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Captain is usually responsible for landing and taking off, while first officer helps him with announcements, and checklists.
For easier explanation: captain-main pilot
First officer-secondary pilot/or training officer

So here, the person wearing a cap is the captain and the younger guy is first officer. In this video, their roles are reversed. the captain let the first officer execute take off while giving him instructions.

When a planes reaches “V1” 0:36 speed, as you can hear in the video, the plane is ready to take off. And when the command “Rotate” is given, the first officer pulls the yoke towards himself to climb the plane up.

It gets a bit scary when you look at the angle the plane is climbing.
Great video for avgeeks

Instagramdan video yuklaydigan bot kerak. Kim biladi?

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Sunsets are beautiful

Making bread, let’s see how it goes

This airline, Frontier, deplaned Khabib Nurmagomedov because one of the flight attendants didn’t feel comfortable.
He was sitting next to an emergency door and according to airline policies, person sitting next to an emergency door must be usually over 19, healthy/fit, understands the language and willing to help the cabin crew in case of emergency.
Khabib was likely the most suitable person for that task, lol.
Anyways, he explained the crew and left without causing any problems.

Now you can see how influential Khabib is by looking at the comments people left under airline’s instagram post.
This kind of mistakes can cost companies millions of dollars.

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Uyghur mothers used to sing songs like this to lull their babies to sleep.

We call this an “Elley Song” in Uyghur.


She was beautiful,
but not like those girls in the magazines.
She was beautiful for the way she thought.
She was beautiful for that sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved.
She was beautiful for her ability to make other people smile even when she was sad.
No, She wasn't beautiful for something as temporary as her looks.
She was beautiful, deep down to her soul.

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Bundan yana bir xulosa olsa bo’ladi.
Bizda ham ba’zi bloggerlar xalqni “ongini ochish” fonida videolar, ko’rsatuvlar orqali g’arbga taqlidni qo’llab quvvatlaydi. Milliy an’analarni shu bilan birgalikda dinga e’tiqodni eskilik sarqiti sifatida ko’rsatishga harakatlar bor.
Feminizmga bo’lgan targ’ibotlarni ham sezgan bo’lsangiz kerak. Ayol kim, qanday ekanligini islomdan emas, ana shunday jirkanch g’arbdan, yoki islomofoblardan o’rganish biz uchun eng katta fojiadir. Jamiyatda ayol va erkak orasida muvozanatning buzilishi, jamiyatning bo’g’ini bo’lgan oilalarning buzilishiga olib keladi. Oila qurishga bo’lgan qarashlarning o’zgarishiga olib keladi. (Er nimaga kerak deganday).
Ayollarga 1920, qora tanlilarga 1964-yilda ovoz berish huquqini bergan Amerika, yokida kollektiv g’arb bugun o’zini insoniyatga javobgar ustoz deb biladi. Irony is on another level.

Yaxshi tarafini olib, o’zimizda ham qo’llaylik, lekin ular aytgan har bir gapga ko’r-ko’rona ergashib ketavermaylik. Ular musulmonlarga do’st emas.

Ichimdagi gaplarni post qilib yozaman deb qiynalib ketaman har doim. 90 foiz holatda deyarli oxirigacha yozib, keyin butunlay o’chirib tashlayman. Ming afsus.

Inson jamiyatni o’zgartirmoqchi bo’lsa avval o’zidan keyin oilasidan, farzandlaridan boshlashi kerak ekan.

Xulosa qilib olaylik. Inson huqulari haqida bong uruvchi g’arb vakillari tomondan berilgan “javoblar”. Faqatgina o’ziga to’g’ri kelganda ishlaydigan standartlar egalari. LBGTlarni qo’llab quvvatlaysizlarmi deb savol berganda edi, 100% boshqacha javob olishiga ishonaman.

1. O’zbekistonda 4-6kishilik oila uchun oyiga o’rtacha qancha xarajat qilinadi?
2. Oyiga qancha topish yetarli?
3. Kanaldagi ko’pchilik talabalardir. Studentning oylik xarajati qancha?

I know it depends on the situation. There may be patients, students in the family but how much on average is enough?
Using poll wasn’t a good option so I chose the bot for more elaborate answers!

I’ll sleep no later than 11 tonight!

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