The Level up English Podcast

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, Uzbek

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Forward from: Mega Gift 🎁

Sirojiddin ustoz tomonidan 2024-yilda o'tilgan pullik kurslardan olingan eng sara 370 ta video darslikni olish imkoniyati sizda bor!

Bu darslarni qo'lga kiritish uchun shu bot orqali ro'yxatdan o'ting

Forward from: Sirojiddin's blog
Shunchaki statistika:
Man bugun bermoqchi bo’lgan video darslar yordamida:
5 ta - 8.0
13 ta - 7.5
29 ta - 7.0
44 ta - 6.5
80 ta - 6.0 va bir qancha CEFR B2/C1 chiqdi.

Agar qo’shiladigan bo’lsangiz, sizga ham yaxshigina foyda berishi aniq:)

Forward from: Teacher aka👨‍🏫

Forward from: JR TwitGram 🥂
Asosiy kanalda yo’qlar uchun. Kurs chiqdi: O’zingizning ORMingizni Yozing

3 kun davomida pasaytirilgan narxda bo’ladi. 250K emas, 200K.

Vaqt bunchalik tez oʻtmasa. Happy birthday 🎈 🎂

Take anyone one more marry me

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Nimada dedi ?
10 marta urinib ko'rsangiz bo'ladi

Eid Muborak

@IELTSmaterials_N1 IELTS Vocabulary 1.pdf
@IELTSmaterials_N1 IELTS Vocabulary 2.pdf
@IELTSmaterials_N1 IELTS Vocabulary 3.pdf
@IELTSmaterials_N1 IELTS Vocabulary 4.pdf
@IELTSmaterials_N1 IELTS Vocabulary 5.pdf
IELTS vocabulary 1&2 #Pdf

The best book for IELTS vocabulary. 😍

There are different topics:
People, character, psychology,
communication, family, food, health, medicine, study, work, education, reading, advertising, marketing, buying&selling, tourism, travel, transport

Assalamu Alaikum, dear brothers and sisters, may our prayers be accepted, may we all be blessed with the reward of Laylatul Qadr.

Let us not forget to pray for our Muslim brothers from what is going on in the world.


Assalamu alaykum hammaga qalaysizlar yaxshimisizlar yaxshi yurubsizlarmi? O'qishlar, ishlar bilan charchamayabsizlarmi? Hozirgi vaqtda kimlar Ibrat farzandlarining 15 kunlik marafoniga qatnashyabdi? Kunlik topshiriqlar qalay bo'lyabdi? Men uchun listing bilan reading yaxshi bo'lyabdi biroq writing bilan speakingda ozgina qiyin bo'lyabdi. Bugungi natijalari bilan ozgina maqtanishga ruhsat bersangiz lar 😅. O'zi kam gap, kamtar odamman😂😁🤓

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The English We Speak [06-02-2024]
Make your hair stand on end
Here’s a phrase about things that scare you. Learn how to use it in this programme.

Business Daily [06-02-2024]
Denmark: Cashing in on Sweden's Eurovision
As Malmö receives the keys to this year's event, we look at how Copenhagen in Denmark could be the real economic winners -

20 last posts shown.


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