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🌡️ Why Does Water Boil at 100°C? 💧🔥

Have you ever wondered why water always boils at 100°C (at sea level) but can boil at different temperatures in other places? 🤔 Abdurakhmonov Akhmadillo (Grade 8A) explores the fascinating relationship between temperature and vapor pressure!

🔍 What’s Inside the Video?
✅ What happens to water molecules when they boil? 💨
✅ The role of vapor pressure in the boiling process ⚖️
✅ Why water boils at lower temperatures in the mountains and higher in a pressure cooker! 🏔️🍲

Water boils when its vapor pressure equals atmospheric pressure! But what happens if we change the pressure? Watch the video to find out! 👀🔥

📢 Watch & Comment! Have you ever noticed that water boils faster at high altitudes? Let’s discuss! 💬

#BoilingPoint #VaporPressure #Physics #STEM #ZMBPhysics #Fizika_BMB

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🚢 Why Do Ships Float? The Secret of Archimedes’ Principle! ⚖️🌊

Have you ever wondered why massive ships don’t sink while a small stone does? 🤔 Nematjanova Jasmina (Grade 10A) explains the science behind buoyancy and Archimedes’ Principle!

🔍 What’s Inside the Video?
✅ What is buoyancy, and why does it matter? 🌊
✅ How Archimedes’ Principle explains floating and sinking ⚖️
✅ The conditions for objects to stay afloat 🚢

When an object is placed in water, it displaces some liquid. If the weight of the displaced water is greater than or equal to the object's weight, it floats! But if not… it sinks! ⬇️

📢 Watch the video and test your knowledge! What objects around you float? Share in the comments! 👇

#Buoyancy #ArchimedesPrinciple #Physics #STEM #ZMBPhysics #Fizika_BMB

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🔋 How Do Batteries Work? ⚡

We use the word "battery" all the time, but what exactly is it? 🤔 Watch this informative video by Ismoiljonov Mukhammaddiyor (Grade 8A) and discover the science behind batteries!

🔍 What’s Inside the Video?
✅ What is a battery made of? 🛠
✅ The role of the anode and cathode in electricity generation ⚡
✅ How electrons move when a battery is connected to a device 🔄

A battery has two main parts:
🔹 Anode (-) – usually made of zinc
🔹 Cathode (+) – made of manganese dioxide powder with carbon

When connected to a device, electrons start flowing from the anode to the cathode, powering the device! ⚡🔋

📢 Watch the video and share your thoughts in the comments! Have you ever wondered what’s inside a battery? 🔍👀

#Batteries #Electricity #Physics #STEM #ZMBPhysics #Fizika_BMB

Космическая фотобомба

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🌩 Гром и молния: что это и как защититься? ⚡

Почему гремит гром? Как возникает молния? И самое главное — как обезопасить себя во время грозы? 🌪⚡

📽 Смотрите увлекательное видео от Исаковой Мубины (11А), где она объясняет:
✅ Как образуется молния и почему она сверкает? ⚡
✅ Почему гром звучит после вспышки света? 🔊
✅ Простые правила безопасности, которые могут спасти жизнь! 🚨

Гроза — это не только завораживающее природное явление, но и серьезная опасность! Будьте в безопасности и делитесь этим видео с друзьями!

📢 Напишите в комментариях, попадали ли вы когда-нибудь в грозу и как вели себя в этот момент! ⛈

#ГромИМолния #Физика #Безопасность #STEM #ZMBPhysics #Fizika_BMB

Forward from: Alisher Sadullaev
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⚡️Bu yoshlar bilan butun O'zbekiston faxrlansa arziydi!

Dunyoning eng nufuzli universitetlarida o'z bilimi, mehnati va harakati bilan tengdoshlariga o'rnak bo'layotgan bir guruh yoshlar bilan tanishing. Ularning rejalari va niyatlari olam-olam. Eng xayron qolarlisi, ular hamma ta'lim olishni orzu qiladigan oliygohlarga 100% grant asosida qabul qilinishgan, xususan Harvard, Stanford, Colombia, MIT va yana o'nlab nufuzli top universitetlar shu jumlasidandir.

Bugun biz ular bilan yoshlar uchun yangi loyihalarni muhokama qildik, yangi rejalar tuzdik. Umid qilamanki, o'zbekistonlik yoshlar uchun global maydonda loyihalarimiz yana ko'payadi!

