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All content here is personal opinion. Not advice or encouragement - just thoughts.
Me: @alvtdn

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Bir necha metr balandlikda, eski va ko‘rinishidan unchalik mustahkam bo‘lmagan kanatda, tog‘larning go‘zal manzarasini tomosha qilish ajoyib tajriba ekan.


It hits ones, it hits twice

But in third time your skin would be thick enough to handle it.

Face them, defeat them.


You either do one thing or nothing.

Multitasking kills your potential.

Choose your thing wisely.


Surah Ali ‘Imran, 3:190-191: ˹They are˺ those who remember Allah while standing, sitting, and lying on their sides, and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth ˹and pray˺, “Our Lord! You have not created ˹all of˺ this without purpose. Glory be to You! Protect us from the torment of the Fire.

Do’stingni sinamoqchi bo’lsang, birga safarga chiq.

Be patient, my boy. Your time will come.

Just keep doing what you’ve been doing and leave the rest to Allah.


Who are you when the lights are off?

Who are you when the eyes are closed?

Who are you when you are alone with your thoughts?

That is the version of you who is truly you.


It’s pretty cold outside. Keep those ears warm, my 75 lovely followers of the channel!

Naseeb? Let your heart sink into these words you needed to hear.

Naseeb is the promise whispered into your soul before you were even born. It is the love that was written for you when the stars were first placed in the sky, long before your heart knew what it longed for.

It is the unseen thread tying your destiny to someone else's, weaving your paths together in a way so beautiful, only Allah could design it.

Your naseeb is out there right now, breathing, living, waiting-just as you are. Maybe they/re praying for a love that feels like home, a love that soothes the parts of them that no one else sees.

Maybe they're looking at the sky, not knowing their soul is already bound to yours. Allah is preparing their heart for you, just as He is preparing yours for them.

And isn't that breathtaking? The thought that the one who will hold your heart is out there, existing in this world, as close as a prayer, as far as destiny allows for now.

Every moment you wait, every heartbreak you endure, every lonely night -it's all part of the divine plan to bring you two together at the exact moment it will be perfect.

Not a second too soon, not a moment too late.

So, hold on to your hopes. Let them soar. Let them remind you that Allah is the best of planners. Your naseeb will arrive, and when it does, it will feel like a piece of heaven, a love so pure and destined that it will quiet every doubt, every fear, and every ache.

This is your reminder: Naseeb is not late, it is simply unfolding. Trust it, because what's written for you is already making its way to you, one heartbeat at a time.

Source: teachingofislam_


I was preparing for a presentation about major global problems, and I noticed one thing:

The majority of problems occur simply because we humans lack empathy.

Lacking empathy not only leads to disastrous problems on an individual scale but on much larger scales as well.

We are so centered on ourselves that sometimes we forget that there are others.


I can’t use this statement to justify my terrible GPA in school, right? :)


Dozens of people ski around the court until their time comes to an end.

I used to find skiing fun, but now it feels like a waste of time.

An unlucky day, or perhaps a change in priorities.


Some insights from today’s lesson:

I wish our lines had infinitely many solutions, but our y-intercepts are different.

A bit of humor and math into channel :)


Forward from: Sukunatning shovqini
Shuhratparastlikni orzu qilish, insonni haqiqiy o'sishga to'sqinlik qiladi, chunki bu shaxsni o'zining haqiqiy maqsadlaridan uzoqlashtiradi. Shuning uchun, inson o'z ichki muvozanatini topish uchun bu yo'lni tark etishi kerak.
Shaxsiy manfaatlar va tashqi muvaffaqiyatlarga qiziqishdan ko'ra, inson o'zining ichki rivojlanishi va haqiqiy tinchlikni topishga qaratilgan bo'lishi kerak. Ambitsiyalarni boshqarish orqali, inson o'zining asl maqsadiga yaqinlashadi.

Vaqt bebaho deymiz, lekin uni behuda narsalarga sarflashda davom etamiz.

