Youth Union of Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, Uzbek
Category: Education

"Ipak yo'li" turizm va madaniy meros xalqaro universiteti Yoshlar Ittifoqi BT tomonidan tashkil etilgan yangiliklar kanaliga xush kelibsiz!
Instagram: @youth_union_silkroad
Facebook: @youth_union_2023

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Uzbekistan, Uzbek
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Forward from: "ZAKOWISE" SRIUT "YU"
Zakovat Intellectual Game (Online Format)
🧠Test Your Knowledge!
Join our online Zakovat intellectual game and compete with the best minds.

🗓Date: 6th February
🐌Time: 21-00
📌 Location: Online

🏆Prize: The winning team will receive books from the organizers!

📢Register Now! @Sultonmurodzakowise

💡Think Fast, Play Smart, Win Big!

Official channel: 📱 Telegram ))

"Exams can be tough, but remember, they’re just a stepping stone on your journey!

💡 Take breaks, stay hydrated, and focus on understanding rather than memorizing. Don’t compare your progress to others—your pace is your own.

💪 Trust your preparation, give it your best shot, and let the results follow. The effort you’re putting in today will shape the opportunities of tomorrow. You’ve got this!"

🍀 Good luck from Youth Union

🌐 Official accounts: 📱 Telegram | 📱 Facebook | 📱 Instagram

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💧 Experience the breathtaking beauty of Lashkarak Waterfall!

💎 This hidden gem captivates with its stunning cascades and serene surroundings. Nature's serenity awaits you here!

🌐 Official accounts: 📱 Telegram | 📱 Facebook | 📱 Instagram

⭐️ Hey hey hey!

⛰️ Hiking is truly amazing, and it's twice as fun when you're with the university team! Here, you'll see a photo report of our journey to Lashkerak Waterfall 💦 and our challenging ascent to the highest peak of the Angren Mountain range at 4500 meters.

Are you into hiking?

🙂 If so, then join us!

🌐 Official accounts: 📱 Telegram | 📱 Facebook | 📱 Instagram

⭐️ Join the Leader Girls Club!

👩‍🦱 Do you know someone who has the potential to shine as a future leader? Or maybe it’s you who’s ready to take that next big step? Leader Girls is calling on all ambitious and inspiring girls to join our team!

👧 We’re here to work with you, guide you, and support you as you build your plans for the future. Whether it’s advice, mentorship, or teamwork, we’ll help you unlock your potential and turn your dreams into reality.

💡 Exciting Update: Tomorrow,  at 12:00 in Lecture hall we’re hosting a special meeting where we’ll present everything we’ve accomplished so far and discuss the path ahead. This is your chance to see the impact we’re making and explore how you or someone you know can be a part of it!

🤩 Don’t hesitate—nominate yourself or someone you know to join the Leader Girls team.

Be inspired. Be bold. Be a Leader Girl.

❓ Any questions DM to: @Felicity_0701

⭐️  Lider Qizlar klubiga qo‘shiling!

👩‍🦱 Kelajakda yetakchi bo‘lish salohiyatiga ega qizni taniysizmi? Yoki ehtimol, bu qadamni tashlashga tayyor bo‘lgan inson aynan sizdir? Lider qizlar jamoasi barcha maqsadli va ilhomlantiruvchi qizlarni o‘z safiga chorlaydi!

👧 Biz siz bilan birga ishlashga, sizga yo‘l-yo‘riq ko‘rsatishga va kelajakdagi rejalaringizni amalga oshirishda sizni qo‘llab-quvvatlashga tayyormiz. Maslahatmi, mentorlikmi yoki jamoaviy ishlashmi – biz sizning salohiyatingizni ochib, orzularingizni amalga oshirishga yordam beramiz.

💡 Yangilik: Ertaga soat 12:00 da maxsus uchrashuv o‘tkazamiz. Unda hozirgacha erishgan yutuqlarimizni taqdim etamiz va kelgusi rejalarga to‘xtalamiz. Shu kungacha klub a'zoligi bizga nima berganini o‘z ko‘zingiz bilan ko‘rishingiz va siz yoki siz taniydigan inson bu jarayonning bir qismiga aylanishi uchun ajoyib imkoniyatdir!

😀 Ikkilanmang – o‘zingizni yoki kimnidir Lider Qizlar va Qizlarjon jamoasiga qo‘shilish uchun tavsiya qiling.

✨ Ilhomlaning. Rivojlaning. Lider Qiz bo‘ling.

❓ Savollaringiz bormi? DM: @Felicity_0701

🌐 Official accounts: 📱 Telegram | 📱 Facebook | 📱 Instagram

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🏆 Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage held a Zakovat QUIZ in English dedicated to Harry Potter.

Zakovat is Uzbek Power!

🌐 Official accounts: 📱 Telegram | 📱 Facebook | 📱 Instagram

🏆 Today, our university held a Zakovat QUIZ in English dedicated to Harry Potter.

❓ Students tested their wizarding knowledge and won valuable prizes.

🥇 Head of Hogwarts took first place.

🥈 Back to Hogwarts came in second.

🥉 The Team That Must Not Be Named finished in third place.

Mischief Managed!

🌐 Official accounts: 📱 Telegram | 📱 Facebook | 📱 Instagram

🏸 Badminton Tournament 🏸

⚡️ Today’s badminton tournament was a remarkable event, showcasing individual talent, dedication, and passion for the sport. Players demonstrated exceptional skill and determination, competing in high-energy matches that kept the audience engaged throughout the day.

🌐 Official accounts: 📱 Telegram | 📱 Facebook | 📱 Instagram

☄️ Join Us for an Exciting hiking to Lashkerek Forest in Angren, Tashkent!

🌍 Location: Lashkerek Forest, Angren, Tashkent
🗓 Date: 25th January
💸 Price: 220,000 UZS (Includes the object)
💳 Prepayment: 100,000 UZS to reserve your spot
🎯 Difficulty: Hard – For those in excellent physical condition

✨ Experience the True Winter in the Forest!

🙂 Feel the magic of winter as you trek through the snow-covered Lashkerek Forest. Marvel at the beauty of a frozen waterfall and immerse yourself in the peaceful wilderness.

‼️ Don’t miss this once-in-a-season adventure!

💬 Book your spot today!

🌐 Official accounts: 📱 Telegram | 📱 Facebook | 📱 Instagram

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