#uzbekpower #top100 #youth #uzbekistan

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🎙️ Introducing AIM Talks 🎙️

🚀 We’re thrilled to announce the launch of AIM Talks, the first-ever podcast in Andijan, led by Presidential School students: Isfandiyor, Abdulloh, and Muhammadabdulloh!

💡 Our Mission:
To foster growth, inspire, and motivate through powerful stories.
🌍 We host guests from diverse backgrounds and fields, sharing their success stories, life journeys, and invaluable insights.

🎧 New Episodes:
Released weekly or monthly on our YouTube channel.
🔥 Get ready to be inspired, challenged, and motivated to AIM higher in life!

👉 Subscribe & Support: AIM Talks Youtube Channel
Let’s grow together! 🌟

#AIMTalks #Inspiration #Motivation #SuccessStories #Podcast

Праздник у конспирологов

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🌟 Unlock the Mystery of the Ames Window! 🌟

Ever seen a window that seems to defy logic? 🪟✨ Check out this mind-blowing video by Mukhammadjonova Mehrangiz (Grade 11), where she dives into the fascinating illusion of the Ames Window and how it plays tricks on your brain!

🔍 What’s Inside?
✅ The psychology behind visual perception 🧠
✅ How the Ames Window creates an impossible rotation illusion 🔄
✅ Real-life examples of how our brains interpret 2D as 3D!

This optical illusion shows how our brains can be fooled by simple shapes and perspectives. 🤯✨ Watch, learn, and let us know in the comments if your brain fell for the trick!

📽 Watch Now and prepare to have your mind blown!
#OpticalIllusions #AmesWindow #BrainTricks #STEM #ZMBPhysics #Fizika_BMB

Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and challenge them to figure out how it works! 🚀🔍

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🎤 Debatchilar, Kashfiyotchilar va kelgusi liderlar - bu sizning imkoningiz. NextGen shunchaki boshqa musibaqalardan biri emas - balkim renesans uchun qadam. Kreativlik, strategiya va bilim g'olibni aniqlovchi joy. Hech qanday “tanish-bilish” yo'q – faqat iqtidor.

Mutaxasislar bilan debatlashing – Hozirgi davrning eng dolzarb muammolari ustida.
(Xohishiy) PowerTalk – Sahnaga chiqing va nimaga qodirligingizni isbotlang
(Xohishiy) O'zgacha bo'lgan loyihangizni ko'rsating – O'zingizning ajralib turuvchi loyihangizni ko'rsating va expertlardan feedback oling.
Siz uchun o'z sohasining mutaxasisidan training va savollarga javoblar.

SUNIY INTELEKT TAQIQLANGAN – Sizning applicationingiz sizning kimligingizni bildirishi kerak, suniy intelektni emas.
Faqat Andijon viloyatida (1-sezon) – Tarixiy loyihada a'zo bo'ling u kattaroq bo'lishidan oldin!
🔥Kelajakda O'zbekistaondagi eng katta talant-qidiruvchi loyihalardan biri bo'lishi kutilmoqda.
🔥Har sezon 3 shov-shuvli musobaqa va har biri turli yo'nalishda rivojlanish uchun va tengdoshlaringiz bilan tanishing.
💸Birinchi sezon uchun tekin
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿Ingliz tilida bo'lib o'tadi
📣Joylar CHEKLANGAN. Ikkinchi imkon bo'lmaydi.
O'z joyingizni olish uchun hozir topshiring!

Hozir topshiring

#NextGenUz #NoTanishBilish #DebateElite #PowerTalk #InnovationStartsHere #AndijanTalent #Yoshlar Markazi

Если бы «Челюсти» были детским мультиком

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🌞 Why Do We See Mirages in the Desert? 🔥

Ever seen water on a hot road that vanishes as you get closer? That’s a mirage! 🎥✨ Check out this fascinating video by Abdurashidov Rahmatullo (Grade 10), where he explains how mirages appear in the desert!

🔍 What’s Inside?
✅ The science behind light refraction 🌈
✅ How hot air bends light to trick our eyes 👀
✅ Real-life examples you’ve probably seen!

Physics makes nature’s illusions even more amazing! 🌍💡 Watch, learn, and share your thoughts in the comments! 🏜️🚗

#PhysicsInRealLife #Mirage #DesertScience #STEM #ZMBPhysics #Fizika_BMB

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Фотография, которая может получиться только при огромной удаче. Только посмотрите!

Ее сделали фотографы Gong Yurui и Liao Guihe. Они снимали Андромеду, а в этот момент яркий метеор рассек кадр.

