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🍃So be patient. Indeed, the promise of Allah is truth.

Quran 30:60!

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[@avid_for_books] Sherlock-Holmes The-House-of-Silk.pdf
📚The House of Silk by Anthony Horowitz

Genre: Fiction, Detective✅


📌Almost unwillingly, Holmes and Watson find themselves being drawn ever deeper into an international conspiracy connected to the teeming criminal underworld of Boston, the gaslit streets of London, opium dens and much, much more. And as they dig, they begin to hear the whispered phrase-the House of Silk-a mysterious entity that connects the highest levels of government to the deepest depths of criminality. Holmes begins to fear that he has uncovered a conspiracy that threatens to tear apart the very fabric of society.

📌The House of Silk brings Sherlock Holmes back with all the nuance, pacing, and almost superhuman powers of analysis and deduction that made him the world’s greatest detective, in a case depicting events too shocking, too monstrous to ever appear in print…until now.

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O'ylab qoldim men ham kitob yozsammikin🤔😁📚
O'zi kimdur o'qirmikin degan o'y keldi keyin😅😂

339 0 1 13 29


🍃There is a taste of happiness✨when someone goes to a bookstore looking for a book just for you📖, and because he or she likes such books, he or she chooses the books that you have wanted to read for a long time and gives you a bundle as a gift.❇️🌿 ..

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[@avid_for_books] Animal Farm - George Orwell.pdf
📚Animal Farm by George Orwell

Genre: Political satire✅


📌A farm is taken over by its overworked, mistreated animals. With flaming idealism and stirring slogans, they set out to create a paradise of progress, justice, and equality. Thus the stage is set for one of the most telling satiric fables ever penned –a razor-edged fairy tale for grown-ups that records the evolution from revolution against tyranny to a totalitarianism just as terrible.

📌When Animal Farm was first published, Stalinist Russia was seen as its target. Today it is devastatingly clear that wherever and whenever freedom is attacked, under whatever banner, the cutting clarity and savage comedy of George Orwell’s masterpiece have a meaning and message still ferociously fresh.

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🍂Sevding. Balki javobi yoʻq boʻlsa ham, sevding. Maʼsumlar misoli, yuragingni qonga toʻldirgudek sevding. Dunyoga sigʻmadi sevging, bulutlarga uchgudek sevding. Qalbingda shunday bir yonayotgan otashni tutdingki, qalbingni olovga berib sevding.
Endi esa hovuchingda gʻamning xira shabadalari…
Yuraging horgʻin, qalbing siniq. Qalbingda istirob soyalari. Qalbingda taʼriflab boʻlmas yongʻin bor. Xafasan.. Qalbingdagi sevgidan xafasan.

🍂Faqat sabr qil, ey yoʻlovchi! Ishq yoʻlida qon boʻlgan yarani davolashdagi ilk qadam ogʻriqni tekshiruvda jon ogʻritgan tashxisdir. Agar shifo istasang Shofiydan, jarohatning maqbul bir makonda ruhiy muolajaga tayyor boʻlishini xohlasang, yuragingga yarashar ishqning, sevgi va muhabbatning parvarishini sabr bilan kut.

📚“Oshiq ham boʻlmaylikmi?” kitobidan!

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​​🍃Ey alamu ranjdan ingrayotgan qalbim! Oh, oh deya zorlanmagil. Balki Alloh, Alloh  degil!

©Mavlono Jaloliddin Rumiy



[@avid_for_books] 1984 - George Orwell.pdf
📚1984 - by George Orwell

Genre: Classics, Fiction✅


📌Imagine a society where there are no laws, what does that society look like from your point of view? Now imagine a society where there are strict rules, laws that control even thinking of you and turn you into a brainless machine, what does that society look like from your point of view?

📌"If the trend of history does not change, human beings lose their humanity," george Orwell said.
The 1984 book has delicately depicted the boundary between the two communities and opens your sights to a city anti-arman community.

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418 0 15 15 11

I'm going to send one of the well-known book😅 are you ready for that?

Good Evening Bookworms!
How are you today?


🍃Agar bir insonning qalbida seni sevish uchun mittigina xohish bo'lsa, u sening finjonni qanday ushlashingga ham oshiq bo'la oladi.

©Mirach Chag'ri Oqtosh

"To'siqlarga qaramay sevdik" kitobidan📚

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🍂Ey Ko‘ngil!
Har narsa kelib-ketuvchidir.
Qara, biroz oldin olgan nafasing ham kelib-ketdi.
Sen Boqiy bo‘lganga rozi bo‘l!

©Mavlono Jaloliddin Rumiy

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[@avid_for_books] The Little Book of Ikigai.pdf
📚The Little Book of Ikigai by Ken Mogi

Genre: Personal Development✅


📌Ikigai is a Japanese phenomenon commonly understood as “your reason to get up in the morning” Ikigai can be small moments: the morning air, a cup of coffee, a compliment.It can also be deep convictions: a fulfilling job lasting friendships balanced health. Whether big or small your ikigai is the path to success and happiness in your own life.

📌Author Ken Mogi introduces five pillars of ikigai to help you make the most of each day and become your most authentic self:

1. starting small → focus on the details
2. releasing yourself → accept who you are
3. harmony and sustainability → rely on others
4. the joy of little things → appreciate sensory pleasure
5. being in the here and now → find your flow.

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Good Morning Bookworms!📚
Today I'm going to send another Ikigai book😁. So, are you ready for that? Were I you, I would wait eagerly😅
Stay tuned. Btw, Have a nice day!


🍃"Har bandada majnun yashar, yo xilqat uchun yo Xoliq uchun."

©Bekzodbek Andijoniy Ibn Ilhom

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