🇺🇿 "LEAP Summit 2021": arizalar ochiq
▪️Ma'lumot: Konferentsiyaning asosiy yo'nalishi innovatsiyalar, tadbirkorlik, Yevropa Ittifoqi, zamonaviy tendentsiyalar, yangi texnologiyalar va martaba o'sishi bilan bog'liq ko'p tarmoqli mavzulardir.
▪️Joy: onlayn
▪️Muddat: 2-may
🇬🇧 LEAP Summit 2021: applications are open
▪️Details: The focus of the conference is on multidisciplinary themes connected to innovation, entrepreneurship, digital, European Union, modern trends, new technologies, and career development.
▪️Venue: online
▪️Deadline: 2 May
LINK 👉🏿 https://leapsummit.com/
Kanalga a'zo bo'ling:
👉🏿 @grant_detective
▪️Ma'lumot: Konferentsiyaning asosiy yo'nalishi innovatsiyalar, tadbirkorlik, Yevropa Ittifoqi, zamonaviy tendentsiyalar, yangi texnologiyalar va martaba o'sishi bilan bog'liq ko'p tarmoqli mavzulardir.
▪️Joy: onlayn
▪️Muddat: 2-may
🇬🇧 LEAP Summit 2021: applications are open
▪️Details: The focus of the conference is on multidisciplinary themes connected to innovation, entrepreneurship, digital, European Union, modern trends, new technologies, and career development.
▪️Venue: online
▪️Deadline: 2 May
LINK 👉🏿 https://leapsummit.com/
Kanalga a'zo bo'ling:
👉🏿 @grant_detective