Personal Statement_Shokhsanam Davlatboeva.pdf
🇺🇿 Shokhsanam Davlatboevaning emPLANT Erasmus Mundus Qo’shma Magistr Grantiga topshirgan motivatsion xati. Xabaringiz bor, aynan insho eng asosiy hujjatlardan biri hisoblanadi. Shokhsanam ushbu inshoni a'lo darajada yozgan: savollarga aniq javob bergan. Natija ham a'lo: dastur to'liq kontrakt pulini qoplaydi, oylik 1000 yevro stipendiya va viza va yo'l harajatlarini qoplaydi.
🇬🇧 The personal statement of Shokhsanam Davlatboeva who got admitted to emPLANT Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree. The essay is writen perfectly and answeres the given questions to the point. The result is also perfect: ful tuition fee, visa and air tickets are covered and monthly 1000 euro stipend is provided.
Kanalga a'zo bo'ling:
👉🏿 @grant_detective
🇬🇧 The personal statement of Shokhsanam Davlatboeva who got admitted to emPLANT Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree. The essay is writen perfectly and answeres the given questions to the point. The result is also perfect: ful tuition fee, visa and air tickets are covered and monthly 1000 euro stipend is provided.
Kanalga a'zo bo'ling:
👉🏿 @grant_detective