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9.2k 0 145 72 99

Happy International Women’s Day!

A common mistake among Uzbek learners is saying β€œcongratulate with 8th of March.”

Instead, remember that we congratulate people on their achievements, but for holidays, we wish them happy holidays!

10.7k 0 21 48 333

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I think such an animated version of the Task 1 graph would make it easier for candidates to describe the changes. Would you agree?

11.1k 0 58 54 197

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I’ve never taken Donald Trump seriously, even back when he first announced his run in 2016. His understanding of politics, the economy, medicineβ€”you name itβ€”just feels so surface-level. People might say I’ve been brainwashed by the mainstream media, but honestly, if you actually listen to what he says and fact-check him, it’s hard not to cringe at how often he contradicts himself or just flat-out gets things wrong. The sad part is, a lot of people either don’t notice or don’t care, which is probably why he won so decisively in 2024. Just watch this videoβ€”he’s completely twisting the facts while trying to justify cutting funding for medical research.

11.9k 0 42 144 157


Here’s something funny to watch before bed.

This SNL episode from last year pokes fun at the imperial measurement system used in the US, along with a few other American oddities.

Here’s a little excerpt:

One of the soldiers: so, in football, there’s no kicking?

Washington: there’s a little kicking… you kick the ball to get points

Another soldier: how many points, sir?

Washington: sometimes 1, and sometimes 3.

Are you ready to have your mind blown?

Meet Miles, the new AI voice. I just had a lot of fun talking to himβ€”he sounds just like a real person!

The future is here… but should we be excited or a little freaked out?

14.7k 3 514 51 58

12.6k 0 138 18 60

Rahmat katta tabrik uchun!

Aytdim nimaga bugun kun ochilib ketdi deb πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜„.

Gap buyoqda ekan-da.

15.5k 0 4 169 335

What a beautiful day in Tashkent! β˜€οΈπŸŒž

Finally it feels like the spring is here, doesn’t it?! 🌺🌼🌿

What is the weather like today where you live?

16.3k 0 4 195 305

March is here, which means it’s time for a new book!

This month, my goal is to read The Black Swan by Nassim Taleb.

21.5k 0 63 73 250

Can you believe that this is hand-drawn?

Today my team-mates and I were honored to meet the students and teachers at the National Institute of Painting and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod.

17.6k 0 13 84 401

Forward from: IELTS ZONE 9.0

πŸ•― Ramazon oyi nafaqat yeb-ichish va gunohlardan tiyilish, shu bilan birga Β«ilmΒ» olish oyi hamdir.

9️⃣ IELTS ZONE jamoasi eng kuchli instruktorlari bilan birgalikda, IELTS kandidatlari uchun 1 oylik Β«Ramazon ChallengeΒ» tashkillashtirmoqda.

πŸ“ˆ Challenge davomidagi darslar CELTA va IELTS 8.5 - 9.0 ballga ega o'qituvchilarimiz tomonidan o'tiladi.

βœ”οΈ Challenge’da qatnashish mutlaqo bepul! Faqatgina, ushbu postni do'stlaringiz bilan ulashsangiz kifoya.

πŸ”– Challengeda qatnashish uchun ushbu havolaga bosing

πŸŽ™ Darslar saharlikdan so'ng, IELTS ZONE telegram kanalida soat 06:00 da bo'lib o'tadi.

πŸ“± @ieltszone_uz

17k 0 143 30 206

From sunny Sharm to snowy Tashkent! πŸ₯Ά

20k 0 9 66 422

Is there anyone else who is coming to Sharm El-Sheikh in the coming 2-3 days?

27k 0 6 78 227

Sharm is charming me with its stellar translation work :)

30.3k 0 18 63 350

I’m currently in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. Does this mean I’ve finally set foot on African soil, or is Sharm still considered part of Asia?

Guess where I am )

23.8k 0 10 24 109

Today, we’ll be reading an article about the key differences between the Apple Watch and a dedicated fitness wearableβ€”the Whoop.

28.4k 1 161 65 93
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