Diyorbek’s notes

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, English

Lester B Scholar (full-ride) @ UofT‘28
Personal notes & opinions: Stats, computer science, and life of Prospective Student at the University of Toronto!

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nice and easy. first midterm of the semester. easy 10%


2. freedom. you do whatever you want during entire semester, but they will talk with you in exams. honestly, a lot. i will write a post about it later

3. but?

4. very good actually. i wrote very long comment on her post too '' rel='nofollow'>

1. soxta dakument ishlatishdan maksimalniy qochish kerak

2. no


4. what about it?

5. yes, they do

1. i literally don’t care. i am in the most tolerant country for such things. i can’t say anything

2. Barca

3. no, Uzbek. we do long-distance idea

5. i had no such choice. it was a destiny. but the thing i understood after coming here was a building your career over here is quite easier in Canada than the US. feels safe. a lot of Indians. multicultural people.

e adashib kettim, boshqa binoga borib qo’yibman

i just saw a guy with t shirt under negative 5 degrees and snowfall

1. @dnmzvv

2. interface is completely different. core is the same. yes, you can get that if admissions is still open

1. tax code? social insurance number niyam so’rang😂

2. It’s because you study in Turkiye not in well-developed foreign country. the second part of your question answers the first part.

1. habarim yo’q, manimcha unaqa qilishmaydi

2. ikkuyizlamachilik. soxtalik

3. teparoqda javob berdi hal bo’ldi deb

4. you should write your honours you got so far

1. deadline has passed for most facilities. January 15. you may find some open programs until march

2. free things don’t have a value. my time is limited. but i always help people in critical financial situations for free

3. yo’q arzimaydi. Siz bundanda ko’prog’iga loyiqsiz. Turkiye Burslarini unuting va magistraturaga yaxshiroq joyga harakat qiling

1. which post exactly?

2. va aleykum assalom, yaxshiman, rahmat. hozir qiyin bo’lib qolgan Kanadani vizasi ham, agar soxta dakument ishlatsangiz bilib qolishyapti, hatto University of Torontoni o’ziga kelmoqchi bo’lganlarda ham

3. boshingiz oqqan tarafga

4. thanks. i don’t look like that in real life tho

1. never. you have to do separate application for that. it’s even more serious than applying university itself

2. topshirish

3. i know some of them

4. yes, i avoided to answer this, but it’s already 6-7th time, someone asked this. i do have a girlfriend and priorities.

davomi keyinroq

Forward from: Alisher Sadullaev
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⚡️Bu yoshlar bilan butun O'zbekiston faxrlansa arziydi!

Dunyoning eng nufuzli universitetlarida o'z bilimi, mehnati va harakati bilan tengdoshlariga o'rnak bo'layotgan bir guruh yoshlar bilan tanishing. Ularning rejalari va niyatlari olam-olam. Eng xayron qolarlisi, ular hamma ta'lim olishni orzu qiladigan oliygohlarga 100% grant asosida qabul qilinishgan, xususan Harvard, Stanford, Columbia, MIT va yana o'nlab nufuzli top universitetlar shu jumlasidandir.

Biz ular bilan yoshlar uchun yangi loyihalarni muhokama qildik, yangi rejalar tuzdik. Umid qilamanki, o'zbekistonlik yoshlar uchun global maydonda loyihalarimiz yana ko'payadi!

#uzbekpower #top100 #youth #uzbekistan

390 0 12 5 30

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i don’t know what i am doing in science class, neither do i understand it. but guess what, i am enjoying it

Biz o’tmishi buyuk, kelajagi mavhum xalqmiz…

996 0 5 10 46

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proud of you, brother!

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