🔸 Speaking Practice - Darajalar bo‘yicha
🔺 Savol: What is your favorite way to relax?
✅ B1 (Beginner-Intermediate) – Oddiy javob:
I like to relax by watching movies or listening to music. Sometimes, I read a book or take a short walk. It helps me feel better after a busy day.
✅ B2 (Upper-Intermediate) – Batafsil javob:
When I need to relax, I usually listen to my favorite music or read a book. If I have more time, I enjoy going for a walk in nature or practicing meditation. These activities help me clear my mind and feel refreshed.
✅ C1 (Advanced) – Murakkab va tabiiy javob:
For me, relaxation is about finding balance. I love unwinding with a good book or a thought-provoking podcast. If I feel overwhelmed, I go for a long walk or practice mindfulness. Sometimes, I also enjoy creative activities like journaling or playing music. Taking time to relax allows me to stay productive and motivated.
Siz qaysi levelda javob bera olasiz? O‘z javobingizni yozib qoldiring! 🔺
✈️ @englishmadeena
🔺 Savol: What is your favorite way to relax?
✅ B1 (Beginner-Intermediate) – Oddiy javob:
I like to relax by watching movies or listening to music. Sometimes, I read a book or take a short walk. It helps me feel better after a busy day.
✅ B2 (Upper-Intermediate) – Batafsil javob:
When I need to relax, I usually listen to my favorite music or read a book. If I have more time, I enjoy going for a walk in nature or practicing meditation. These activities help me clear my mind and feel refreshed.
✅ C1 (Advanced) – Murakkab va tabiiy javob:
For me, relaxation is about finding balance. I love unwinding with a good book or a thought-provoking podcast. If I feel overwhelmed, I go for a long walk or practice mindfulness. Sometimes, I also enjoy creative activities like journaling or playing music. Taking time to relax allows me to stay productive and motivated.
Siz qaysi levelda javob bera olasiz? O‘z javobingizni yozib qoldiring! 🔺
✈️ @englishmadeena