But why?They say
out of respect to Mr.Bekzod and all the work he has done for the IELTS community. I
agree with this part, and I said it publicly once: he deserves
a lot of respect, mine included. But does it mean my
contribution is less? What if I impacted and changed more lives than him?
(Not saying I did) This is a slippery slope (a dangerous situation/claim). That's why it is
foolish to make
a video comparing 2 teachers. And
that's why I asked for its removal. I
DON'T need a correction video.
I need those 2 videos gone.
I need justice. Alisher Sadullaev and
IDP can serve justice by
(1) taking down the video and
(2) making an apology message. Is an
apology message
necessary? Yes, we
cannot trust our leaders if they are
not willing to accept their faults and
seek forgiveness, just as we turn to God for repentance
as an admission of our sins.
Without an apology, they
grow a thick skin and become more
likely to act immoral again. I cannot do it alone. I need your help. You can
see with your eyes what they did is wrong.
If you ignore it while having power and choice to change it, you become part of this lie. Here's what we can do.
1. Repost these messages as much as we can2. Boycott IDP (I officially ended our partnership)These messages might get me in trouble, but I know I will get in much bigger trouble if I betray my values.
Choice is ours. Choice is yours. I choose to act.