1. At a time when SOMETHING IS HAPPENING(for giving a background sentence)
2. ubiquitous - very common
3. to ensure user privacy - to make it safe
4. increasingly rely on ....
5. The main area of concern is .....
6. to be exposed to cyber criminals - these actions may happen with them, they are like to experience
7. imposter websites - fake ones
8. come at a great cost = biror bir muhimroq narsaning o'rniga kelmoq, negative
9. unfortunate victims - kutilmagan qurbonlar
10. entice users into SOMETHING - attract
11. a financial loss
12. may be left ridiculed in front of friends and family - uyalib qolishi mumkin
13. leverage our private date (livrj) - use something maximumly
14. a good case in point
15. unlawful act - nojo'ya harakati
16. made headlines - zvezda bo'p ketdi
17. charged with a lawsuit in this regard - shu ish boyicha sud qilindi
18. to be subject to crime - likely to suffer from crime
19. be emotionally manipulated
20. confide in - ishonmoq
1. At a time when SOMETHING IS HAPPENING(for giving a background sentence)
2. ubiquitous - very common
3. to ensure user privacy - to make it safe
4. increasingly rely on ....
5. The main area of concern is .....
6. to be exposed to cyber criminals - these actions may happen with them, they are like to experience
7. imposter websites - fake ones
8. come at a great cost = biror bir muhimroq narsaning o'rniga kelmoq, negative
9. unfortunate victims - kutilmagan qurbonlar
10. entice users into SOMETHING - attract
11. a financial loss
12. may be left ridiculed in front of friends and family - uyalib qolishi mumkin
13. leverage our private date (livrj) - use something maximumly
14. a good case in point
15. unlawful act - nojo'ya harakati
16. made headlines - zvezda bo'p ketdi
17. charged with a lawsuit in this regard - shu ish boyicha sud qilindi
18. to be subject to crime - likely to suffer from crime
19. be emotionally manipulated
20. confide in - ishonmoq