Usmanov's blog🖤

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Category: Telegram

маанфат талаб килманг,
узимга йоккан ва оз булсада фойдали постларни ташлайман:)
Мурожат учун: @rizo_usm

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Uzbekistan, Uzbek
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It's my dream to have such friend

I have a lot of memories with my grandmother's home,especially with her neighbours.One of these neighbours was our relative woman.She was always kind me,like my mum,when I went to grandmother's home.
Today,that woman passed away.May Allah have mercy on her.

It is like I lost one part of my childhood,sourse of my best memories



"Ali va Nino",Qurbon Said.

Asar ko'pchilik bilgan Ali va Ninoning sevgi,hayot qissasi haqida.Asardan qanaqadir manfaat yoki katta narsa kutish xato.Kitob shunchaki voqealardan iborat,va o'quvchi albatta o'sha hikoyani ko'z oldida tasavvur qilib mutolaa qiladi,ya'ni asar tushunarli va oddiy qilib yozilgan.
Yaxshi kitob.

hozir qish,lekin mood haliyam kuz vaybida )

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Stil at lesson😣

Forward from: Mood Swings
January was a free trial; I’m starting 2025 from February.


Damn,it is already end of January.Time is just moving so fast without chance to take moments


79 0 0 10 10

Sometimes need to relax with this💻🏆

122 0 1 15 12

Alhamdulillah,It's my 18th year of life.

108 0 1 18 15

The goal is simple.

people beside aren't close ,close ones aren't beside

wanna back to old times,to my version who was good person and had pure soul,who had people around that talked to me by heart,who could truly enjoy every moment of life,who had problem,but no stress,who was always satisfied from himself.
Me just hating everything around me,with unknown reason.

Alhamdulillah, I have been uncle third time🥹May Allah bless him and his mother❤️


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