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Saidakbar Axrorov
• IELTS 6.5 Holder 📊
• Future Programmer 💻
• CR7 Fan ⚽️
• Perfectionist 🕵️‍♂️
• Majors: English & Math 📚
• Interests: Foreign Literature 📖 & writing

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🤝 Do‘stlik va qarz masalasi!

Do‘st – hayotimizdagi eng yaqin hamrohlardan biri. Lekin ba’zan moddiy masalalar, ayniqsa, qarz olish-berish do‘stlikka putur yetkazishi mumkin.

💰 Qarz va do‘stlik
Ko‘p hollarda qarz tufayli yaqin do'stlar bir-biridan uzoqlashadi. Ba’zilar bergan qarzini qaytarib ololmaydi, ba’zilar esa olgan qarzini unutib qo‘yadi… Oxir-oqibat esa do‘stlik buziladi.

🔹 Qarz berishda nimalarga e’tibor berish kerak?
- Agar qaytarilmasa ham yo‘qotishga tayyor bo‘lgan pulni bering.
- Qarz berayotganda aniq muddat va shartlarni kelishib oling.
- Do‘stlikni saqlab qolish uchun imkon qadar qarz bermaslik yoki yordamning boshqa yo‘lini topish yaxshiroq bo‘lishi mumkin.

🔹 Qarz olayotgan inson qanday bo‘lishi kerak?
- Va’daga vafodor bo‘lishi shart.
- Imkon qadar qarzni o‘z vaqtida qaytarishga harakat qilishi kerak.
- Do‘stiga rahmat aytishni unutmaslik kerak.

Unutmang, yaxshi do‘st puldan qimmatroq! Qarz tufayli do‘stlik buzilishiga yo‘l qo‘ymang. Savobli va barakali yo‘llar bilan muammolarni hal qilish eng yaxshi yo‘ldir.

Meni subyektiv fikrim, agar siz do'stingizga qarz berib, qaytarish vaqti kelganda qaytara olarmikin? Hozir so'rasam hijolat bo'lib qolmasmikin deb so'rashga uyalsangiz eng yaxshi do'stsiz!

Agar qarz olgan do'stingiz qaytarish vaqti kelganda, nimadur sababli qaytara olmasligini ochiq sizga aytolsa va sizdan shubhani ketkaza olsa u haqiqiy dos't!

Siz qanday fikrdasiz? Do‘st va qarz masalasida qanday tajribangiz bor?

💬 Kommentda bo‘lishing!


Which one would you choose?
  •   Go back in time
  •   Visit alien planet
  •   See what is inside black hole
  •   Travel to another universe
9 votes

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Ўзбекистон мусулмонлар идораси Сирдарё вилояти вакиллиги томонидан маъқулланган — (яқинларга ва барча группаларга улашинг)

Ўзбекистон мусулмонлари идораси Сирдарё вилояти вакиллиги Матбуот хизмати

Ижтимоий тармоқлардаги саҳифаларимиз:|| Facabook

Ramadan Mubarak! May this holy month bring you peace, prosperity, and spiritual growth. May your prayers be answered, your fasts be accepted, and your heart be filled with gratitude and joy. Wishing you and your loved ones a month full of blessings, kindness, and happiness.

Qatnashib kôrish kk

🏆"Zakovat intellektual klubi" NNT Sirdaryo viloyati Zakovat klubi bahorgi mavsum o’yinlariga jamoalarni qabul qilish rasman boshlandi.

✅Yaxshigina sovrin jamg'armasiga ega bo'lgan: O'zbekiston chempionati, intellektual marafon, breyn-ring va boshqa turnirlarda ishtirok etish imkoniyatini qo'lga kiritishingiz mumkin.

✅Respublika miqyosida bo’lib o’tadigan Zakovat turnirlari uchun professional tarzda tayyorgarlik ko’rish imkoni.

Zakovat stipendiyasi yutib olish uchun professional tayyorlov, professional zakovatchi bo’lish uchun, intellektual bilimlaringiz oshirish imkoni.

10 ta turdan iborat mavsumda g‘olib bo‘lgan jamoalar "Zakovat intellektual klubi" NNT tomonidan quyidagi miqdorda rag‘batlantiriladi:

🥇-o‘rin uchun - 9 000 000 mln so‘m;
🥈-o‘rin uchun - 7 000 000 mln so‘m;
🥉-o‘rin uchun - 5 000 000 mln so‘m.

🖋Bahorgi mavsum o'yinlariga a’zo bo’lish tartibi juda oddiy:
6 nafar asosiy va 2 nafar zaxira ishtirokchidan iborat jamoa tuzish va ro'yhatdan o'tish. Jamoaga zaxira o'yinchisini jalb qilish ixtiyoriy hisoblanadi.

✍️Ro’yxatdan o’tish ushbu havola orqali amalga oshiriladi.

➡️Qo'shimcha ma'lumotlar uchun: @ZAKovatUZ91

❗️Eslatma: 1-tur o'yini 1-mart kuni boʻlib oʻtadi.


The answer is a keyboard!
It has keys (like letter and number keys) but doesn't open locks.
It has a space (the space bar) but no actual room.
You can enter (press the Enter key), but you can't physically go outside.


I have keys but open no locks. I have space but no room. You can enter, but you can't go outside. What am I?

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Bajarmadimi demak u hazillashgan

Yigit sóz berdimi bajaradi!

I strongly recommend deleting this app. From my experience, over the last years I have become less curious about learning new things. Additionally, as a result of watching a lot of reels in a day, you will get digital ADHD (attention defeciency). At first, I thought this would be useful bcz I don't get bored as a result of not being able to focus enough (this shows how dumb I was😑), which means I manually worsened my concentration ability. Before I could watch 3-hour-films very easily, but now for me it is difficult to watch even 30 min of a film. This is not a myth, this is my hands-on experience! Learn from my mistakes, and do not ever get used to watch short videos.

But before all delete instagram!

7. Apply Knowledge in Real Life

Before making decisions, list pros and cons logically.

Evaluate news sources critically, checking for credibility and bias.

Think about long-term consequences of actions.

6. Practice the Socratic Method

Engage in discussions by continuously asking “Why?”

Instead of giving direct answers, explore deeper reasoning.

5. Keep a Thought Journal

Write down your thoughts on controversial issues.

Try to argue both for and against your own opinion.

Reflect on how your perspective evolves over time.

4. Read and Debate

Read books on philosophy, science, and critical thinking.

Engage in debates and discussions where you must defend your ideas.

Listen to opposing arguments and analyze their strengths and weaknesses.

3. Strengthen Logical Thinking

Solve puzzles and brainteasers (e.g., Sudoku, chess, logic riddles).

Study formal logic (e.g., syllogisms, logical fallacies).

Practice coding, as it improves structured thinking

2. Develop Analytical Skills

Break down complex problems into smaller parts.

Compare different viewpoints on a topic.

Identify biases in arguments, including your own.

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