Faqat 12 ta Obunachi uchun:
10 ta oila yani umumiy 150 ta Materiallar oilasini katda chegirma bilan oling!
Men doim o'z ishlarimda ishlatadigan "Photorealistic material pack 2.0" ni endi dastlabgi 12 ta o'quvchi 36$ ga emas atiga 16$ ga olishi mumkin!🤍
Ushbu Materiallar o'z ijodini va sifatni qadrlaydiganlar uchun!
materillar haqida to'liq malumot bu yerda: ➡️Info Material
Sotib olish uchun va boshqa savollar uchun bemalol menga yozishingiz mumkin: ➡️@kamalov_zafer
ha aytgancha Limit faqat 12 ta:
Only for 12 Subscribers:
Get 10 families, a total of 150 Material families, at a discount!
The "Photorealistic material pack 2.0", which I always use in my work, can now be purchased by the first 12 subscribers for only $16 instead of $36!🤍
These Materials are for those who value their creativity and quality!
Full information about the materials is here: ➡️Info Material
For purchase and other questions, you can feel free to write to me: ➡️@kamalov_zafer
Yes, by the way, the limit is only 12:
10 ta oila yani umumiy 150 ta Materiallar oilasini katda chegirma bilan oling!
Men doim o'z ishlarimda ishlatadigan "Photorealistic material pack 2.0" ni endi dastlabgi 12 ta o'quvchi 36$ ga emas atiga 16$ ga olishi mumkin!🤍
Ushbu Materiallar o'z ijodini va sifatni qadrlaydiganlar uchun!
materillar haqida to'liq malumot bu yerda: ➡️Info Material
Sotib olish uchun va boshqa savollar uchun bemalol menga yozishingiz mumkin: ➡️@kamalov_zafer
ha aytgancha Limit faqat 12 ta:
Only for 12 Subscribers:
Get 10 families, a total of 150 Material families, at a discount!
The "Photorealistic material pack 2.0", which I always use in my work, can now be purchased by the first 12 subscribers for only $16 instead of $36!🤍
These Materials are for those who value their creativity and quality!
Full information about the materials is here: ➡️Info Material
For purchase and other questions, you can feel free to write to me: ➡️@kamalov_zafer
Yes, by the way, the limit is only 12: