Road to 8.5 with Asadillo.

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Category: Linguistics

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Good morning podpishshiklar🤝

Subscribe to this channel, I will run this one mainly :) since I am not the admin of this channel.

Atak yaxshi yangiliklaram bor🤓

Forward from: G'azna
Dunyoda Nasaf va Navbahor futbol klublariga bo'lgan qiziqish keskin ortdi. Nasafga Kataloniya, Navbahorga Madrid shahri qiziqmoqda.

Google qidiruvlari bo'yicha kichik tahlil qildim - raqamlarni rasmda ko'rishingiz mumkin.

18 sentyabr kuni bo'lib o'tgan o'yinlar sabab dunyoda Nasaf, Navbahor, O'zbeklar va O'zbekistonga bo'lgan qiziqish ko'paydi.


AD and BC are abbreviations used in dating systems to designate periods of time in history.

AD stands for Anno Domini, a Latin phrase meaning "in the year of our Lord." It is used to label years after the estimated birth year of Jesus Christ. For example, AD 2023 refers to the year 2023 in the Gregorian calendar.

BC stands for Before Christ, and it refers to years before the estimated birth of Jesus Christ. Since the AD/BC dating system was first devised centuries after the events it refers to, it's worth noting that there is no year zero between BC and AD. The year immediately preceding AD 1 is referred to as 1 BC.

just for a fact

The most fucking frustrating subject


Forward from: Ulug'bek Umidjonov | 9.0
Transcript + useful language


Forward from: ART OF ENGLISH
5 My favorite vocabulary

Formulate (C2)
– aniq ifoda qilmoq
His ideas are always carefully formulated

Bother (B2) – bezovta qilmoq
I don’t want to bother her with my problems at the moment

Fulfil C1) – amalga oshirmoq (va’da, majburyatni)
She fulfilled her dream of becoming a teacher

Facilitate (C1) – yengillashtirmoq yoki osonlashtirmoq
Structured teaching facilitates learning

Betray (B2) – sotqinlik qilmoq
He was offered money to betray his colleagues

For Speaking lovers - @art_of_english4



That person who always reacts "kiss💋" is MISSING
REWARD 1000$

Both of them are quite interesting (while the former is about health and the latter is about books:))

We will smash them tomorrow

Forward from: Dilshodbek Ravshanov (9.0)
Will you feel comfortable in a car driven by a robot? - Personally, I will not feel comfortable, and as a person who's been driving for quite a considerable time, I only feel confident when I have the full control of the car. And a trusting a robot, mmm, I don't think I'm ready for that yet.


Forward from: Dilshodbek Ravshanov (9.0)
Do you use robots in daily life? - I think we all do to a certain extent, depends on what type of robot we're talking about. For example in my house, we have this robot vacuum cleaner that we have been using for a year now, and obviously we don't vacuum anything manually anymore.


Forward from: Dilshodbek Ravshanov (9.0)
Did you like any films about robots when you were a child? - I think there are some classic movies, for example, the Terminator, that are based on a story related to robots and I did watch movies like that. And I think Terminator is such a famous movie that I think everybody watched it, you know.


Forward from: Dilshodbek Ravshanov (9.0)
Are you interested in robots? - Personally, I'm not really interested in them. But I have a few friends who are very enthusiastic about everything related to technology. So those are the guys that are usually, you know, doing their research and spending time reading about robots more than myself.


Forward from: Dilshodbek Ravshanov (9.0)
How do robots affect our lives? - The impact they have is both positive and negative. The negative one is related to the employment issues humans are having these days and the positive influence is related to the fact that robots are performing some of the most difficult tasks that people used to do manually years ago.



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