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Qo’shilish uchun majburiyat yo’q🙋🏻‍♂️
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❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥FEVRAL DA imtihon topshiruvchilar diqqatiga

🎓 Multilevel C1 egasi, 5+ yillik tajriba, online kurslarda 1000lab B2/C1 chiqargan Namanganlik Mr.Muhammadayub teacherdan BEPUL darslar!

15-Fevral sanasigacha sizga qoʻlimdan kelganicha Cefr imtihoniga tayyorlab bermoqchiman. IELTS chilar ham qatnashsa boʻladi nimalarni oʻrgataman👇

⬇️Advanced C1 Grammar topics
⬇️WRITING Letters and TASK2 essays
⬇️Reading and listening tips

🔈 IELTS,Multilevel, Pre-Multilevel, Pre-Intermediate darajalari uchun.

Hech qanday shartlarsiz. Faqat sizdan intizomli va faol boʻlish talab qilinadi

Har kunlik Mock ⬇️@IELTS_CEFR_SECRETS

▪️Hoziroq BEPUL darslarga Qoʻshilish uchun :


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When ........ , ........
There are.......
Would ........
It is better to......
Want to......
Present Simple......
Future Simple.....
Able to.....
Who ( relative clauses ).....
May / Might.....
Have the chance to.....
Have access to.....
Present Continuous.....
More / less likely to.....
If conditionals.....

Manashu grammars dan foydalanib Simonjon akaxon Writing Band 9 olayabdida turimi ?

Bu grammarlarni siz va biz yaxshi bilamiz , lekin yaxshi bu qanchalik yaxshi ?
Essayda ishlatilgan lug'atlarni ham bilamiz .
Lekin muammo nimada ?

Men sizlarga essaydan sklet yasab olib , ESSAY yozishingizni emas balki tushunib turib , ichidagi yaxshi grammarlarni va uslublarni o'zingizni bilimingiz bilan foydalanib yozishingizni maslahat beraman !!!

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✅Strengths of this essay :

↪️ Keeping the ideas simple and comprehensive that a reader can understand easily .

↪️ Using a wide range of grammars that make the essay more colourful .

↪️ Some topic-related vocabularies ( i will teach you how to gather topical vocabs while you are writing an esaay , and one method to create relevant vocabularies based on topic will also be taught.

↪️ Lastly , logical order making the essay smooth and more easy to stay on attention .

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#discussionessay #band9

Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful career , while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

When they finish school , teenagers face the dilemma of whether to get a job or continue their education while there are some benefits to getting a job straight after school, i would argue that it is better to go to college or university.

The option to start work straight after shoool is attractive for several reasons . Many young people want to start earning money as soon as possible . In this way , they become independent and they will be able to afford their own house or start a family . In terms of their career , young people who decide to find work rather than continue thair studies , may progress more quickly . They will have the chance to gain real experience and learn practical skills to their chosen profession .This may lead to promotions and a successful career .

On the other hand , i believe that it is more beneficial for students to continue their studies . Firstly , academic qualifications are required in many professions . For example it is impossible to become a doctor , teacher or lawyer without having the relevant degree . As a reasult , university graduates have access to more and better job opportunities , and they tend to earn higher salaries than thise with fewer qualifications . Secondly , the job market is becoming increasingly competitive and sometimes there are hundreds of applicants for one position in a company . Young peeple who do not have qualifications from a university or college will not be able to compete.

For the reasons mentioned above , it seems to me that students are more likely to be successful in their careers if they continue their studies beyond school level .

271 words Band 9 | SIMON

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Multilevel Baholash mezoni

So’raganlar uchun⚡️⚡️⚡️☝️

Multilevel Writing Mock Test

Sample javoblari keyinroq beriladi✅


Multilevel Listening Mock Test

Javoblari keyinroq kanalimizga yuklanadi✅


Multilevel Reading Mock Test

Javoblari keyinroq kanalimizga yuklanadi✅


Topic based vocabulary for house 🏡

🏠Build a house - uy qurmoq

🏠Share a house - uyni birga ijaraga olib yashash

🏠Demolish a house - uyni buzib tashamoq

🏠Renovate a house - uyni rekonstruksiya qilmoq

🏠Break into a house - uyga bostirib kirmoq (nimadir oʻgʻirlash uchun)

🏠Move house - koʻchib oʻtmoq

🏠Live in a house - uyda yashamoq

🏠Stay at someone's house - kimnidir uyida qolmoq

🏠Pass someone's house - kimnidir uyi yonidan oʻtmoq

🏠Lock yourself out of the house - uyda qulflanib qolmoq



Atomic Habits - James Clear @IELTS_Dr.pdf
Atomic Habits by James Clear

♻️ Share with your friends!


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Odamlar nima deydi?

Odamlar nima desa desin, odamlar doim gapirgan va gapiradi...

Ularning gaplariga "tupuring" va "yashashni" boshlang!


Book 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻


⭐️Bottomless desire
( cheksiz / kuchli xohish )

I have a bottomless desire to earn bachelor's degree . Because it will open opportunity gates to find a high-paid job .

Highlights ( good language )

Earn bachelor's / master's degree - bakalavr yoki magistratura diplomini qo'lga kiritmoq.

Opportunity gates - imkoniyat eshiklari.

A high-paid job - yuqori maoshli kasb.

To be about to Verb - biror bir ishni qilish arafasida.

For ages - uzoq vaqtdan beri / anchadan beri.


Inglizcha qiziqishga o’qib qo’yadigan kitob tashlasam nma deysizlar???

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