📘 Book 3 | Unit 21
📑 Word list
🟦 sacrifice [sækrəfaɪs] v. — fido qilmoq, bahridan o'tmoq
🔻>> To sacrifice something valuable is to give it up to get something else. >> Biror qadrli narsani sacrifice qilish, biror boshqa narsadan voz kechish degani.
— Her parents sacrificed a lot of money in order for her to go to college.
— Uning ota-onasi uning kollejga borishi uchun ko'p pulning bahridan o'tdi.
🟦 stiff [stɪf] adj. — egilmaydigan, qattiq
🔻>> When something is stiff, it is hard to move. >> Qachonki biror narsa stiff bo'lsa, uni harakatlantirish qiyin.
— The bird was standing on the tree’s stiff branch.
— Qush daraxtning qattiq shoxida turgan edi.
🟦 stroke [strouk] v. — silamoq, siypamoq
🔻>> To stroke is to move a hand over something or someone. >> To stroke biror narsa yoki birortasi uzra qo'lni yurgizmoq degani.
— She stroked her cheek to see if there was something on it.
— U yonoqlarida biror narsa bor-yo‘qligini bilish uchun yuzini silab qo‘ydi.
🟦 tragic [trædʒɪk] adj. — fojeali
🔻>> When something is tragic, it is connected with death and suffering. >> Qachonki biror narsa tragic bo'lsa, u o'lim yoki jabrlanish bilan bog'liq.
— The airplane crashed in a tragic accident.
— Fojeali halokatda aeroplan to'qnashdi.
🟦 tune [tjuːn] n. — kuy, musiqa
🔻>> A tune is a song. >> A tune bu musiqa.
— The students played a familiar tune for the audience.
— O'quvchilar auditoriya uchun qadrli kuy chalishdi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
📑 Word list
🟦 sacrifice [sækrəfaɪs] v. — fido qilmoq, bahridan o'tmoq
🔻>> To sacrifice something valuable is to give it up to get something else. >> Biror qadrli narsani sacrifice qilish, biror boshqa narsadan voz kechish degani.
— Her parents sacrificed a lot of money in order for her to go to college.
— Uning ota-onasi uning kollejga borishi uchun ko'p pulning bahridan o'tdi.
🟦 stiff [stɪf] adj. — egilmaydigan, qattiq
🔻>> When something is stiff, it is hard to move. >> Qachonki biror narsa stiff bo'lsa, uni harakatlantirish qiyin.
— The bird was standing on the tree’s stiff branch.
— Qush daraxtning qattiq shoxida turgan edi.
🟦 stroke [strouk] v. — silamoq, siypamoq
🔻>> To stroke is to move a hand over something or someone. >> To stroke biror narsa yoki birortasi uzra qo'lni yurgizmoq degani.
— She stroked her cheek to see if there was something on it.
— U yonoqlarida biror narsa bor-yo‘qligini bilish uchun yuzini silab qo‘ydi.
🟦 tragic [trædʒɪk] adj. — fojeali
🔻>> When something is tragic, it is connected with death and suffering. >> Qachonki biror narsa tragic bo'lsa, u o'lim yoki jabrlanish bilan bog'liq.
— The airplane crashed in a tragic accident.
— Fojeali halokatda aeroplan to'qnashdi.
🟦 tune [tjuːn] n. — kuy, musiqa
🔻>> A tune is a song. >> A tune bu musiqa.
— The students played a familiar tune for the audience.
— O'quvchilar auditoriya uchun qadrli kuy chalishdi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.