❄️Singlisi uchun mos universitetlarni so’rab bizga Elza yozdi.
Ushbu videoda Amerikada jo’ylashgan TOP 3ta shinam va qulay universitetlarni ko’rib chiqdik.
Berilgan 3 ta universitetga studenthunter.org saytida ariza topshirishingiz mumkin.
🔗 Ro’yxatdan o’tish
StudentHunter - iqtidorlarni imkoniyatlar bilan bog'laymiz.
❄️Elza wrote to us looking for a university for her younger sister.
In this video, we reviewed the TOP 3 most comfortable and convenient universities in the U.S.
You can apply to these universities via studenthunter.org
🔗 Register here
StudentHunter – We link talents with opportunities.
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Ushbu videoda Amerikada jo’ylashgan TOP 3ta shinam va qulay universitetlarni ko’rib chiqdik.
Berilgan 3 ta universitetga studenthunter.org saytida ariza topshirishingiz mumkin.
🔗 Ro’yxatdan o’tish
StudentHunter - iqtidorlarni imkoniyatlar bilan bog'laymiz.
❄️Elza wrote to us looking for a university for her younger sister.
In this video, we reviewed the TOP 3 most comfortable and convenient universities in the U.S.
You can apply to these universities via studenthunter.org
🔗 Register here
StudentHunter – We link talents with opportunities.
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