📕 Book 4 | Unit 1
📑 Word list
🟪 soothing [suːðɪŋ] adj. — tinchlantiruvchi, ovuntiruvchi
⚜>> When something is soothing, it makes you calm or relaxed. >> Agar biror narsa soothing bo'lsa, u sizni tinchlantiradi yoki dam oldiradi.
— The soothing music helped the baby fall asleep.
— Tinchlantiruvchi musiqa chaqaloqning uxlashiga yordam berdi.
🟪 subtle [sʌtl] adj. — ko'z ilg'amas, bilinar-bilinmas
⚜>> When something is subtle, it is not easy to see or notice. >> Agar biror narsa subtle bo'lsa, uni ko'rish yoki payqash oson emas.
— The handsome man has a subtle smile.
— Kelishgan erkakning nozik tabassumi bor.
🟪 texture [tekstʃə:r] n. — tekstura
⚜>> The texture of something is the way its surface looks and feels. >> The texture bu uning yuzasi koʻrinishi va hissiyotidir.
— The texture of a rock found in the water is typically very smooth.
— Suvda topilgan toshning teksturasi odatda juda silliqdir.
🟪 toxic [tɒksɪk] adj. — zaharli
⚜>> When something is toxic, it is poisonous. Toxic things are very dangerous. >> Agar biror narsa toxic bo'lsa, u zaharli bo'ladi. Toxic narsalar juda xavfli.
— Please check the label to see if the product is toxic.
— Mahsulot zaharli yoki yoʻqligini bilish uchun yorliqni tekshiring.
🟪 vary [vɛərɪ] v. — farq qilmoq, farqlanmoq
⚜>> To vary means to be different from another thing in size or amount. >> To vary boshqa biror narsadan hajm yoki miqdor bilan farqli degani.
— The heights of the people in my class vary by a large amount.
— Mening sinfimdagi odamlarning bo'yi katta miqdorda farq qiladi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
📑 Word list
🟪 soothing [suːðɪŋ] adj. — tinchlantiruvchi, ovuntiruvchi
⚜>> When something is soothing, it makes you calm or relaxed. >> Agar biror narsa soothing bo'lsa, u sizni tinchlantiradi yoki dam oldiradi.
— The soothing music helped the baby fall asleep.
— Tinchlantiruvchi musiqa chaqaloqning uxlashiga yordam berdi.
🟪 subtle [sʌtl] adj. — ko'z ilg'amas, bilinar-bilinmas
⚜>> When something is subtle, it is not easy to see or notice. >> Agar biror narsa subtle bo'lsa, uni ko'rish yoki payqash oson emas.
— The handsome man has a subtle smile.
— Kelishgan erkakning nozik tabassumi bor.
🟪 texture [tekstʃə:r] n. — tekstura
⚜>> The texture of something is the way its surface looks and feels. >> The texture bu uning yuzasi koʻrinishi va hissiyotidir.
— The texture of a rock found in the water is typically very smooth.
— Suvda topilgan toshning teksturasi odatda juda silliqdir.
🟪 toxic [tɒksɪk] adj. — zaharli
⚜>> When something is toxic, it is poisonous. Toxic things are very dangerous. >> Agar biror narsa toxic bo'lsa, u zaharli bo'ladi. Toxic narsalar juda xavfli.
— Please check the label to see if the product is toxic.
— Mahsulot zaharli yoki yoʻqligini bilish uchun yorliqni tekshiring.
🟪 vary [vɛərɪ] v. — farq qilmoq, farqlanmoq
⚜>> To vary means to be different from another thing in size or amount. >> To vary boshqa biror narsadan hajm yoki miqdor bilan farqli degani.
— The heights of the people in my class vary by a large amount.
— Mening sinfimdagi odamlarning bo'yi katta miqdorda farq qiladi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.