I want to be completely honest with you and put all the cards on the table.
Networking and knowledge are key elements of overall well-being and success of human kind.
I got both of them, to some extent, here in Rahimov School.
Kecha sinfdoshlar bilan ko'rishdik, ajoyib ta'surotlar qoldi, muhim mavzular haqida suhbatlashdik va albatta ustozimiz Aziz Rahimovning maslahatlarini oldik.
Networking and knowledge are key elements of overall well-being and success of human kind.
I got both of them, to some extent, here in Rahimov School.
Kecha sinfdoshlar bilan ko'rishdik, ajoyib ta'surotlar qoldi, muhim mavzular haqida suhbatlashdik va albatta ustozimiz Aziz Rahimovning maslahatlarini oldik.