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⚠️ Golden Study O'quv Markazimizda yangi 3 oylik Grammatika guruhlariga qabul ochildi.

Biz bilan tayyorlanib 130 dan ortiq B2 va C1 daraja olgan talabalarimiz safiga qoʻshiling!

📝 Ertalabki guruh soat 9:00 da
Tushdan keyingi guruh soat
14:00 da

💬 Mo'ljal: Urganch davlat universiteti

☎️ +998996005797 @N1GoldenStudy

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Multilevel mock jarayoni
Grand o'quv markazi

Forward from: Behzod
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Xullas bizda writing

Forward from: Siroj
⛔️O‘quv markazimizga "Ingliz tili" chi o'qituvchi va talabalarni ishga taklif qilamiz

- Yosh: 18-25  yosh
-pedogoglik mahorati

Manzil: Urganch shahar Ishonch savdo majmuasi 4-qavati

☎️ 88-510-25-55 telegramdan    @Siroj_2555   yozing .



Bu fraza inglizlar tomonidan juda ko'p ishlatiladi va ma'nosi quyidagicha:

tasavvurotni ishlatib muammo/vaziyatga boshqacharoq nazar bilan qarash

Doimiy ishlatib yurishni tavsiya qilaman👌

Example: I've been trying to think outside the box about what I want this term paper to be about. I know the professor hates unoriginal ideas.


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Xullas kim 3 oyda "English Grammar"ni tugatmoqchi bo'lsa bu 2024dagi so'ngi imkoniyat✊

O'qituvchi: Bunyodbek Niyazmetov

Biz sizni GOLDEN STUDYda kutib qolamiz😊



You can use these alternatives of the overused ones😊


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Dars jarayoni: Pre-IELTS


Mana shu offline darslarim hozir ko'pligi sababli kanalni yuritolmayapman😩



Everyday English


Forward from: Abu Sayf Xorazmiy
Lesson 9 (2).docx

⏰21.40da 🛑LIVE LESSON


Tarqatamiz: @fozilteacher


Read a short passage about a simple vehicle with two wheels, powered by pedaling, often used for short trips or exercise.

A bicycle is a popular and simple way to travel. It has two wheels, a seat, pedals, and handlebars. People use bicycles for fun, exercise, and to get from one place to another. Bicycles are loved by people of all ages, and they are used all over the world.

The history of the bicycle is interesting. The first bicycle was invented in 1817 by a German man named Karl von Drais. His bicycle was called the “running machine” because it had no pedals. People had to push it with their feet on the ground to move forward. In 1863, pedals were added to the front wheel. This bicycle was called the “velocipede” or “boneshaker” because it was not comfortable to ride. The front wheel was large, and the back wheel was small, making it difficult to balance.

In 1885, a new design called the "safety bicycle" was introduced. This bicycle had two wheels of the same size and a chain to drive the back wheel. It was much easier and safer to ride. This design is very similar to the bicycles we use today. With time, bicycles became lighter and faster.

Bicycles are important for many reasons. They are good for the environment because they do not use fuel or cause pollution. They are also cheap to maintain. In countries like the Netherlands and Denmark, many people use bicycles every day to go to work or school. In these places, there are special lanes just for bicycles.

Bicycling is also good for health. It helps keep our bodies fit and strong. Riding a bicycle regularly can improve your heart health and strengthen your muscles. It’s a fun way to exercise while enjoying the fresh air.

Fun fact : The world’s longest bicycle is 41.42 meters long! It was made in the Netherlands and can hold many people at once!


Forward from: Abu Sayf Xorazmiy
Lesson 7.docx

LIVE LESSON foydali bo'ldimi? Yana qanaqa darslarni xohlagan bo'lardingiz?

Aytgancha videorecordingni linki bu yerda



bugun bitta LIVE LESSON qilamizmi?😄


dars soat 20.40da

do'srtlarni ham chaqiring: @fozilteacher

Is that so hard?🤔

What do you think?


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