Doniyor Abdurakhmonov, IELTS 8.5

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, English
Category: Education

Farg'ona shahridagi eng ishonchli IELTS instruktorlardan biri
Overall 8.5 four times
- Reading 9.0
- Listening 9.0
- Writing 8.5
- Speaking 8.5
Wall Street o'quv markazi o'qituvchisi va asoschilaridan biri

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Does this mean fast?

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KIDNAP AND LEARN, ya'ni do'stingizni olib kelib, online kurs oling degan loyihada shu ikkala online kursim bepulga beriladi, do'stlar✅

Batafsil ma'lumot:


Markazimiz talabasi bo'lsangiz ham yoki bo'lmasangiz ham, qatnashishingiz mumkin🚀

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Darsdagi uyqusiraganlarni tasvirlaydigan gif ekan😅

Students in afternoon groups:

Tired, sleepy, hungry, unwilling, desperate to go home.

Even worse if it is Saturday afternoon😅

Lord grant me patience and energy to keep them awake during the lesson!

Read, enjoy and leave 🔥reaction...

If you don't enjoy, that means you didn't understand it well😅

Offering decent quality healthcare services is important in every country, and because of that, some nations have started to provide their residents with free medical services. Although it can be challenging and problematic in a few cases, I believe free healthcare generally has more advantages.

Admittedly, caring for people's health with no charge might bring certain challenges. Firstly, it will be virtually impossible for certain nations considering the costs it brings. Hiring professional doctors, providing hospitals with cutting-edge equipment and supplying effective drugs require immense sums of money, so offering all these services for free certainly remains beyond the financial means of developing and relatively poorer countries. In addition, once it is rendered available to everyone with zero charge, healthcare might start to be taken for granted. Because people have a natural inclination not to appreciate the things that are given for free, health services might also lose their value, or precious medical resources might be wasted.

That said, there are many significant benefits that cannot be ignored. One such advantage is to enable the poor to care for and improve their health. Due to the excessively high costs of private medical services, many poor people cannot afford the treatment and have to suffer from severe medical conditions, such as cancer or asthma, for a long time. Yet in the countries offering free healthcare, everyone, no matter their financial status, is eligible to treatment. Another upside is to improve the overall health levels of society. Those who delay their treatment because of the high costs of health services or expensive medications can receive treatment on a regular basis, which will lead to healthier citizens overall. In turn, people are likely to live a healthier, longer, and so, happier life.

In conclusion, although it may remain as a utopian dream for some countries and carry the risk of health services losing value, free healthcare generally proves more advantageous. It gives poor people the chance to get rid of serious sicknesses as well as leads to a healthier and happier community.



I will soon upload my essay for this question.

The one we wrote with an IELTS standard group✅

Random shot from a writing lesson😅

would never forgive myself if I don't fill up the boards several times each lesson.

Welcome to WALL STREET LC🚀


Never seen a bear or bird dance?

Then check out these videos😃

Kecha pre-IELTS guruh talabalarim bilan Birds of Paradise haqida reading passage yechgan edik.

O'sha qushlar raqs qilishi haqidagi readingdagi ma'lumotning isboti BBC chiqargan yuqoridagi videolarda ko'rishingiz mumkin.

Ayiqlar ko'rsatilgani daxshatli ekan rostan ham😂


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I would title this video:

The more the merrier😄😎

P.S: I manage to pay individual attention to every one of them. How?

Come and check out by attending the lesson😄

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O'tgan oy davomida talabalar natijasini post qilolmadim.

Xudo xoxlasa, bir qancha judayam mehnatkash talabalar mart oyida exam topshirishmoqda, natijalarini Alloh nasib qilsa e'lon qilamiz.

Yuqorida esa aksariyat post qilinmagan resultlarni qoldiryapman.

Dilobar 6.5, with 7 in speaking
It wasn't an easy prep for her as she has a family and a baby, yet she's done impressively well!

