📘 Book 3 | Unit 26
📑 Word list
🟦 jealous [dʒeləs] adj. — hasadgo'y
🔻>> If you are jealous, you think someone might take something from you. >> Agar siz jealous bo'lsangiz, siz birortasi sizdan narsa olib qo'yishi mumkin deb o'ylaysiz.
— Miriam was jealous because Sue was paying too much attention to Jim.
— Miriam rashkchi edi, chunki Syu Jimga haddan tashqari e'tibor berardi.
🟦 paste [peɪst] n. — kley, yelim
🔻>> A paste is a thick and smooth substance. >> A paste qalin va silliq moddadir.
— My son needed some paste for a school project.
— O‘g‘limga maktab loyihasi uchun yelim kerak edi.
🟦 receipt [rɪˈsiːt] n. — kvitansiya, tasdiq hujjati
🔻>> A receipt is a paper that proves that something was received or bought. >> A receipt biror narsa olingan yoki sotib olinganligini tasdiqlovchi qog‘ozdir.
— After looking at my receipt, I realized that I had spent too much money.
— Kvitansiyamga qarab, juda ko‘p pul sarflaganimni angladim.
🟦 wipe [waip] v. — artmoq
🔻>> To wipe something is to slide a piece of cloth over it to clean it. >> Biror narsani wipe qilish uni tozalash uchun uning ustiga mato bo‘lagini surtishdir.
— She wiped the dust from the windows.
— U derazalardagi changni artdi.
🟦 wire [waɪə:r] n. — sim
🔻>> A wire is a thin string made out of metal. >> A wire metalldan yasalgan yupqa ip.
— The wires were connected to towers that brought electricity to the city.
— Simlar shaharga elektr energiyasi olib kiruvchi minoralarga ulangan edi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
📑 Word list
🟦 jealous [dʒeləs] adj. — hasadgo'y
🔻>> If you are jealous, you think someone might take something from you. >> Agar siz jealous bo'lsangiz, siz birortasi sizdan narsa olib qo'yishi mumkin deb o'ylaysiz.
— Miriam was jealous because Sue was paying too much attention to Jim.
— Miriam rashkchi edi, chunki Syu Jimga haddan tashqari e'tibor berardi.
🟦 paste [peɪst] n. — kley, yelim
🔻>> A paste is a thick and smooth substance. >> A paste qalin va silliq moddadir.
— My son needed some paste for a school project.
— O‘g‘limga maktab loyihasi uchun yelim kerak edi.
🟦 receipt [rɪˈsiːt] n. — kvitansiya, tasdiq hujjati
🔻>> A receipt is a paper that proves that something was received or bought. >> A receipt biror narsa olingan yoki sotib olinganligini tasdiqlovchi qog‘ozdir.
— After looking at my receipt, I realized that I had spent too much money.
— Kvitansiyamga qarab, juda ko‘p pul sarflaganimni angladim.
🟦 wipe [waip] v. — artmoq
🔻>> To wipe something is to slide a piece of cloth over it to clean it. >> Biror narsani wipe qilish uni tozalash uchun uning ustiga mato bo‘lagini surtishdir.
— She wiped the dust from the windows.
— U derazalardagi changni artdi.
🟦 wire [waɪə:r] n. — sim
🔻>> A wire is a thin string made out of metal. >> A wire metalldan yasalgan yupqa ip.
— The wires were connected to towers that brought electricity to the city.
— Simlar shaharga elektr energiyasi olib kiruvchi minoralarga ulangan edi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.