Diyorbek Zokirov | Speaking

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, English
Category: Education

📌 IELTS 7.5 | CEFR Multilevel C1 (Overall 71) (SPEAKING 71)
👨‍🏫 3+ teaching experience
Murojat uchun: @DiyorbekZokirov

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Uzbekistan, English
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seni mashxur domlang😅

458 0 1 34 53

eshittilami domla uje oltindan bo'gan krujkada choy ichyabdi ekan😅

Nima bo'b o'libdi: 🙄

Ko'p shokolad yeb o'libdi😅

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420 0 4 31 32

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429 0 4 10 39

Today is the day in which The Winner was born 🎉

I wish all the best to my little nigga - a colleague and (although he is young) my best friend. He possesses a rare combination of knowledge, patience, and genuine passion for teaching. 🔥

Go congratulate him @IbrohimovMuhammadbilol 🥳


Nomering nechi?


shunday nomerdan telefon qilishdi desam ishonasizlarmi?

Forward from: Articles in English
yolg‘iz o‘tkazadigan so‘nggi qishimiz shu bo‘lsin)

580 0 0 16 55

Forward from: Davronbek Turdiev Jamiyati
Agar sen boy oiladan bo’lmasang, boy oila sendan boshlanishi kerak.

Bunday narsalarga ishonib yurmanglar

va anavi programmani tortmanglar

internet speed 🚀

Jasur, my friend, has recently started his instagram channel.

you better go and subscribe to him:)

Forward from: Jasur Nematullaev | IELTS 8.0
I’ve finally started Instagram - first time in my life, as part of my 2025 goals.

I’m so pumped to make it happen. I’ll be sharing videos, tips and everything you need to help in your journey towards IELTS.

Here’s my first video:

Your support means everything — see you there! 😊

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Hop shunday qilib qanday maqsadlar qo'ydilar 2025 ga?

Being masculine?

1k 0 0 19 23

The end of the marathon ‼️

Mana insonlar bugun marathonimizni so'ngi kuni ham tugadi.

Nima deb o'ylaysizlar intermediate (5.0/5.5)) darajadagilar uchun ham speaking marathon qilaymi yoki qandaydir takloflaring bormi?

Part 2 Question:

Describe an achievement you are proud of. You should say:
- What the achievement is
- How you achieved it
- What challenges you faced
- And explain why it is important to you.

Sample Answer:

One achievement I am proud of is completing a marathon. I prepared for it by running every day and building up my stamina. It was very challenging, especially on days when I felt tired, but I kept going. Completing the marathon was important to me because it showed me that I can achieve anything if I work hard and stay determined.


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