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Category: Education
We may create your future together!

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▪️It is your online agency services
▪️We provide study abroad
▪️Job opportunities for our students
▪️Find apartments for students
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✋Salom Qadrli talabalar

Biz sizga qisqacha loyihamiz haqida tushuncha bermoqchimiz.
Bizda 4 ta bo’lim mavjud va barcha bo’limlar bitta web saytda jam bo’lgan.

1️⃣Chegirmalar kuponlar
2️⃣Uy ijaraga olish
4️⃣Ish takliflari

Biz tez orada har bir bo’lim haqida ma’lumotlar berib boramiz!

✅Barchasiga ega bo’lish uchun quyidagi botga a’zo bo’ling!

​​ОИЛАВИЙ ВИСА - бу сиз ва оилангиз учун катта имкониятлар эшиги !


▪️ фарзандларингиз учун бепул мактаб ва болалар боғчасини;
▪️ турмуш ўртоғингизга кунлик иш шароитида ишлаш имконияти;
▪️ логистика йўналтирилган (этказиб бериш) компанияларида, айниқса "Убер эац", "Деливероо", "Гетир" ва бошқа шу каби компанияларда ўзларини иш билан таъминлаш имконияти;
▪️ўқишни тугатгандан сўнг, Буюк Британиянинг икки йиллик иш визасини қўлга киритиш ва оилангизни ҳам бирга олиб қолиш имконияти;

🔻икки йиллик ишчи визангиз муддати тугаши билан сиз малакали ишчи визасига мурожаат қилишингиз мумкин, аммо ушбу тоифага мурожаат этишдан олдин тасдиқланган иш таклифини олишингиз керак. Шунингдек, сизнинг турмуш ўртоғингиз ёки фарзандингиз қуйидаги визалардан бирига эга бўлса, Буюк Британияга ўтиш учун мурожаат қила олмайди:

✅ ташриф визаси
✅ қисқа муддатли талабалик визаси
✅ талаба бўлган бола учун ота-она визаси
✅ мавсумий ишчи визаси
✅ шахсий уй визасида бўлган уй ишчиси.

✔️ оилавий визани олиш учун сиз магистратура талабаси бўлишингиз;
✔️ ўқув дастур талабларига киритилган минимал тил талабларига жавоб беришингиз ( IELTS 6,5)

Батафсил маълумот ва бепул маслаҳат олиш учун қуйидаги телефон рақамига мурожаат қилинг.

+99890 051 2767

Kanalimizdan batafsil bilib oling

​​🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿England reach the Final!

We are so happy to see this great result! Our heroes made new history yesterday.
Our team congratulate all fans of England.
We have only one step to finish this job with victory.
See you on Sunday at Wembley stadium.

Join toogether’s channel🇬🇧

​​FAMILY VISA provides big opportunities for you and for your family!

▫️ family visa ensures free schooling and kindergarten for your children
▪️ family visa gives the chance to your spouse for working on full time basis.
▫️ they can also get self-employed by starting their career in logistics-oriented (delivery) companies especially in “Uber eats”,”Deliveroo”,”Getir” etc
▪️After graduation you will be able to apply for two-year UK visa with work permission and it increases the possibility of your family to stay in the country
▫️as soon as your two year working visa expires you can apply for skilled worker visa but before applying for this category you need to have confirmed job offer
Your partner or child cannot apply to switch in the UK if they have one of the following visas:
✅ a visit visa
✅ a short-term student visa
✅ a Parent of a Child Student visa
✅ a seasonal worker visa
✅ a domestic worker in a private household visa.

✔ To get family visa you are required to be a student of graduate program (master’s student)
✔ To qualify for graduate program you need to meet a minimum language requirement. IELTS 6,5

✅For more detailed information and free consulting contact the number
+99890 051 27 67

Get more information in our channel

​​​​🔥Scholarship 12,500$ gacha.

▫️Londonning South Bank universiteti
Londoning eng kata va ko’p millatli studentlarga ega universitetlaridan biri hisoblanadi. Unda 130 davlatning 18 mingdan ortiq talabasi tahsil oladi.
▪️LSBU 2018 yilda bitiruvchi talabalarni ishga joylashtirish istiqbollari uchun The Times va The Sunday Times Good University Guide tomonidan yil universiteti mukofotini qo'lga kiritgan.
▫️Dunyo reytingida top 800 ta universitet ro’yhatida.
▪️Universitet bakalavr va magistratura uchun 350 dan ortiq yo’nalishlarni taklif qiladi.

