Áda/Rachel InspirEd

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Parizoda Jo'raqulova (IELTS 8|L9 R9 S8)
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@AdaRachel

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For those who don’t know, my name is Parizoda.

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#results #eight #alhamdulillah #2025 IDP CDI 21/March/2025 #twenty_five

Ms.Parizoda is back in action and you can see that in these results. Needless to say, she’s a much bigger character than these numbers can ever describe. Her inexorable work ethic and irresistibly lovable character, both on and off the classroom, are to die for.

Here’s to many more accomplishments to come⚡️

Our destination is clear: TO THE STARS ⭐️



214 0 7 17 43


I received more than I deserved🥺

I've never had much interest in math, but after seeing my partner's results, I now know who my math teacher will be😍. Congratulations, partner!👏🥳

P.s. I also contributed to your success by 🍽

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I did it 🥹 100% A

Describe a plan you had to change.

I had always planned to travel to Dubai for my 18th birthday. It seemed like the perfect way to kick off adulthood—taking in a world-famous city, admiring its breathtaking skyline, and splurging on some shopping. I had eagerly mapped out all the places I wanted to visit and was really looking forward to the trip.

But things didn’t work out as expected. First, I struggled to save up enough money. I had planned to book a tour package, but I just couldn’t come up with the full amount in time. Since I wasn’t able to pay the deposit, I had to call off the trip. On top of that, a few friends who had already been to Dubai told me they were let down by their experience. They said it was too crowded and that most activities revolved around shopping malls and indoor attractions. That made me think twice about whether it was really worth it.

So, I opted for a different kind of adventure. Instead of heading to a modern metropolis, I set my sights on countries rich in culture, history, and natural beauty. Now, I’m keen to explore places like Thailand and Zimbabwe, where I can soak up local traditions, try incredible street food, and take in breathtaking landscapes.

At first, I was a bit bummed out about canceling my original plan, but now, I see it as a blessing in disguise. Sometimes, when things don’t pan out the way you expect, they actually lead to something even better!

#speakingpart2 #CueCards

Describe an interesting building

One of the most interesting buildings I know is the Ismael Samani Mausoleum. It is in Bukhara, Uzbekistan, and is one of the oldest and best-preserved buildings in the city. This beautiful structure was put up in the 9th century as a burial place for Ismael Samani’s father. Later, Ismael himself and his grandson were also laid to rest there, turning it into a family tomb.

The mausoleum really stands out because of its unique design. It is a square-shaped building with a large dome on top and four smaller domes at the corners. The walls are covered in detailed brick patterns that almost look like woven fabric. The architects back then came up with more than 20 different ways to arrange the bricks, which makes the decoration truly special. The whole building is well thought out, and its balanced proportions make it even more impressive.

Nowadays, this mausoleum has turned into a major historical site. Many tourists come by to check it out and learn more about its history. For local people, it is also a holy place. Some believe that if they walk around it three times while making a wish, their dreams will come true.

I really look up to the architects who built this masterpiece. It has held up for more than 1,000 years, which just goes to show how advanced construction methods were back then. Most of all, I am proud to have grown up in this city, where such an incredible piece of history still stands. It always brings back a sense of pride and connection to my roots.

#speakingpart2 #CueCards

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It’s not about who is first or who is second. It’s about people in power acting unfairly.

Can’t let them get away with it

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But why?

They say out of respect to Mr.Bekzod and all the work he has done for the IELTS community. I agree with this part, and I said it publicly once: he deserves a lot of respect, mine included. But does it mean my contribution is less? What if I impacted and changed more lives than him? (Not saying I did) This is a slippery slope (a dangerous situation/claim). That's why it is foolish to make a video comparing 2 teachers. And that's why I asked for its removal.

I DON'T need a correction video.

I need those 2 videos gone.

I need justice.

Alisher Sadullaev and IDP can serve justice by

(1) taking down the video


(2) making an apology message.

Is an apology message necessary? Yes, we cannot trust our leaders if they are not willing to accept their faults and seek forgiveness, just as we turn to God for repentance as an admission of our sins. Without an apology, they grow a thick skin and become more likely to act immoral again.

I cannot do it alone. I need your help. You can see with your eyes what they did is wrong. If you ignore it while having power and choice to change it, you become part of this lie.

