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Uraa, uraa, aka-uka, opa-singillar! Endi siz bu kitob bilan WRITING TASK 2 ni osonlik bilan yoza olasiz! Albatta yuklab oling! Yangi Kanalimizga tashlandi! πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Speaking. Tushgan. 26.09.2024

βœ… Part 1.1
β€’ Tell me about your room
β€’ Do you often make friends when traveling?
β€’ Where is your hometown?
β€’ What was your favorite subject in school?
β€’ Do you have any hobbies?
β€’ How often do you eat out?

βœ… Part 1.2
β€’ Describe these pictures (Online shopping and traditional shopping)

βœ… Part 2
β€’ Describe a time when you took a risk
β€’ Describe a time when you resolved a conflict
β€’ Describe a time when you experienced a failure

βœ… Part 3
β€’ Zoos should be banned (For and Against)
β€’ Single-use plastics should be banned (For and Against)

Davom etamizmi? Videolar bormi?

Kimni esidan chiqqan bo'lsa. Mana bu tanlov 1-oktyabrgacha davom etadi nasib qilsa

Hozirgacha 13 ta ishtirokchi video yuborgan

Speaking. Tushgan. .09.2024

βœ… Part 1.1
β€’ Who is your first teacher?
β€’ Where do you live?
β€’ Do you like to get up early?
β€’ Do you prefer to spend your free time alone or with others?

βœ… Part 1.2
β€’ Compare two pictures (indoor and outdoor markets)

βœ… Part 2
β€’ Describe a time when you worked in a team
β€’ Describe a person who influenced you
β€’ Describe a project or task that required careful planning

βœ… Part 3
β€’ Animals should have the same rights as humans (For and Against)
β€’ Remote working (For and Against)
β€’ Public transport (For and Against)

Speaking. Tushgan. 25.09.2024

βœ… Part 1.1

β€’ What is your favorite season?
β€’ Tell me about yourself.
β€’ Do you like flowers?
β€’ Do you like cooking
β€’ What is your favorite outdoor activity?
β€’ What do you do at the weekends?

βœ… Part 1.2
β€’ Indoor running (first picture)
β€’ Outdoor running (second picture)
β€’ Compare them

βœ… Part 2
β€’ Describe a time when someone gave you advice
β€’ Describe a time when you faced a challenge
β€’ Describe a time when you received unexpected good news

βœ… Part 3
β€’ Animal rights (For and Against)
β€’ Homework would be abolished in schools (For and Against)
β€’ Students should be required to wear uniforms at school (For and Against)

2.7k 0 113 2 11

Speaking. Tushgan


βœ… Part 1.1
β€’ Do you like traveling?
β€’ Who is your best friend?
β€’ How often do you watch TV?
β€’ Can you describe your family?
β€’ What types of books do you like to read?
β€’ Tell me about your room?

βœ… Part 1.2
β€’ Public transport (first picture)
β€’ Private transport (second picture)
β€’ Compare them

βœ… Part 2
β€’ Describe a piece of art you appreciate
β€’ Describe a time when you overcame a challenge
β€’ Describe a time when you achieved your goal

βœ… Part 3
β€’ Schools should teach students about climate change (For and Against)
β€’ Cameras should be required in public areas (For and Against)
β€’ Homework would be abolished in schools (For and Against)

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My family...mavzusida speaking.


Katta ehtimol bilan natijalar - 11-oktyabr kuni e'lon qilinadi.

Chet tilini bilish darajasini aniqlash test sinovlari boβ€˜lib oβ€˜tdi

βœ… 2024-yil 22-sentabr kuni chet tilini bilish darajasini aniqlash test sinovlarining yozma (tinglab tushunish, oβ€˜qish, yozma ish) qismi boβ€˜lib oβ€˜tdi.

πŸ“ Test sinovlari talabgorlarga qulay boβ€˜lishi uchun Qoraqalpogβ€˜iston Respublikasi, viloyatlar va Toshkent shahrida tashkil etildi.

πŸ“ Unda jami 9,5 ming nafardan ziyod talabgor ishtirok etdi va 12 nafar talabgor tartib-qoidani buzgani uchun test sinovidan chetlatildi.

