📘 Book 6 | Unit 4
📑 Word list
🟨 kettle [ketl] n. — chovgun
◾️>> A kettle is a large metal pot used for boiling liquids or cooking food. >> A kettle bu suyuqliklarni qaynatish yoki taom pishirish uchun ishlatiladigan katta metal choynak.
— The soup was being cooked in a large kettle.
— Katta choynakda sho‘rva pishirilayotgan edi.
🟨 ministry [ministri] n. — vazirlik
◾️>> A ministry is a government department. >> A ministry bu hukumat idorasidir.
— The Ministry of Trade is responsible for taxing imports and exports.
— Savdo vazirligi import va eksportga soliq solish uchun javobgardir.
🟨 ordeal [ɔːrdiːəl] n. — achchiq kechinma
◾️>> An ordeal is a bad experience. >> An ordeal bu yomon kechinma degani.
— Driving in the snowstorm was an ordeal she’d never forget.
— Qor bo'ronida haydash u hech qachon unutolmaydigan sinov edi.
🟨 outspoken [aʊtˈspoukkən] adj. — to'g'riso'z, samimiy
◾️>> If someone is outspoken, then they are not afraid to say what they think. >> Agar birortasi outspoken bo'lsa, u nimani o'ylayotganini aytishga qo'rqmaydi.
— She was an outspoken critic about the new banking laws.
— U yangi bank qonunlari haqida samimiy tanqidchi edi.
🟨 overwork [ouvərwəːrk] v. — ortiqcha ishlatmoq
◾️>> To overwork someone means to make them tired with too much work. >> Birortasini overwork qilish, uni juda ko'p ish bilan charchatishni anglatadi.
— After working for three weeks with only one day of rest, Judy was overworked.
— Faqat bir kunlik dam olish bilan uch hafta ishlagandan so'ng, Judi ortiqcha ishladi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
📑 Word list
🟨 kettle [ketl] n. — chovgun
◾️>> A kettle is a large metal pot used for boiling liquids or cooking food. >> A kettle bu suyuqliklarni qaynatish yoki taom pishirish uchun ishlatiladigan katta metal choynak.
— The soup was being cooked in a large kettle.
— Katta choynakda sho‘rva pishirilayotgan edi.
🟨 ministry [ministri] n. — vazirlik
◾️>> A ministry is a government department. >> A ministry bu hukumat idorasidir.
— The Ministry of Trade is responsible for taxing imports and exports.
— Savdo vazirligi import va eksportga soliq solish uchun javobgardir.
🟨 ordeal [ɔːrdiːəl] n. — achchiq kechinma
◾️>> An ordeal is a bad experience. >> An ordeal bu yomon kechinma degani.
— Driving in the snowstorm was an ordeal she’d never forget.
— Qor bo'ronida haydash u hech qachon unutolmaydigan sinov edi.
🟨 outspoken [aʊtˈspoukkən] adj. — to'g'riso'z, samimiy
◾️>> If someone is outspoken, then they are not afraid to say what they think. >> Agar birortasi outspoken bo'lsa, u nimani o'ylayotganini aytishga qo'rqmaydi.
— She was an outspoken critic about the new banking laws.
— U yangi bank qonunlari haqida samimiy tanqidchi edi.
🟨 overwork [ouvərwəːrk] v. — ortiqcha ishlatmoq
◾️>> To overwork someone means to make them tired with too much work. >> Birortasini overwork qilish, uni juda ko'p ish bilan charchatishni anglatadi.
— After working for three weeks with only one day of rest, Judy was overworked.
— Faqat bir kunlik dam olish bilan uch hafta ishlagandan so'ng, Judi ortiqcha ishladi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.