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🗓 March 6, 2025

💬 The country that measures happiness

📖 Is happiness the key to success? Pippa and Neil explore Bhutan’s unique approach to measuring happiness, discuss what brings people joy, and examine whether well-being matters more than economic growth—all while teaching useful vocabulary.

Don't forget to take some note. Learn more new words.
📼 @bbc_podcast_channel‌‌

🗓 February 27, 2025

💬 A vaccine for cancer

📖 Could a cancer vaccine soon be a reality, offering new hope in the fight against this disease? Beth and Neil discuss this groundbreaking possibility and teach you some new vocabulary.

Don't forget to take some note. Learn more new words.
📼 @bbc_podcast_channel‌‌

🗓 27 August 2020 (Archive)

💬 What's the point of blood types?

📖 What's your blood type? In this programme we’ll be finding out all about blood – why humans have different blood types and whether blood is something more than just a way of pumping oxygen around your body. And of course, we’ll be teaching some new vocabulary as well.

Don't forget to take some note. Learn more new words.
📼 @bbc_podcast_channel‌‌

🗓 03 September 2020(Archive)

💬 How to talk about conspiracy theories.

📖 Conspiracy theories are not a new phenomenon - some people still don't believe that man has ever been to the Moon. But with the coronavirus pandemic has come a huge wave of novel online misinformation, including some outlandish ideas, and some panicky people are buying into them. Neil and Sam discuss what to do when you are confronted with someone who spreads falsehoods.

Don't forget to take some note. Learn more new words.
📼 @bbc_podcast_channel‌‌


Bright/smart - intelligent (aqlli)

✨ Buy - purchase (xarid qilmoq)

✨ Build - construct (qurmoq)

✨ But - however (ammo)

✨ Bad - negative (yomon)

✨ Break out - erupt (boshlanib ketmoq)

✨ Block - undermine (to'sqinlik qilmoq)

✨ Blow up - explode (portlamoq)

✨ Boss - employer (ish boshlig'i)

✨ Brave - courageous (jasur)

✨ Better - improved (yaxshiroq)

✨ Big - enormous (ulkan)

🏛  @bbc_podcast_channel

🗓 10 September 2020 (Archive)

💬 Is there a future without bees?

📖 Bee numbers are declining at an alarming rate and in some places disappearing altogether, which has serious consequences for humans. Today, one third of the food we eat depends on insects to pollinate crops, fruit and vegetables. Busy bees Neil and Sam discuss what's being done to find a solution to the problem, and teach you vocabulary along the way.

Don't forget to take some note. Learn more new words.
📼 @bbc_podcast_channel

Eng kerakli iboralar yodlang😀

⭐️Rely on - tayanib qolmoq, o'rganib qolmoq
⭐️Introduce to - ga tanishtirmoq
⭐️Approve of - maqullamoq
⭐️Insist on - talab qilmoq
⭐️Introduce to - ga tanishtirmoq
⭐️Glance at - tikilmoq
⭐️Worry about - haqida havotirlanmoq
⭐️Congratulate on - Tabriklamoq
⭐️Displeased with - qoniqmaslik, mamnun bolmaslik, yoqtirmaslik
⭐️Include in - ichiga olmoq, qamrab olmoq
⭐️Comment on - da, haqida fikr bildirmoq
⭐️Disapprove of - maqullamaslik, inkor etmoq
⭐️Advantage of - ijobiy tomon
⭐️In time - o'z vaqtida(belgilanmagan vaqtlar uchun rejalashtirlmagan vaqtlar uchun)
⭐️On time – vaqtida(belgilangan vaqtlar uchun )
⭐️Wait for – kutmoq
⭐️Take off – yechmoq
⭐️Crowded with - bilan gavjum, to'la

🏛 @bbc_podcast_channel

🗓 February 20, 2025

💬 Young women on social media

📖 How do women in different countries experience the online world? Beth and Neil discuss this and teach you some new vocabulary.

Don't forget to take some note. Learn more new words.
📼 @bbc_podcast_channel

20 last posts shown.