🎀 Test sinovlarida ishtirok etgan talabgorlar uchun gapirish koβ€˜nikmasini baholash imtihonlari 23–27-sentabr, 2–4-oktabr kunlari boβ€˜lib oβ€˜tadi.

Izoh: Test sinovi natijalari Vazirlar Mahkamasining qaroriga muvofiq imtihonlar toβ€˜liq yakunlangandan soβ€˜ng bir haftada e’lon qilinadi.


Speaking. Tushgan. 24.09.2024

βœ… Part 1.1
β€’ Do you live in a flat or a house?
β€’ What is your favorite animal?
β€’ What do you like to do at home?
β€’ Do you like sport?
β€’ When do you listen to music?

βœ… Part 1.2
β€’ Online learning (first picture)
β€’ Classroom (second picture)
β€’ Describe these pictures

βœ… Part 2
β€’ Describe a fun activity you do for mental well-being
β€’ Describe a important goal you set
β€’ Describe your unforgettable day
β€’ Describe a time when you attempted something but were not successful

βœ… Part 3
β€’ Animal testing should be banned in all scientific research (For and Against)
β€’ Renewable energy sources should fully replace fossil fuels (For and Against)
β€’ Social media negatively affects young people (For and Against)

3k 0 131 1 4

Speaking. Tushgan

βœ… Part 1.1
β€’ Favorite food
β€’ First teacher
β€’ T-shirts
β€’ School
β€’ Free time
β€’ Dreams

βœ… Part 1.2
β€’ A girl travelling by plane (first picture) and people travelling by train (second picture). Compare them

βœ… Part 2
β€’ Describe a time when you made an important decision
β€’ Describe a memorable experience you had during a team activity
β€’ Describe a secret you shared with a friend
β€’ Describe an experience that changed your perspective on life.

βœ… Part 3
β€’ Animals in the zoo (For and Against)
β€’ Homework should be optional in schools (For and Against)
β€’ Using the internet should be banned under 16 (For and Against)
β€’ Increasing the cost of fuel (For and Against)

3.6k 0 136 6 12

Speaking. tushgan 23.09.2024

βœ… Part 1.1
β€’ Speak about yourself
β€’ Breakfast
β€’ Hometown
β€’ Favorite weather
β€’ Favorite type of music

βœ… Part 1.2
β€’ Compare two pictures (indoor and outdoor markets)
β€’ Why do people get excited about sales and discounts

βœ… Part 2
β€’ Describe a difficult situation in your life
β€’ Tell me about a piece of advice you received
β€’ Tell me about a time when you solved a problem with your colleague

βœ… Part 3
β€’ Video games (pros and cons)
β€’ Learning languages (pros and cons)
β€’ Working from home (pros and cons)

4.4k 0 155 5 14

Qonnay o'zi? Imtihondan chiqqanlar taassurotlar bilan do'stlashinglar! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
Qale bo'lle? 🎯

πŸ—“ 22.09.2024
πŸ‘‰ 2-smena

πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“ TASK 2

Some people think that homework is unnecessary and should be banned in school.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

πŸ—“ 22.09.2024
πŸ‘‰ 2-smena

πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“ TASK 1
You are part of a sports commitee at your school.
Write a suggestion letter to a school principal on the improvement of sport facilities to school.

πŸ—“ 22.09.2024
P.S. 34-savol

Manba: Multi_level_test

Reading Part 1 matni 2-smena

Sal o'zgargan

🟒 22.09.2024 | Writing 1-smena savollari

➑️ Task 1: 
You are a member of school environmental club. Write a letter to the head of school how to make it an eco-friendly area.

- explain why it is important to take care of the environment;
- give you suggestions such as recycling, energy saving or green spaces;
- say this will improve the school.

➑️ Task 2:
Some people think that modern technologies have a negative impact on the way we communicate.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

4.2k 0 107 4 19

πŸ—“ 22.09.2024
πŸ‘‰ 1-smena

3.6k 0 107 8 14

πŸ—“ 22.09.2024
πŸ‘‰ 1-smena

Manab: Mu

3.5k 0 103 2 13
20 last posts shown.