10xStartuper 🗽

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Deepseek is a good AI, but it definely has ADHD 😂️️

Forward from: Zokirov Life
Google'dagi intervyu jarayoni


- Katta kompaniyalarda intervyu qanday ko'rinishda bo'ladi.
- Intervyudan oldin taqdir menga eng yaxshi sovg'ani berganligi, men esa uni rad qilganligim.
- Intervyularda kod yozish darajangiz eng muhimimi?
- Katta kompaniyalarda tanishlarsiz referral'lar olish.
- Ishlay olmagan LeetCode masalamni ishlash .
- Intervyuda yomon javob berdim deb o'ylash ba'zida xatoligi.

2024 was year of AI introductions in many speheres.

2025 will be the year of AI Agents.

Forward from: Khumoyun Codes
Demak talablarga binoan, birinchi videoni upload qildik, video sifati va montaj menimcha yaxshi chiqdi. Lekin ssenariy yozib uni tog'ri kameraga gapirib berish bo'yicha hali muammolar talaygina. Shuning uchun qisqa qilib aytadigan bo'lsak, konstruktiv tanqidlaringiz bo'lsa izohlarda qoldiring, bo'lmasa ham albatta videodagi mulohazaga nisbatan fikrlaringizni qoldiring.

Qani kettik 🏃‍♂️


804 0 4 10 31

I am officially entitled to say I have a chess addiction now.

I was constantly finding myself scrolling, and many of the things I do, do not require me to think deeply which is very detrimental to my brain's constant development.

Especially with the rise of AI I was not even thinking about writing correct form or anything like that.

So one day I thought to myself I should gamify an exercise for my brain. So the only game was chess.

But with the help of persuasive technologies on this chess.com app, I am officially addicted to the game of chess.

But I still consider it to be a better activity than watching reels.


Okay I will tell you what no one is telling you and keeping it to themselves.

https://domain.uzex.uz/home — right now they are selling 3 letter domains in auction basis. I found out about it today, and apparently they have sold the 2 letter domains in "kopeyka" prices.

So if you find something cool don't miss out))


Karting 🏎️


Bu bola yoshkigida harbiy bo’lishni orzu qilgan.

Hali orzu nima ekanini bilmasimdan orzu qilardim ekan 🥲


884 0 0 11 11

2021. From Educator Studio

POV: Joe uyqisirayapti...

Do you know what’s great about building startups. Do you know what keeps you moving?

It’s about how lean you can keep moving and achieve 10-20x more than the average Joe’s business.

Sometime results get to be 100x to 500x more.

And it’s a skill. Not a luck.

But the skill is not scaling or building the product. The skill is to figure it out every single day. Keep pushing forward no matter the odds.

But if you are into boring businesses it’s okay too.

The thing I realized about startups is that you cannot push your 1000% if you are hungry (you have bills to pay).

So in that case I would recommend building boring business first then build your dream startups.

Save for your future, you might have the momentum but with no cash saved you will end up doing freelance work or getting a job elsewhere.

Keep pushing forward dear founders…

My phone number ends with 4222

I was try to register a trademark earlier today. Apparently making software and AI products belongs to Class 42 of USPTO service classes.

I live in Omaha Nebraska and the area code is 402.

And there are many examples i forgot to list.

So it is impossible to not see the number 42 everywhere.


I am looking for someone who has experience building RAG systems or in other words LangChain specialists from Uzbekistan.

Do you anyone? Refer please.

YouTubeni thumbnail A/B testing funksiyasi haqida.

Yoki CTR nima?

Insonlar yengi vaqtlar o'zimni kanalimdagi thumbnaillar yani video ustidagi rasmlarni o'zgartirib ayrim A/B testing pointlarini ishga tushurgandim.

Bu imkoniyat sizga eng yaxshi insonlarga yoqadigan ko'proq clicklar olib keladigan thumbnailni tanlashga yordam beradi.

Shunday bo'lsada YouTube meni videoimni YouTube recomendatsiyalrida 31000 martta ko'satgan va meni videolarimni ustiga bor yo'g'i 7.7% inson bosib o'tgan.

Bu umuman olganda yomon ko'rsatkich sababi ko'pchilik uchun bu video qiziq bo'lmagan.

Aslini olganda esa Click Trhough Rate yani CTR ni oshirish uchun sizga yaxshi preview va juda yaxshi thumbnail kerak bo'ladi va albatta bu ishning 75%i desa ham bo'ladi.

YouTube bo'lsa Click Baitni oldini olish uchun, videoni oxirigacha ko'rgan tomoshabinlar soniga qarab videoni yanada ko'proq insonlarga ko'rsatib boradi.

Xullas shunaqa gaplar CTRni ko'tarish kerak.

Shu video ostida agar videimni ko'rib bu videoga yaxshiroq sarlavha topganlar bo'lsa iltimos kommentriyada qoldiring.


OpenAI: DeepSeek stole from us 😭.

Also OpenAI (7 days later): Introducing O3-mini
a.k.a We stole what they stole from us.

Public: oh we could make the models run more cost effective the whole time…


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