Yodlash uchun iboralar😊
🎯to pay BY cheque - chek bilan to'lamoq
🎯to pay IN cash or to pay cash- naqt pul bilan to'lamoq
🎯BY accident - tasodifan,
🎯BY mistake - adashib
🎯BY chance - to'satdan
🎯a play BY Shakespeare - Shekspir pyesasi
🎯a painting BY Rembrandt - Rembrand chizgan surat
🎯a novel BY Tolstoy - Tolstoy asari
🎯to be / to fall IN love WITH someone - bilan sevishgan
🎯IN (my) opinion- fikrimcha
🎯ON fire -Yong’inda/ yonayotgan bo’lmoq
🎯ON the telephone ON the phone- telefonda, telefonga ulangan bo'lmoq
🎯ON television- televizorda,
🎯ON the radio- radioda
🎯ON a diet - Parxezda bo'lmoq/tutmoq
🎯ON strike - Ish tashlashda
🎯ON holiday - ta'til.
🎯ON business - ish safari
🎯ON a trip- sayr
🎯ON a tour - sayoxat,
🎯ON an excursion - ekskursiya,,
🎯ON a cruise - kema sayoxati,
🎯ON an expedition - ekspeditsiyada
🎯to pay BY cheque - chek bilan to'lamoq
🎯to pay IN cash or to pay cash- naqt pul bilan to'lamoq
🎯BY accident - tasodifan,
🎯BY mistake - adashib
🎯BY chance - to'satdan
🎯a play BY Shakespeare - Shekspir pyesasi
🎯a painting BY Rembrandt - Rembrand chizgan surat
🎯a novel BY Tolstoy - Tolstoy asari
🎯to be / to fall IN love WITH someone - bilan sevishgan
🎯IN (my) opinion- fikrimcha
🎯ON fire -Yong’inda/ yonayotgan bo’lmoq
🎯ON the telephone ON the phone- telefonda, telefonga ulangan bo'lmoq
🎯ON television- televizorda,
🎯ON the radio- radioda
🎯ON a diet - Parxezda bo'lmoq/tutmoq
🎯ON strike - Ish tashlashda
🎯ON holiday - ta'til.
🎯ON business - ish safari
🎯ON a trip- sayr
🎯ON a tour - sayoxat,
🎯ON an excursion - ekskursiya,,
🎯ON a cruise - kema sayoxati,
🎯ON an expedition - ekspeditsiyada