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Kanal haqidagi fikrlaringizni yozib qoldiring albatta kanalga joylab keyin oʻchiramiz

Hammaga kattakon rahmat yana bir bor 😊😊

Assalomu alaykum hurmatli obunachilarim
Maʼlum sababga koʻra kanal oʻchirilyapti oʻzingizga kerakli boʻlgan narsalarni yuklab olishingiz mumkin. Faqat tezroq.
Hammaga kattakon rahmat!😊

Kanal taqdiri♾️
  •   Kanal qolsin albatta aktiv boʻlamiz✊😊
  •   Yetadi👏 Kanal oʻchirib tashlayverilsin
  •   Teacher yana boshqa kanal ochishizi kutamiz✊
14 votes

Kanal qolish yokida qolmasligini kanaldagi sheriklar bilan kelishgan holda sizlarga qoldirdik😊
👇Ushbu soʻrovnomani natijasiga qarab ish tutiladi.
Albatta oʻz fikringizni bildiring

Assalomu alaykum hurmatli obunachilarim

Aktiv ham ancha kamaygan kanalda 😔

Ozroq Soʻrovnomani natijasiga bogʻliq

Hurmatli foydalanuvchilar kanal oʻz faoliyatini toʻxtatdi 😔😔
Lekin yana boshqa bir kanal ochishimiz mumkin

1haftadan soʻng kanal tugatiladi

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🎖per - uchun
🎖plus - qo’shuv
🎖round - taxminan
🎖since…- dan beri
🎖than… - dan ko’ra
🎖through - orasidan, orqali
🎖till - gacha
🎖to….- ga
🎖toward…- ga
🎖under- tagida, pastida
🎖unlike…- ga o’xshamasdan
🎖until - gacha
🎖up…- ga, …da
🎖with - bilan
🎖with in - ichida
🎖without… - siz
🎖two words - ikta so’zlar
🎖according to…- ga qaraganda
🎖because of - sababida, tufayli
🎖close to - yaqinda
🎖except for - dan tashqari
🎖far from - dan uzoq
🎖inside of…. - Ichida
🎖instead of…- dan ko’ra
🎖near to….- ga yaqin
🎖next to… -dan keyin
🎖outside of… - dan tashqari
🎖prior to….- Gacha
🎖three words - uchta so’zlar
🎖as far as… - gacha
🎖as well as… - ga o’xshab
🎖in addition to…- ga qo’shimcha
🎖in front of… - qarshisida
🎖in spite of…- dan ko’ra
🎖on behalf of…- nomidan
🎖on top of… - tepasida

#vocabulary #synonyms #speaking #aviteacher

Other ways to say "Because"

🛸 Since: I couldn't attend the party since I was feeling unwell.
🛸 Due to: The game was canceled due to heavy rain.
🛸 Owing to: The event was postponed owing to a scheduling conflict.
🛸 As: She didn't answer the call as she was in a meeting.
🛸 For the reason that: He couldn't come to the meeting for the reason that his car broke down.
🛸 In view of: In view of the recent developments, we have decided to change our strategy.
🛸 As a result of: As a result of the traffic jam, he arrived late to the interview.
🛸 Considering that: Considering that it's his first attempt, his performance was impressive.
🛸 In light of: In light of the evidence presented, the jury reached a unanimous decision.
🛸 Seeing that: Seeing that the weather was terrible, they decided to stay home.

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I really like this cartoon. Especially, this animation film's characters are so amazing 😍.
Who else loves this?

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#joke_time #itstimetolaugh
When English teacher👩‍🦰 enter the classroom.😂

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