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All content here is personal opinion. Not advice or encouragement - just thoughts.
Me: @alvtdn

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"Calculus required continuity, and continuity was supposed to require the infinitely little; but nobody could discover what the infinitely little might be."

- Bertrand Russell


Some design humor from Arab colleagues to start the day with energy :)


Unlike the stomach, the brain doesn’t alert you when it’s empty

Arabic proverb



Oylarning sultoni - Ramazon oyi kirib kelmoqda!

Alloh barchamizning gunohlarimizni mag‘firat qilsin, iymonimizni yanada mustahkam qilsin va bizni o‘zining to‘g‘ri yo‘lida sobit qadam qilsin.

Agar bilib-bilmay dilingizga ozor bergan bo‘lsam, iltimos, meni Alloh uchun kechiring.

P.S. Ertaga, Ramazon munosabati bilan universtitetimiz uchun ajoyib dizayn tayyorlayman, InshaAlloh.


Forward from: Aziz Rahimov
Kechqurun to’yib ovqatlangan, uyquga to’ymaydi.

Uyquga to’ymagan, ovqat yegisi kelaveradi.

Ovqat ko’p yesa, semirib ketaveradi.

Semirsa, kechasi ham yegisi keladi.

Kechasi ovqat yesa…

Och uxlashda hikmat ko’p.

Ramazondan oldin bir eslatay dedimda.

Don’t let anything or anyone to kill your motivation for studying.

It’s your way, ain’t no chance to blame.


Зима красива и жестока

Красота требует жертв.



We say, 'A good father is not a good father! Do you understand? One who thinks he is a good father is not a good father; one who thinks he is a good husband is not a good husband. One who thinks he is one of the worst husband may be a good one if he is always trying to be a good husband with a single-hearted effort.

Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind

This mindset can be applied for any other aspect of our life. Improvement has no limits.



Every encounter, every experience - nothing is a coincidence. It’s all part of His plan.

Trust that everything that comes into your life is part of the divine design, not mere chance.


Same number, different notation.

Perceiving the world around you from different perspectives opens the door to unique solutions and opportunities.


"Your mistakes can also lead you to Truth"

Jalaluddin Muhammad Rumi


Jalāl al-Dīn Rumi, born in 1207 in Balkh (now Afghanistan), was a famous Persian poet, teacher, and spiritual thinker. His life took a transformative turn when he met Shams al-Din Tabrizi, a wandering mystic whose teachings inspired Rumi to explore deeper spiritual truths. This encounter led him to write poetry filled with wisdom about love, the soul, and the divine.

Rumi’s wisdom is timeless, offering profound insights into human emotions, relationships, and our connection to the universe. His teachings, often expressed through simple yet powerful metaphors, encourage self-discovery and embracing the beauty of life. Even today, Rumi’s words resonate with people from all cultures and faiths, making him one of the most widely read poets in the world.


"Tears are prayers too, they travel to God when you can't find the words"

Jalaluddin Muhammad Rumi


Forward from: Temur Soliev
Atrofimda ro'y berayotgan har xil ahmoqona tashviqotlarga qarata zambaraklarimni tayyorlay turib, o'ylab qoldim.

Kategoriyalashtirishni juda yoqtirar ekanmiz. Misol uchun, kasblarda.

- Salom, sen o'qituvchisan.

- Ha, lekin bu degani butun umr o'qituvchi bo'lib qolaman degani emas-ku.

- Yo'q, sen o'qituvchisan.

- Xo'sh???

- Sen o'qituvchisan.

Odamlarga kategoriya berish miyamizga ishni osonlashtiradi.

Ko'p kategoriyaga kiruvchilar esa har doim miyamizdan ortiqcha resurs talab qiladi.

- Alimisan? Dalimisan? Valimisan? Kimsan?

- Kimsanaliman

- Iya :|

Hamma ham bitta qolipga tushmaydi. Ayniqsa, ko'pchiligimiznikiga.

Shunday ekan, dunyoni o'z qarichimizga tushirishga harakat qilish qanchalik aqldan?

Afsonalarda bir odam o'tgan ekan. Kelgan mehmonni uyidagi bir krovatga yotqizib ko'rar ekan.

Agar kravotdan mehmonning oyoqlari chiqib qolsa, kechasi o'sha ortiqcha chiqib turgan qismini kesib tashlar ekan.

Kalta bo'lsa, arqonga bog'lab, tortib yetkazishga harakat qilarkan.

O'sha krovatni Prokrustes krovati deb bilamiz. Dunyoni o'z qarichiga sig'dirmoqchilarni esa Prokrustes deb chaqiramiz.

Xo'sh, bu tasnif qanchalik biz haqimizda?

Dunyo qarichimizga sig'masa, o'lchov mezonlarimizni o'zgartiryapmizmi? Yoki faktlarni?

Hozircha, shular. Paka-paka

~ Solief

P.S. "Paka-paka"ni hech kimdan ko'chirmaganman. Blog yozishni 2019-yilda boshlagan bo'lsam, o'shandan beri ishlataman (garchi hamma postlarimda chiqmasa ham).

Turdiyevning ham xuddi shu yakuniy frazani ishlatishi shunchaki tasodif ;)


A calm sea does not make a skilled sailor.


Sizdagi uchta narsani koʻra oladigan insonlarni qadrlang: tabassum ortidagi qaygʻu, gʻazab ortidagi muhabbat va sukut ortidagi maʼnoni.

Aleksandr Dyuma


Some observations about math

If a topic is hard to grasp, the contentment doubles after understanding it.

Everything suddenly starts to make sense after realizing a mistake. It might sometimes be as hard as finding a needle in a haystack, yet the understanding will be much better than without making a mistake - like in real life, lol.

Once, I unintentionally complimented a person while explaining how fascinated I was by math. I said, “Even your smile can be calculated by math. It’s a function: the form of your smile depends on how much pressure you add to a muscle.”

My admiration of math partly comes from underestimating my capabilities when it comes to learning it. Get assumptions away from the way, start no matter how you feel.


The quality of your speech is a product of your language environments.

The books you read, videos you watch, people you talk to.


Can you define love?

I can’t, yet I’m sure that no single word can truly convey its essence.

Perhaps it isn’t meant to be defined but rather felt, lived, and experienced in all its contradictions.


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