📕 Book 4 | Unit 4
📑 Word list
🟪 perish [perɪʃ] v. — o'lmoq, vafot etmoq
⚜>> To perish means to die, usually because of bad conditions or bad events. >> To perish odatda yomon vaziyatlarda yoki yomon hodisalarda vafot etmoq degani.
— Many people perish in wars.
— Ko'p odamlar urushlarda halok bo'ladi.
🟪 pit [pit] n. — o'ra, chuqurlik
⚜>> A pit is a big hole in the ground. >> A pit yerdagi katta teshik.
— Michael fell into the pit and needed some help to get out.
— Maykl chuqurga yiqildi va chiqish uchun yordam kerak edi.
🟪 rim [rim] n. — to'g'in, tegarchik
⚜>> The rim is the outside edge of a round thing, like a cup or bottle. >> The rim krujka yoki shisha idishga o'xshagan aylana narsaning tashqi qismi.
— I put my lips to the rim of the bottle and took a drink.
— Men lablarimni shishaning chetiga qoʻyib, ichimlik oldim.
🟪 roost [ruːst] n. — qo'noq
⚜>> A roost is a place where birds can land and rest or sleep. >> A roost qushlar qo'nishi, dam olishi yoki uxlashi mumkin bo'lgan joy.
— The family of doves made a roost at the top of the tree.
— Kabutarlar oilasi daraxt tepasida joylashdi.
🟪 slippery [slɪpərɪ] adj. — sirg'anchiq, sirpanchiq
⚜>> If something is slippery, it is wet or smooth and causes people to slip. >> Agar biror narsa slippery bo'lsa, u nam yoki tekis va odamlar sirpanishiga olib keladi.
— The repairman fell down on the floor because it was too slippery.
— Ta'mirchi polga yiqilib tushdi, chunki u juda silliq edi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
📑 Word list
🟪 perish [perɪʃ] v. — o'lmoq, vafot etmoq
⚜>> To perish means to die, usually because of bad conditions or bad events. >> To perish odatda yomon vaziyatlarda yoki yomon hodisalarda vafot etmoq degani.
— Many people perish in wars.
— Ko'p odamlar urushlarda halok bo'ladi.
🟪 pit [pit] n. — o'ra, chuqurlik
⚜>> A pit is a big hole in the ground. >> A pit yerdagi katta teshik.
— Michael fell into the pit and needed some help to get out.
— Maykl chuqurga yiqildi va chiqish uchun yordam kerak edi.
🟪 rim [rim] n. — to'g'in, tegarchik
⚜>> The rim is the outside edge of a round thing, like a cup or bottle. >> The rim krujka yoki shisha idishga o'xshagan aylana narsaning tashqi qismi.
— I put my lips to the rim of the bottle and took a drink.
— Men lablarimni shishaning chetiga qoʻyib, ichimlik oldim.
🟪 roost [ruːst] n. — qo'noq
⚜>> A roost is a place where birds can land and rest or sleep. >> A roost qushlar qo'nishi, dam olishi yoki uxlashi mumkin bo'lgan joy.
— The family of doves made a roost at the top of the tree.
— Kabutarlar oilasi daraxt tepasida joylashdi.
🟪 slippery [slɪpərɪ] adj. — sirg'anchiq, sirpanchiq
⚜>> If something is slippery, it is wet or smooth and causes people to slip. >> Agar biror narsa slippery bo'lsa, u nam yoki tekis va odamlar sirpanishiga olib keladi.
— The repairman fell down on the floor because it was too slippery.
— Ta'mirchi polga yiqilib tushdi, chunki u juda silliq edi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.