We've applied for EoR, and I believe it'll change to an overall 7.0 soon, in shaa Allah.

Rakhmonali 6.5, with 7.0 in reading/listening

Ali is a great guy, soon getting a degree in medicine, and he got the exact result he needed, thank God!

Charos 6.5, with 7.0 in listening.

It was her first attempt and she's pleased with what she has achieved as someone who is still in high school.

Fakhriddin 6.0

Another nice guy majoring in medicine, and he's content that God granted him a band score enough for all his plans!

Khojiakbar 6.0, with 7.0 in listening

As a school graduate, he needed a 6.0 for starting his bachelor's degree.

And here we are - God gave him the band score he wanted and needed

Quote'ni ochib, har bir talaba haqidagi qisqacha fikrni o'qishingiz mumkin✅

📱@doniyorIELTS - helping you achieve exactly what you need

WALL STREET LC - where I work, where I belong☄️

Fame is a weird concept, isn't it?

The video of something as simple as going clothes shopping with your wife gets watched by almost 400K people😅.

Brian Shaw is a multiple-time World's Strongest Man champion.

Standing at over 2 meters tall and weighing nearly 200 kg, he's quite a popular social media personality too.


O'zimdagi bu yangi pre-IELTS guruh Xudo xoxlasa ertaga boshlanadi, do'stlar.

Bir nechta joylar hozircha mavjud - ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun @doniyor_IELTS ga bog'lanishingiz mumkin✅

Yuqoridagi savol oxirgi imtihonimda berilgan Writing Task 2 savoli.

O'tgan hafta talabalar bilan darsda yozib ko'rgan edik.

100% bir xil deb ayta olmayman - lekin umuman olganda shu shakldagi essay yozgan edim.

O'qib chiqib, foyda olishingiz mumkin☄️

The only purpose of advertising is to persuade people to buy more than they need.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Advertising has always been an important tool for businesses to promote their products. However, some people now argue that the only purpose it has is to sell people more than necessary. I generally disagree with this argument.

Admittedly, adverts persuading people to buy excessively could be true in some cases. Because advertising is used by businesses whose intention is mainly to generate as much income as possible, this can sometimes mean exploiting customers. It can be done by offering them enticing discounts and leading them to make poor buying decisions. For example, many clothes shops offer discounts on, say, T-shirts that are bought in larger quantities, and attracted to the cheaper price, customers end up buying too many of them even if they do not actually need. Therefore, I would admit that the statement in question is true in some instances.

However, I cannot say that this is the only purpose advertising has as it also serves in other more important ways. The ultimate goal of making adverts is to fully inform potential customers about the product. This involves highlighting all the features of the item and emphasizing that it can meet the needs customers currently have. In addition, advertisements also offer solutions for the issues people are facing. I have recently seen a TV commercial for liquid soap, which stressed that traditional bars of soap get soaked easily and become wasted, and this problem can be tackled by their product in the liquid form. This way, advertising is trying to sell people exactly what they need for their current needs and problems, rather than more than they need.

In conclusion, although some businesses run advertisement campaigns for the purpose of persuading people to buy too much, it is wrong to assume that this is the only purpose of adverts. They are primarily intended to inform potential customers about the product as well as offer practical solutions for the issues currently bothering them.


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This is how I came home today after finishing work 30 minutes before breaking the fast😅

Happy Ramadan, my brothers and sisters. God bless us all!


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Xudo xoxlasa shu kelayotgan seshanba, 4 - martdan o'zimda yangi pre-IELTS guruh boshlanmoqda, do'stlar🚀

Qatnashish uchun @doniyor_ielts ga xabar qoldirsangiz kifoya✅

Video haqida fikrlar kutaman😅


1.7k 0 15 24 55

Voice message'ni eshitib chiqib, aytib o'tilgan faktorlarga mos kelsangiz, men bilan o'sha zahoti bog'laning, do'stlar✅

Find me at @teacher_doniyor


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