Bir soat vaqtingiz qiymatini taxminan hisoblab ko‘ring: har kuni o‘rtacha 6 soat vaqtim uchib ketadi. Student bo’lganligimni inobatga olsak, (omadim kelsa) yarim stavka ishga kirib, 3 million oylik olsam, 1 soat vaqtim 20 ming so‘mga teng bo‘ladi.

Bu degani, kuniga 120 ming, oyiga 3 million 600 ming, yiliga esa 43 million 200 ming so‘m yo‘qotmoqdaman.

Yana bir asosiy faktor: yoshligingizda foydali ish bilan sarflagan 1 soat vaqtingiz kelajakda sizga 120 ming emas, balki 120 million olib kelishi mumkin (compounding effect).

Inspired by Jordan Peterson


Who is your main enemy? Do you know him well?

He certainly knows you better than you think, as he has been deceiving humankind for thousands of years.


Aziz Rahimovning aytishicha, omma oldida gapira oladigan odam:

- Odamlar bilan gaplashayotganda hayajonlanmaydi;

- Yangi odamlar bilan tanishishda qiynalmaydi;

- Yaxshi xotiraga ega bo’ladi;

- His-tuyg’ularini boshqarishni o’rganadi;

- Odamlarni o’ziga qaratib, e’tiborlarini ushlab tura oladi.

Qaysi kasb egasi bo’lishingizdan qat’i nazar, omma oldida gapirish qobiliyati sizga albatta foyda keltiradi.


Har doim hozirgi eng yaxshi tushunchang asosida qaror qabul qilyapsan

- Naval Ravikant

If you look back and see flaw in your decisions, you can be proud of yourself.

The one who took that decision was you in history, now you can notice the error because you have outgrown yourself.


Jadidlar jamoasi

Hammasi Merit Schoolda, 10-sinfligimda boshlandi. Maktabimizda tarix ustozimiz Javohir aka “Zakovat” tashkil qilayotgan edilar. Qiziqishdan biz ham bolalar bilan jamoa tuzib, qatnashmoqchi edik. O‘sha payt O‘zbekiston xalqiga ma’naviy katta hissa qo‘shgan jadidlar haqida o‘rganib, ularning qilgan ishlaridan ta’sirlanib yurgan edim. Shu sababli jamoani “Jadidlar” deb nomladik. Nafaqat 10 sinf balki 11 sinfda, Rahimov Schoolda ham shunday nomlaganmiz.

Bugun universitetimizda bo‘lib o‘tgan “Zakovat”da ham aynan “Jadidlar” nomi bilan qatnashdik va eng ko‘p javob topishga muvaffaq bo‘ldik.

Bu nom bilan erishilgan yutuqlar:
- 2023 yil, Merit School (Shahriston) 10–11 sinflar o‘rtasida o‘tkazilgan “Zakovat” turnirining 2-sezonida birinchi o‘rin;
- 2024 yil, Rahimov Schoolda yuqori sinf o‘quvchilar o‘rtasida o‘tkazilgan “Zakovat” turnirining birinchi mavsumida birinchi o‘rin.

Albatta, gap faqat nomda emas, balki jamoada. “Zakovat” bu jamoaviy o‘yin. Bu o‘yinda muvaffaqiyatga erishish uchun jamoadoshlaringiz bilan bir to‘lqinda bo‘lishingiz kerak. Bu bir nechta insonning intellektual qobiliyatlari va bilimlari bir joyga jamlanib, savolga javob topishidir.

“Zakovat” menga har doim boshqacha zavq bag‘ishlagan. Savolni diqqat bilan eshitib, uni tahlil qilish, jamoadoshlar bilan bahslashish, javob to‘g‘ri bo‘lgandagi quvonch hissi… Bularni tasvirlashga til ojiz.


A simple question that must be answered by everyone who truly wants to achieve their maximum potential:

Are the goals you are trying to achieve really yours?

Set goals according to your own vision. Do not let anyone influence them. You are you; you are unique. No one can know you better than yourself.


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