📘 Book 6 | Unit 5
📑 Word list
🟨 overdose [ouvərdous] n. — ortiqcha doza
◾️>> An overdose is an instance of taking or having too much of something. >> An overdose bu biror narsaning haddan tashqari ko'p bo'lishi holatlaridir.
— John’s skin was burned from an overdose of sunshine.
— Jonning terisi quyosh nurining haddan tashqari dozasidan kuygan.
🟨 persuasion [pərˈsweiʒən] n. — ishontirish, ko'ndirish
◾️>> Persuasion is the act of making someone do or believe something. >> Persuasion bu birortasini biror narsa qildirish yoki unga ishontirish harakatidir.
— The persuasion of his argument convinced the customer to buy the laptop.
— Uning daliliga ishontirish mijozni noutbukni sotib olishga ishontirdi.
🟨 relay [riːlei] n. — estafeta
◾️>> A relay is a race in which teams of runners or swimmers race against each other. >> A relay bu suzuvchilar yoki yuguruvchilar guruhlari bir-biriga qarshi musobaqalashadigan poyga.
— Jerry was the fastest on his team, so he ran the last part of the relay.
— Jerri o'z jamoasida eng tezkor edi, shuning uchun u estafetaning oxirgi qismini yugurdi.
🟨 reluctance [riˈlʌktəns] n. — jirkanish, istamaslik
◾️>> Reluctance is a feeling of not wanting to do something. >> Reluctance bu biror narsa qilishni istamaslik tuyg'usi.
— Jesse took out the trash with great reluctance.
— Jessi katta istaksizlik bilan axlatni olib chiqdi.
🟨 restate [riːˈsteit] v. — qayta takrorlamoq
◾️>> To restate something means to say it again or in a different way. >> Biror narsani restate qilish uni qayta aytish yoki boshqa yo'l bilan aytishni anglatadi.
— Mrs. Jones restated the test question to the class.
— Jons xonim sinov savolini sinfga qaytardi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
📑 Word list
🟨 overdose [ouvərdous] n. — ortiqcha doza
◾️>> An overdose is an instance of taking or having too much of something. >> An overdose bu biror narsaning haddan tashqari ko'p bo'lishi holatlaridir.
— John’s skin was burned from an overdose of sunshine.
— Jonning terisi quyosh nurining haddan tashqari dozasidan kuygan.
🟨 persuasion [pərˈsweiʒən] n. — ishontirish, ko'ndirish
◾️>> Persuasion is the act of making someone do or believe something. >> Persuasion bu birortasini biror narsa qildirish yoki unga ishontirish harakatidir.
— The persuasion of his argument convinced the customer to buy the laptop.
— Uning daliliga ishontirish mijozni noutbukni sotib olishga ishontirdi.
🟨 relay [riːlei] n. — estafeta
◾️>> A relay is a race in which teams of runners or swimmers race against each other. >> A relay bu suzuvchilar yoki yuguruvchilar guruhlari bir-biriga qarshi musobaqalashadigan poyga.
— Jerry was the fastest on his team, so he ran the last part of the relay.
— Jerri o'z jamoasida eng tezkor edi, shuning uchun u estafetaning oxirgi qismini yugurdi.
🟨 reluctance [riˈlʌktəns] n. — jirkanish, istamaslik
◾️>> Reluctance is a feeling of not wanting to do something. >> Reluctance bu biror narsa qilishni istamaslik tuyg'usi.
— Jesse took out the trash with great reluctance.
— Jessi katta istaksizlik bilan axlatni olib chiqdi.
🟨 restate [riːˈsteit] v. — qayta takrorlamoq
◾️>> To restate something means to say it again or in a different way. >> Biror narsani restate qilish uni qayta aytish yoki boshqa yo'l bilan aytishni anglatadi.
— Mrs. Jones restated the test question to the class.
— Jons xonim sinov savolini sinfga qaytardi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.