Azizbek Ashrabboyev 🇺🇿🌍

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@abdulazizziy Mashallah brother !

Umra safari muborak bo'lsin🤩😅

379 1 10 11 16

Assalomu aleykum dear friends.

Happy New AD 2025 year !

Wish you good luck, happiness and health. Hope you will achieve your previous and new goals in 2025!

Thank you for being with us!

Ruhshona opa got into IVY .

#1 University in Business - UPenn ⚡️🤩🫡

🇺🇿There are 2 Uzbek girl in UPenn

Despite her gap years, she showed us that being diligent and dedicated to one's goal pays off .


Forward from: Ruhshona Sobirova
Hello everyone! I am Ruhshona, and I recently got into the University of Pennsylvania with a full ride scholarship.  I come from Navoi and graduated from a public school last year.

Welcome to my channel!

December "yonyapti"

Class of 2029 so far :

😳New Uzbek student at Harvard , Class of 2029. ✅ Abdulaziz jo'ra debate
😳New Uzbek student at UPenn, Class of 2029. ✅ Ruxshona
New Uzbek student at Vanderbilt University, Class of 2029. ✅ Jamshidbek aka
First Uzbek student at MIT, Class of 2029. ✅
😳New Uzbek student at Cornell, Class of 2029 Temur
New Uzbek student at Duke Kushan, Class of 2029 Behruz bro
💜New Uzbek student at NYUAD , Class of 2029 Mubina -Speaking Club✅


573 1 10 4 17

MIT acceptance 🤩⚡️⚡️

Dunyoda O'zbeklar tomonidan Zabt etilmagan TOP universitetlar qolmadi .

Forward from: Shunchaki...
Abdulloh Mahmudov mening Zoom orqali tanishgan, faqat onlayn o'qitgan o'quvchim.
U haqida PMda doim eng yuqori ball olib o'qigan o'quvchim - xolavachchasi - aytgan va qarindoshlar bir - biriga o'xshasa kerak degan yaxshi gumon bilan birga ishlashga rozi bo'lgan edim.
Abdulloh bilan o'tgan o'quv yilidan beri adabiyot kursi doirasida suhbatlashamiz. Asarlar tahlil qilamiz.

U har safar o'ziga xos qarashlari, xulosalari bilan hayratga soladi.

Mana bu xabar esa eng yoqimlisi bo'ldi:
Abdulloh MIT universitetining bakalavriga kirgan 1-o'zbek farzandi bo'libdi.

Faxr tuydim.
Havas qildim.
Duo qildim.
Alloh bizning farzandlarimizga-da mana shunday ta'lim dargohlarida o'qishni nasib qilsin deb astoydil orzu qildim.
Bu xursandchilikni sizlar bilan ham baham ko'ray dedim.

Forward from: Abdulaziz Sobirov
btw there’s a Uzbek UWC MIT admit

First uzbek MIT student ?????

I think Marifat Jamal will have a interview with her/him😅⚡️⚡️⚡️🚀

I know Jamshidbek aka , and have followed his channel for 2 years.
Throughout this period I witnessed my bro did his best and have lived up to his potential⚡️ .

He tried to get into the best one! Failed, Learnt and
Came back... 🚀

I admire his academic and religious excellence 💫
Congrats bro

Comebacklarni koʻpini kutamiz Khusan, Jamshidbek aka/Teacher, Ozodbek aka, Xurshid brother

Bizgayam Nasb qilsin🎯

Forward from: Jamshidbek Izzatulloh | Blog
Alhamdulillahi robbil a'lamiyn.

A full-ride scholarship to Vanderbilt University Class of 2029.


Al-khorazmiy Avlodi!!!🎯

Doniyor congrats🔥🔥

Forward from: Doniyor | Daily
Alhamdulillah! YALE, I'm coming 👑

Thank you to everyone who supported and prayed for me.

⭐️ YYGS 25' ?


🔥🔥🔥🔥 DUKE !!
Behruzzzz brrrrrruuuh

Forward from: Elbek's Journey
⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️DKU 100% FULL TUITION

⚡️⚡️ AL KHWARIZMI '25, SAT 1500


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Reaction video of Acceptance letter 🔥😅

I'm happy that my bro made it

Get some motivation
Disclaimer : video is very emotional!

+Congrats 🚀 Valera brother @valeranotes

665 0 22 10 31

Forward from: Azizbek Zaylobiddinov
Alhamdulillah. Accepted to the Harvard class of 2029’

Congrats 🚀my colleague Abdulaziz from Ibrat Farzandlari!

Abdulaziz deserves it ⚡️
His dedication and effort paid off!

Apart from that, as i witnessed myself, he truly dedicated himself to build the Ibrat Debate , which is now one of the best projects in country 🔥

Want to meet Harvarder 29' 😅
Come to debate

Forward from: Ibrat Farzandlari
Harvard’da Ibrat farzandi

🎉 Kuni kecha bizga quvonarli xabar yetib keldi.

Ibrat Debate loyihasi menejeri Azizbek Zaylobiddinov Harvard’ga qabul qilindi.

🔥 Azizbekni tabriklaymiz, Ibrat Farzandlari mana shunday jamoadoshi borligidan faxrlanadi.

Siz ham tabriklaringizni izohlarga yozishingiz mumkin:)


My friend Dilafruza ( @dilafruzalog) got the 1st place in her feild 🔥
#1 in the Republic 🤩🤩.

Congrats with achievement 🏆

Hope your success will last for a long...

20 last posts shown.