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218 0 0 15 24


Comments bilan fayzli ekan kanalim 😄 )))

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~ My dreams are just dreams?

373 0 5 13 36

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Bu post gravity falls multfilmi haqida. Mening eng yaxshi ko'rgan multfilmim desa ham bo'ladi. 2 ta sezon va 20 tadan epizod agar adashmayotgan bo'lsam. Bosh qahramonlar egizak Dipper 😁 va Mabel 😋 shahardan Gravity falls shaharchasiga summer break'ga keladi va ushbu sirli shaharchani kashf qilishadi.

Bu multfilm faqat bolalar uchun emas balki katta yoshdagilarni qiziqtirib qoladi deb o'ylayman. Ko'rishga arziydi, shaxsan o'zim 3- marta ko'ryapman😂

Gravity falls haqida o'zbek tilida video ham bor : https://www.youtube.com/watch?si=-nuY3OvH7l1jVpnn&v=B9l2XNV0Yx0&feature=youtu.be

Xullas bu postni laptopda yozdim😅 chunki telefonim zaryadi yo'q va u mendan juda uzoqda qolib ketgan.

Post yoqgan bo'lsa commentariyaga 3 ta "🌚🌚🌚" yozing😁.


386 0 4 17 27

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Love the people who love cats >>>

Random catlover kids on the street 😀

419 0 1 10 26

Forward from: Mubina’s light ☀️
📌This is an important message

As the last ten days of Ramadan approach, it’s time to intensify worship to your maximum capacity. These days are special because Laylatul Qadr (The Night of Power) falls during them.

Laylatul Qadr is a night when all prayers are accepted, your duas are granted, and your good deeds are multiplied. On Laylatul Qadr, angels, including Jibril (Gabriel), descend with blessings, mercy, and peace, carrying out Allah’s decrees for the upcoming year, including births, deaths, provisions, and calamities. This means that—

If a car accident, failure, or disease were destined to occur to someone in the upcoming year, he or she can make a dua on Laylatul Qadr, and by the will of Allah, their destiny can be changed. Isn’t that beautiful?🤩

For me, Laylatul Qadr is like a portal to another world—where all your dreams come true. Last year, on this very night, I prayed to Allah Azzawajal to achieve my goals. Every single one of my duas was answered in a beautiful way. My nose surgery, IELTS 8, and acceptance into NYUAD are all results of my sincere prayers on Laylatul Qadr.

So what should you do?👇🏻

Firstly, make a list of things you want to achieve in the following year or in the future.⏺ It might be studying at top universities, academic achievements, personal growth, wealth, success—whatever you want. Don’t limit yourself to small wishes; ask Allah for great blessings. Allah is Al-‘Atheem (The Magnificent, The Supreme) and Al-Qadeer (The Capable, The Powerful).

Pray voluntary prayers
Nafl namaz, Taraweeh, and Tahajjud. Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) (p.b.u.h) said, “Our Lord, the Blessed, the Superior, descends every night to the nearest heaven to us when the last third of the night remains, saying: ‘Is there anyone to invoke Me so that I may respond to their invocation? Is there anyone to ask Me so that I may grant their request? Is there anyone seeking My forgiveness so that I may forgive them?’”

Give charity🤩
Acts of giving hold multiplied rewards. Since this night is “better than a thousand months,” any donation given holds unparalleled value. Donating on this night is an excellent way to increase your blessings.

Recite the Qur’an📖
Reflecting on the Qur’an and its meanings can bring peace and closeness to Allah (SWT).

Make Duas🤲
Offer sincere duas for yourself, your parents, friends, relatives, and the ummah of Muhammad (s.a.w).

The best dua to recite on Laylatul Qadr is:

اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ تُحِبُّ العَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّي

Allahumma innaka afuwwun tuhibbu al-‘afwa fa’fu anni

(O Allah, You are All-Forgiving, and You love forgiveness, so forgive me.)

I hope you will catch night of Qadr and may Allah grant your wishes🌎


~ he is pure Scottish Fold. One of ma fav' cat breed

423 0 3 12 34

Btw, Navroʻz bayrami muborak ☀️💃

Books obzori 😄⭐️

389 0 0 26 26

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Qaysi kitoblarni olganimni koʻrmadim deb hisoblaylar, boshqattan shoshmasdan uyda obzor qilib beraman😂

Remark va Dostoyevskiy kitoblari chegirmada yoʻq ekan 🥲.

Mobodoga tugʻilgan kunim 5 oydan keyin 😏🌚

Forward from: CLOSED 🚫🔒
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Asaxiy books da vashshe chegirmalar, men 3 ta kitob oldim 60 ming ga xolos, borila va meni duo qilib qoʻyilar 😭

381 0 1 13 29

Agar rasmlar chiroyli chiqqan boʻlsa shu postga JIDU’ni logosini “⚡️” bosing. 😁

467 0 0 4 118
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