick 
  Advanced (C2): rapid

5. Beginner (A1): small 
  Advanced (C2): tiny

6. Beginner (A1): hot 
  Advanced (C2): scorching

7. Beginner (A1): good 
  Advanced (C2): excellent

8. Beginner (A1): old 
  Advanced (C2): ancient

9. Beginner (A1): happy 
  Advanced (C2): delighted

10. Beginner (A1): loud 
   Advanced (C2): deafening



What kind of gifts are popular in your country?

I guess flowers, chocolate and jewelry for women, as these are symbolize of love, while wallets or watches for men since they are very usuful in their everyday life.

How often do you buy gifts for other people ?

I try to buy gifts for special occassions like birthdays, holidays, or significant life events. It's not just about the frequency but about making those moments memorable

Join: @generalenglish_Sh

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