📘 Book 3 | Unit 17
📑 Word list
🟦 erupt [ɪˈrʌpt] v. — toshmoq, qaynab chiqmoq
🔻>> To erupt is for a volcano or something to shoot a hot substance. >> To erupt bu vulqon yoki biror narsa issiq moddani otishni anglatadi.
— The volcano erupted for the first time in ten years.
— Vulqon 10 yilda birinchi marta otildi.
🟦 fate [feɪt] n. — taqdir, qismat
🔻>> Fate is a power that causes some things to happen. >> Fate bu ba'zi narsalarni sodir bo'lishiga olib keladigan kuch.
— Some people believe that a person’s hand can tell their fate.
— Ba'zi odamlar, insonning qo'li uning taqdirini aytib berishiga ishonishadi.
🟦 lava [lɑːvə] n. — lava
🔻>> Lava is the hot substance made of melted rock that shoots from volcanoes. >> Lava bu vulqonlardan otiladigan erigan toshdan paydo bo'lgan issiq moddadir.
— The red hot lava poured from the volcano.
— Vulqondan qizil issiq lava otildi.
🟦 miserable [mɪzərəbəl] adj. — g'amgin, xafa
🔻>> If someone is miserable, they are very unhappy. >> Agar birortasi miserable bo'lsa, u xafa bo'ladi.
— He was miserable after his dog died.
— U iti o'lgandan so'ng xafa bo'ldi.
🟦 navigate [nævəgeɪt] v. — boshqarmoq
🔻>> To navigate something is to control the way it moves or goes. >> Biror narsani navigate qilish bu uning harakatini yoki borishini boshqarishdir.
— She navigated the ship across the ocean.
— U okean bo'ylab kemani boshqardi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
📑 Word list
🟦 erupt [ɪˈrʌpt] v. — toshmoq, qaynab chiqmoq
🔻>> To erupt is for a volcano or something to shoot a hot substance. >> To erupt bu vulqon yoki biror narsa issiq moddani otishni anglatadi.
— The volcano erupted for the first time in ten years.
— Vulqon 10 yilda birinchi marta otildi.
🟦 fate [feɪt] n. — taqdir, qismat
🔻>> Fate is a power that causes some things to happen. >> Fate bu ba'zi narsalarni sodir bo'lishiga olib keladigan kuch.
— Some people believe that a person’s hand can tell their fate.
— Ba'zi odamlar, insonning qo'li uning taqdirini aytib berishiga ishonishadi.
🟦 lava [lɑːvə] n. — lava
🔻>> Lava is the hot substance made of melted rock that shoots from volcanoes. >> Lava bu vulqonlardan otiladigan erigan toshdan paydo bo'lgan issiq moddadir.
— The red hot lava poured from the volcano.
— Vulqondan qizil issiq lava otildi.
🟦 miserable [mɪzərəbəl] adj. — g'amgin, xafa
🔻>> If someone is miserable, they are very unhappy. >> Agar birortasi miserable bo'lsa, u xafa bo'ladi.
— He was miserable after his dog died.
— U iti o'lgandan so'ng xafa bo'ldi.
🟦 navigate [nævəgeɪt] v. — boshqarmoq
🔻>> To navigate something is to control the way it moves or goes. >> Biror narsani navigate qilish bu uning harakatini yoki borishini boshqarishdir.
— She navigated the ship across the ocean.
— U okean bo'ylab kemani boshqardi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.