"By all means" – Albatta, albatta bajaring
✔️ Can I borrow this book? – "By all means!" (Albatta!)
✔️ You should by all means apply for that job. (Sen albatta shu ishga ariza topshirishing kerak.)
🔹 Ruxsat berish yoki kuchli tavsiya bildirish uchun ishlatiladi.
❌ "With all means" noto‘g‘ri!
👍 @Vocabulary_IELTSuz
✔️ Can I borrow this book? – "By all means!" (Albatta!)
✔️ You should by all means apply for that job. (Sen albatta shu ishga ariza topshirishing kerak.)
🔹 Ruxsat berish yoki kuchli tavsiya bildirish uchun ishlatiladi.
❌ "With all means" noto‘g‘ri!
👍 @Vocabulary_IELTSuz