Here's what we can do.

1. Repost these messages as much as we can

2. Boycott IDP (I officially ended our partnership)

These messages might get me in trouble, but I know I will get in much bigger trouble if I betray my values.

Choice is ours. Choice is yours. I choose to act.

Forward from: Alisher&Mukhammadali posts
This is fundamentally wrong. Alisher Sadullaev is a public servant (his pay comes from taxes paid by us, the people) who should ensure fairness and justice as well as inspiring and helping the Uzbek youth. But he is willingly engaging in an unfair act and misinforming his constituents (the public, us). Given his social media reach (1.8 mln views on that single video as I'm writing these posts), he has a social, and more importantly, moral obligation to act in a fair and responsible manner.

In the meantime, IDP released a "correction" video. You can watch it above. It doesn't correct anything. It makes the video even worse. All niners, except the first 2, are ranked based on the date when they took the test, not when their results came out. With the first 2, however, they show the date when the results were released, again to twist the facts.

This is a coordinated misinformation campaign (joint action) by Alisher Sadullaev and IDP to hide the truth.

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Is this what someone "angry" or "arrogant" sounds like?

I'd like to think I'm being very reasonable here

Forward from: Alisher&Mukhammadali posts
The part about "Alisher Sadullaev thinking Mr.Bekzod being 1st because he was on the news" is stupid when the video (they made) clearly shows my date before his. Can there be an excuse dumber than this?

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Thinking IDP representatives might've communicated my message wrong, I asked for an online call with Alisher Sadullaev and IDP head (Akmal Akhror or Umidjon Ishmukhamedov) to talk things over and solve the issue peacefully.

I'd assume Alisher Sadullaev would say no to a call because he might be too busy. But he chose not to talk because he mistook my intention to ensure fairness for arrogance.

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Too much to process?

Let me give you some more context and explain things in more detail.

When the video was released, I told my friend Alisher (old friend, not the public official) we had to do something about it. His reaction was "you never cared about being called second. In fact, you said in the past (on a podcast) Mr.Bekzod deserves the "first" niner title more than you". He was right. I never did because before it was simply an opinion. But now Alisher Sadullaev, the Youth Agency, and IDP, are trying to pass it as a fact. The problem here is that these are verified, trusted sources, who people rely on to make important decisions.

I reached out to our then partner (not anymore) IDP to take down the video. They said their role in this video was only to provide the list of niners, which actually shows me as the first niner (a private exchange with IDP's Akmal Akhror). They said they talked to the agency and they said no to removing the video. I also asked to issue a public apology message for spreading wrong information and make a correction video. As you can imagine, the answer was again no.

Forward from: Alisher&Mukhammadali posts
The video has a good chance of being used as a marketing tool by the supposedly "first" niner to make millions of dollars annually. Yes, not thousands, but millions. If only you knew how much money big schools in Tashkent are making with their "Niner" campaigns, which raises the question of "whether Alisher Sadullaev and IDP did what they did to share in the profit”

Even if they didn’t, Alisher Sadullaev - a public servant - is knowingly engaging in the spread of misleading information, which can influence the decisions of many parents and students (millions of people based on the video view count).

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Are we really being honest? Or are we simply covering up the truth with self-serving thoughts, images, or in this case, videos. What they call a good intention to inspire people and do good is, in reality, an attempt to serve personal interests (pride, ego, fame, etc.) and relationships at the expense of the real truth.

I'm making the following posts in response to immoral acts of the Youth Agency and Alisher Sadullayev and IDP and calling for your help to serve justice.

I can't do it alone. We, the People, can.

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Let’s talk

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Yoshlar Ishlari Agentligi tomonidan chiqarilgan videoni to'liq shaklini tomosha qilishingiz mumkin.

P.S. Ushbu videoda IDP IELTS tomonidan 9.0 ball sohiblarining barchasi keltirilgan.

⚡️ Bundan tashqari siz boshqa qaysi Ninerlar'ni bilasiz?
Izohda yozib qoldiring.

📌 Agar siz ham IDP bilan IELTS imtihonini topshirmoqchi bo'lsangiz, hoziroq exams.uz sayti orqali ro'yxatdan o'ting.

Take The Test With The Best!
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🇺🇿 O'zbekistonda IELTS 9.0 olganlar bormi o'zi?


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