Mill - a philosopher who contributed significantly to ethics had an idea that higher pleasures those of the intellect, feelings, and imagination are more important than sensory pleasures. Sensory pleasures include things like eating, drinking, and other pleasures related to our body.
In many societies today, there is a much greater emphasis on sensory pleasures than on intellectual, emotional, and imaginative joy. To address this, Mill believes we must show people alternatives. We need to take them to museums, encourage them to read books, or have a meaningful conversation about one particular topic that helps to enrich their understanding of the topic it will help them to experience the joy of intellectual stimulation and show them that life is richer when filled with more meaningful pleasures rather than just sensational.
I find this particularly relatable in our society. People are often obsessed with sensory pleasures like buying expensive stuff or organizing lavish weddings. We need to show them that there is another side, intellectual pleasure, which can be experienced when you are passionate about something, and feel joy while exploring that field.
*Inspired by my Ethics course.
In many societies today, there is a much greater emphasis on sensory pleasures than on intellectual, emotional, and imaginative joy. To address this, Mill believes we must show people alternatives. We need to take them to museums, encourage them to read books, or have a meaningful conversation about one particular topic that helps to enrich their understanding of the topic it will help them to experience the joy of intellectual stimulation and show them that life is richer when filled with more meaningful pleasures rather than just sensational.
I find this particularly relatable in our society. People are often obsessed with sensory pleasures like buying expensive stuff or organizing lavish weddings. We need to show them that there is another side, intellectual pleasure, which can be experienced when you are passionate about something, and feel joy while exploring that field.
*Inspired by my Ethics course.