Talab qilinadigan hujjatlar
🔻• maktab attestati yoki kellej,litsey diplomi.
🔻• motivatsiya xati
🔻• tarjimaihol(CV).

IELTS talablari.
🔸Bakalavr 6.0 umumiy
🔸Magistratura: 6.5 umumiy

☎️ Biz bilan bog’laning va to’liq ma’lumot oling. Yoki ZOOM platformasi orqali 30 daqiqalik tekin konsultatsiyaga ro’yhatdan o’ting.
+99890 051 27 67

Kanalimizdan universitet haqida to’liq ma’lumot olish uchun bu yerni bosing⬅️

​​📣 Build your future with us

🔰 Our agency was established in 2019. Inspite of the short period of time we were able to reach the trust of hundreds of our clients. For instance, for three years reputation 98% of our student clients accomplished their dreams in first visa interview.

🏛 Eduction in London is the best choice to pursue your study, and play a decisive role in gaining valuable knowledge for your further development.

Our team can help you by offering you following services;
🔰 24/7 consulting on obtaining scholarships for top partner UK universities which are committed to producing the outstanding leaders of tomorrow in most demanded fields.
🔰 Explaining all steps of admission and visa processes in detail.
🔰 We assist our students in locating housing both inside and outside of the university.
🔰 Our services are open and never ends at a certain point. We will ensure that the services and help will be continued even after completion of the course in the UK if needed.
🔰 Help in finding a job, as there students need independently earn money for vital goods and apartments

🙋‍♂ Your current decision on choosing us guarantees the high level of academic attainment.

For more detailed information and free consulting contact the number
+99890 051 27 67

🇬🇧Greenwich is the best option to start your international education which is:

• located in the center of London
• listed as the top 750 universities
• a positive feedback from 96 percent graduates and current students
• high employment ranking
• 20 hours work permission per week

• application form (completed and signed)
• copy of IELTS certificate at minimum 5.5 for bachelor’s and 6.5 for master’s
• with transcripts, a lyceum, a college diploma, or a School Certificate, for master’s you need to send bachelor’s degree with transcripts
• copy of valid passport
• motivation letter

🗣 hurry up to get 4000£ discount till 1 july later it will be 3000£

For more detailed information and free consulting contact the number
+99890 051 27 67

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🇬🇧Hi dear subscribers
Happy new year
We wish all the best for you guys
This video is for you As a present!
Also, We have good news for you, our partner universities started admission process for fall intake so you have a chance to apply them together with us

We will give free service for first 5 students who make a contract with us!

We will send full information later!
Stay healthy, stay safe!

©EduMag Team

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EduMag© Team

London, Uk

🇬🇧Angliyaning nufuzli universitetida ta'lim oling!
Grant miqdori To'liq kontrakt pulini qoplaydi.
Grant dasturida qatnashuvchi to'liq grant ololmagan taqdirda! Universitet unga 2.000£ schoolarship taqdim etadi.
IELTS 6.5+
Universitet qabul: 2019-yil 14- yanvar (16:00 London vaqti bilan)

Grant Dasturi narxi: 30.000 so'm (70% lik chegirma bilan)
Grantdan 10 kishi foydalanishi mumkun.

Bakalavr darajasi uchun

Grantni paketini sotib olish va Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun: @FreeStudy_Admin

Bizning kanal!

Reach schooldan mega aksiya😍😍😍
Faqat Noyabr oyida 60% chegirma🔥

Ielts&ageneral english kurslarimizga🤩
Tongi guruhlar uchun qabul ochildi👩‍🎓👨‍🎓

Oylik tolov atigi1⃣5⃣0⃣.0⃣0⃣0⃣(aslida 450.000)

Shoshiling qabul soni cheklangan🙂🙃

Regist uchun👉 @Reachuz


Dubaida 50% lik chegirma bilan ta'lim oling!

Xech qanday Imtihonlarsiz hamda IELTS sertifikatlarisiz Bakalavr dasturini boshlang!

Dekabr oyidan ta'limni boshlash imkoniyati!

100% Viza statistika

1 yildan so'ng o'qishni Amerikaga ko'chirish imkoniyati!

Biz bilan shartnoma tuzing va 2018- yilning o'zida talabaga aylaning!

☎️Ba'tafsil ma'lumot:

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