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😠—Ortooo Speaking 8.0 qilding asen

😊—Shunaqa senga ham bitta kanal tavsiya beraman Speaking 9.0 olseng bolarkan

🥹— Mengayam link ber

😊— Mana tezroq qoʻshilib ol

👍— Katta rahmat

"In charge of" – Mas’ul bo‘lish, boshqarish

"She’s in charge of the project."
(U loyiha uchun mas’ul.)

🔹 "In charge of" – biror narsa yoki kishilarni boshqarish yoki javobgarlikni bildiradi.
"In charge for" yoki "In charge on" noto‘g‘ri!

👍 @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

Buni tarjimasini ebdi tushundim shu postni qilib :)

"Hasty" – Shoshilinch, o‘ylanmay qilingan

✔️ Proverb: "A hasty girl won’t find a good husband."
(Shoshilgan qiz erga yalchimas.)

🔹 "Hasty" – yaxshi o‘ylab chiqilmagan yoki shoshilinch qilingan narsani bildiradi.

❌ "Hastly" yoki "Hastie" noto‘g‘ri!

👍 @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

i want you to remember how far you've come and how strong you've become. you should be proud of yourself for still standing, for still smiling, and for never giving up. your unwavering spirit and resilience are truly admirable and a testament to your character.

i know that life can be challenging at times, but i want you to know that you are capable of overcoming any obstacle that comes your way. your past experiences have made you stronger and better equipped to handle difficult situations. so never lose faith in yourself and always believe in your own strength and abilities.

i want you to know that better days are ahead, just like the sun rises after a stormy night. hold your head up high, and keep pushing forward, for a brighter tomorrow awaits you. you got this.

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"Basically" – Aslida, qisqasi

✔️ Basically, everything happens for a reason.
(Aslida, hamma narsa bekorga sodir bo‘lmaydi.)

🔹 "Basically" – asosiy fikrni soddalashtirib tushuntirish uchun ishlatiladi.

👍 @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

"Try to squeeze water out of a rock" – Imkonsiz narsani qilishga harakat qilmoq

✔️ Getting him to apologize is like trying to squeeze water out of a rock!
(Undan kechirim so‘rashini kutish toshdan suv chiqarishga o‘xshaydi!)

🔹 Meaning: Bu ibora qiyin yoki imkonsiz narsani bajarishga urinishni anglatadi.

👍 @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

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Biz IELTS imtihoniga ro'yxatdan o'tishda yordam beramiz, to'lovni esa o'zingiz amalga oshirasiz.

Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun
@idpregisterbot yoki 👨‍💻 @IDP_Register ga murojaat qiling.

Contain ~ to have something inside or include something as a part

🔰 Example....

✔️ Try to avoid foods which contain a lot of fat .

Consist of something
to be made of or formed from something:

🔰 Example...

✔️ It's a simple dish to prepare, consisting mainly of rice and vegetables.

✔️ Coal consists mostly of carbon.

Include ~ to contain something as a part of something else, or to make something part of something else.

🔰 Example...

✔️ The bill includes tax and service.

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Advanced Vocabulary

Instead of "very lazy," say "couch potato."

🔰 Example:
✔️ My brother is such a couch potato—he even asked me to bring the remote that was right next to him!

Did you know this? 🤨 Try using it today!

▒☞ @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

Ramazon bilan bog‘liq so‘zlar

✔️ Fasting – Ro‘za
✔️ Suhoor – Saharlik
✔️ Iftar – Iftorlik
✔️ Taraweeh – Taroveh namozi
✔️ Charity – Sadaqa
✔️ Patience – Sabr
✔️ Worship – Ibodat
✔️ Blessings – Baraka
✔️ Forgiveness – Kechirim
✔️ Eid – Hayit

👍 @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

4.3k 0 187 4 74

"Gold digger" – Pul yoki boylik uchun munosabatda bo‘ladigan odam

✔️ Funny: "Bro, she only dates rich guys. Classic gold digger!" (Do‘stim, u faqat boy yigitlar bilan chiqadi. Klassik gold digger!)

✔️ Rude: "She left him as soon as he lost his job. What a gold digger!" (U ishini yo‘qotgandan keyin uni tashlab ketdi. Haqiqiy gold digger!)

✔️ Casual: "Be careful, man. She might be a gold digger." (Ehtiyot bo‘l, do‘stim. U gold digger bo‘lishi mumkin.)

🔹 Asosan kimdir boylik yoki moddiy manfaat uchun munosabatda bo‘lishini ifodalash uchun ishlatiladi.

👍 @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

"By all means" – Albatta, albatta bajaring

✔️ Can I borrow this book?"By all means!" (Albatta!)

✔️ You should by all means apply for that job. (Sen albatta shu ishga ariza topshirishing kerak.)

🔹 Ruxsat berish yoki kuchli tavsiya bildirish uchun ishlatiladi.

"With all means" noto‘g‘ri!

👍 @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

🇺🇸 Love at first sight.
🇺🇿 Bir ko'rishda kampot bo'lish.

📝 Love at first sight is the most
common eye disease.

Comment, like, share and take care 😉

Davay 1 tadan gap tuzamiz !

"For the time being, let's act like you have common sense."

"Hozircha senda farosat bor deb tasavvur qilaylik."

"For the time being" – Hozircha, vaqtincha

✔️ I’m staying with my parents for the time being. (Hozircha ota-onam bilan yashayapman.)
✔️ Let’s keep things as they are for the time being. (Hozircha hamma narsani o‘z holicha qoldiraylik.)

🔹 Vaqtinchalik holat yoki qarorlarni ifodalash uchun ishlatiladi.

"For a time being" noto‘g‘ri!


I will take IELTS exam ... March 15 th ?
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