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🌀 How Gyroscopes Work & Their Uses! 🚀

Check out this awesome physics video by Jamshidbek Yuldashev (11B) @its.bek1 , where he explains the fascinating world of gyroscopes! 🎥✨

🔄 What’s Inside?
✅ How gyroscopes maintain balance and stability
✅ Where we use them – from airplanes to smartphones
✅ A cool demonstration to see them in action!

Physics is everywhere around us! 🌍⚙️ Watch, learn, and get inspired to explore more! 💡

Tag your friends who love science! 🔥👨‍🔬👩‍🔬 #PhysicsInAction #Gyroscope #STEM #ZMBPhysics #YoungScientists #Fizika_BMB

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🍀“Young Climate Champions” Eco Forum – Video Tanlov! 📸

🔊 Hurmatli ekologiya faollari!

25-yanvar kuni Andijon shahridagi Prezident maktabida bo‘lib o‘tgan "Young Climate Champions" forumi doirasida video tanlov e’lon qilamiz! 🎬

🎯 Tanlov shartlari:

📌 Forum davomida bo‘lib o‘tgan 4 ta workshop:
-Qayta tiklanuvchi energiya
-Ekologik advokatsiya va siyosat
-Barqaror shaxarsozlik
-Chiqindi saralash
mavzusidan birini yoritib, ijodiy video tayyorlang.
📌 Videoda workshopning asosiy mazmuni va o‘rganilgan ekologik bilimlar aks etishi kerak.
📌 Instagram sahifangizga joylang va quyidagi sahifalarga obuna bo‘ling:
🟢 "EkoSphere"ning instagram sahifasi
🟢 EcoSphere Telegram kanali
🟢 "Fizika_bmb" ning instagram sahifasi

🎁 Sovrin jamg‘armasi – 300 000 so‘m

Eng zo'r video tayyorlagan ikkita ishtirokchi 150 000 so'm pulga ega bo'ladi

⏱ Oxirgi muddat: 15-fevral

#️⃣#Young_Climate_Champions heshtegi bilan video joylang va ekologik bilimlaringiz bilan bo‘lishing!

💥 Eng yaxshi videolarni birga tanlaymiz! Omad! 🚀

📌 Batafsil ma'lumot uchun: @ajamsh1dbek

©️Andijon shahridagi Prezident maktabining Eko-klub axborot xizmati

Акрофобам не смотреть

Настоящая артерия

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🚀 Ibrat Debate 1-2-fevral kunlari yurtimizning barcha hududlarida!

🌟Ibrat Debate yangi mavzu bilan sizni ishtirok etishga taklif etadi!

1-2-fevral kunlari O‘zbekistonning barcha hududlarida bo'lib o'tadigan debatamizda qatnashing!

🔥 Mavzu:
"Should developed nations be forced to aid more developing nations?"
🌍 Rivojlangan mamlakatlar rivojlanayotgan mamlakatlarga yordam berishlari kerakmi?

📍 Debat o‘tkaziladigan hududlar:

📍Toshkent shahri

📍Toshkent viloyati

📍Jizzax viloyati

📍Sirdaryo viloyati

📍Samarqand viloyati

📍Buxoro viloyati

📍Navoiy viloyati

📍Qashqadaryo viloyati

📍Surxondaryo viloyati

📍Xorazm viloyati

📍Farg‘ona viloyati

📍Andijon viloyati

📍Namangan viloyati

📍Qoraqalpog‘iston Respublikasi

🌟 Qanday qatnashish mumkin?
Ishtirok etish uchun @ibratdebate_bot orqali ro‘yxatdan o‘tishingiz kerak.

Hozirda texnik o’zgarishlar sababli bot vaqtincha ishlamayapti, lekin xavotir olmang! Bot yaqin orada qayta faoliyatini boshlaydi.

📱 Telegram | 🌐 Instagram

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📌Kun viktorinasiga barcha qatnashishi mumkin. Javoblaringizni maktabingiz nomi, ishlasangiz ish joyingiz nomi va to'liq ismingiz bilan @it_world_space ga telegram orqali soat 19:00 gacha yuboring.

🏆Oy davomida eng ko'p to'g'ri javoblarni topgan ishtirokchi "Oyning eko-zukkosi" nominatsiyaga ega bo'ladi. Barchadan faollikni kutib qolamiz.

🔥Hammaga omad!

©️Andijon shahridagi Prezident maktabining Eko-klub axborot xizmati

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