1. On the whole - Umuman olganda
- "On the whole, it was a successful event."
2. Out of nowhere - Toβsatdan
- "The idea came to me out of nowhere."
3. Now and then - Vaqti-vaqti bilan
- "I visit my grandparents now and then."
4. Bear in mind - E'tiborga olmoq
- "Bear in mind that deadlines are approaching."
5. Frankly speaking - Toβgβrisini aytganda
- "Frankly speaking, I don't like this job."
6. At the end of the day - Nihoyat
- "At the end of the day, results speak for themselves."
7. In the blink of an eye - Bir zumda
- "Everything changed in the blink of an eye."
1. On the whole - Umuman olganda
- "On the whole, it was a successful event."
2. Out of nowhere - Toβsatdan
- "The idea came to me out of nowhere."
3. Now and then - Vaqti-vaqti bilan
- "I visit my grandparents now and then."
4. Bear in mind - E'tiborga olmoq
- "Bear in mind that deadlines are approaching."
5. Frankly speaking - Toβgβrisini aytganda
- "Frankly speaking, I don't like this job."
6. At the end of the day - Nihoyat
- "At the end of the day, results speak for themselves."
7. In the blink of an eye - Bir zumda
- "Everything changed in the blink of an eye."