Alisher&Mukhammadali posts

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🔝All about IELTS
Alisher Soliev (IELTS 9.0 | W8.5x3, S9.0) & Mukhammadali Sodikov (IELTS 9.0x4| W8.5x2, S9.0x6).
Founders of @ad_astra_school

✍️ Contact us: @alisherposts_bot // +998553065060
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Est.: 06/Nov/2020

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I did it 🥹 100% A

8.1k 0 30 51 437

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E55 Trailer - Aleksandr Finkelshteyn (Alex) 🎙

Stay tuned for the full release🔔

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9.3k 0 28 46 199

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#results #sevenpointfive #alhamdulillah #2025 IDP PBI 6/March/2025 #twenty_five

Age: 21
Attempt: 2nd (1st-7)
Start point: A&M Program
Prep time w/ us: about 4 months
Teachers: Alisher&Mukhammadali

I take my words back. Your speaking and writing skills aren't that bad after all:) I was little apprehensive you might score low on these two sections, but thankfully you proved me wrong and nailed them both.

Wish you all the best, now and ever!

We also give no less credit to the student’s previous teachers.
Our destination is clear: TO THE STARS ⭐️



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#results #sevenpointfive #alhamdulillah #2025 IDP PBI 6/March/2025 #twenty_five

Age: 20
Attempt: 2nd (1st-7)
Start point: A&M Program
Prep time w/ us: about 4 months
Teachers: Alisher&Mukhammadali

She's always been quick to grasp things and remarkably witty, whether it's IELTS or anime. It was fun having her around.

Wish you best of luck on your career and all other future goals, Ms.Dilyora!

We also give no less credit to the student’s previous teachers.

Our destination is clear: TO THE STARS ⭐️




cooking time

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7.2k 0 19 12 72

Comment below who you'd like to see next on the podcast👇👇

9.6k 0 10 290 71

❗️Registration closes Wednesday, 6pm❗️

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🔝SAT - Spring 2025🔝

🗓🗓Admission test date: March 20, Thursday, 14:00 (2.00pm)

Venue: Ad Astra - Campus 2📍

💻💻Program launch date: March 24, Monday


Some countries have legal ages at which people can drink. Other countries believe not having strict laws is a better policy.

Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

While some countries support the idea of having a legal drinking age, others are not in favor of it. The absence of laws limiting the consumption of alcohol to certain ages can be favorable in some regards, but I personally advocate for the imposition of age restrictions on alcohol intake.

On the one hand, some nations are reluctant to put in place a legal age for drinking due to logistical and economic issues involved. While implementing such a policy is feasible, enforcing it can be extremely challenging. It is impractical for authorities to have police officers check all parties and celebrations to ensure underage individuals steer clear of alcoholic beverages. Likewise, legal measures may be futile if parents are supportive of alcohol consumption among their children and facilitate it at home. Moreover, some raise concerns over alcohol-related businesses, such as beer and wine producers and distributors, becoming redundant if a legal age limit were to go into effect. This could very likely lead to job losses and financial setbacks.

I, however, hold the view that setting a legal drinking age is critically important. When young people have free rein regarding alcohol consumption, they are bound to experience health problems. This is because a juvenile body cannot process alcoholic beverages as well as that of an adult, making them prone to nausea, dizziness, and headaches. In some cases, early exposure to alcohol can lead to organ failure and cancers, necessitating legal safeguards around alcohol intake. There are also social implications to be borne in mind for young people. Underage drinking can give way to alcohol addiction over time, which is one of the common causes of social exclusion and socially unacceptable behaviors such as aggression and crime. To preempt these issues, governments are wise to set an age limit on alcohol consumption.

In conclusion, despite the difficulty of establishing a legal age for drinking and the resulting economic problems, countries should do so if they aim to tackle health and social issues stemming from unregulated alcohol consumption.

330 words,



9.7k 0 182 6 97

It’s the most mind blowing one by far.

Teaching + Business + Life + IDP & Politics + Philosophy

9.2k 0 5 26 166


Guest: Aleksandr Finkelshteyn (Alex)

TESOL certified teacher

Expected runtime: ~ 4 hours

Stay tuned for the full release🔔

🌐Ad Astra🌐




10.5k 0 25 23 270

13.1k 0 84 30 120

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E54 Trailer - Madina Shadiyeva🎙

Stay tuned for the full release🔔

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13.8k 0 54 15 166

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#caketime 🎂

was feeling little beat up by the social media fiasco yesterday until Ms.Jasmina gave me something to smile about😊



13.8k 0 25 23 187

Reshare all last 13 posts, not one.

Context matters

19.1k 1 85 351 632

It’s not about who is first or who is second. It’s about people in power acting unfairly.

Can’t let them get away with it

38.1k 22 372 139 694

But why?

They say out of respect to Mr.Bekzod and all the work he has done for the IELTS community. I agree with this part, and I said it publicly once: he deserves a lot of respect, mine included. But does it mean my contribution is less? What if I impacted and changed more lives than him? (Not saying I did) This is a slippery slope (a dangerous situation/claim). That's why it is foolish to make a video comparing 2 teachers. And that's why I asked for its removal.

I DON'T need a correction video.

I need those 2 videos gone.

I need justice.

Alisher Sadullaev and IDP can serve justice by

(1) taking down the video


(2) making an apology message.

Is an apology message necessary? Yes, we cannot trust our leaders if they are not willing to accept their faults and seek forgiveness, just as we turn to God for repentance as an admission of our sins. Without an apology, they grow a thick skin and become more likely to act immoral again.

I cannot do it alone. I need your help. You can see with your eyes what they did is wrong. If you ignore it while having power and choice to change it, you become part of this lie.

Here's what we can do.

1. Repost these messages as much as we can

2. Boycott IDP (I officially ended our partnership)

These messages might get me in trouble, but I know I will get in much bigger trouble if I betray my values.

Choice is ours. Choice is yours. I choose to act.

49.9k 28 619 123 756

This is fundamentally wrong. Alisher Sadullaev is a public servant (his pay comes from taxes paid by us, the people) who should ensure fairness and justice as well as inspiring and helping the Uzbek youth. But he is willingly engaging in an unfair act and misinforming his constituents (the public, us). Given his social media reach (1.8 mln views on that single video as I'm writing these posts), he has a social, and more importantly, moral obligation to act in a fair and responsible manner.

In the meantime, IDP released a "correction" video. You can watch it above. It doesn't correct anything. It makes the video even worse. All niners, except the first 2, are ranked based on the date when they took the test, not when their results came out. With the first 2, however, they show the date when the results were released, again to twist the facts.

This is a coordinated misinformation campaign (joint action) by Alisher Sadullaev and IDP to hide the truth.

37.3k 22 427 10 267
20 last posts shown.