Bugun yangi so’z o’rganamiz !
Bu so’z “ curious “ tarjimasi - qiziqon.
A2 Level (Basic Synonyms):
1. Interested – qiziqqan
She is interested in learning new things.
2. Inquisitive – savol beradigan, qiziqadigan
The child is very inquisitive about animals.
B1 Level (Intermediate Synonyms):
3. Eager to know – bilishga chanqoq
He is eager to know how the experiment works.
4. Questioning – savollar beradigan
She has a questioning mind and always asks why.
5. Nosy (informal) – boshqalar ishiga aralashadigan
Don’t be so nosy about other people’s business!
(Note: This has a slightly negative meaning.)
B2 Level (Upper-Intermediate Synonyms):
6. Intrigued – qiziqib qolgan
I was intrigued by his unusual story.
7. Inquiring – izlanishga qiziqqan
He has an inquiring mind, always searching for answers.
C1 Level (Advanced Synonyms):
8. Prying – haddan tashqari qiziqadigan (salbiy ma’noda)
She found his prying questions uncomfortable.
9. Speculative – o‘ylab ko‘radigan, taxmin qiladigan
The scientist had a speculative approach to the problem.
10. Analytical – tahliliy fikrlovchi
His curious and analytical mind helped solve the mystery.
Example Sentence (A2):
She is curious about new cultures.
Example Sentence (C1):
His speculative nature led him to explore unconventional ideas.
Bu so’z “ curious “ tarjimasi - qiziqon.
A2 Level (Basic Synonyms):
1. Interested – qiziqqan
She is interested in learning new things.
2. Inquisitive – savol beradigan, qiziqadigan
The child is very inquisitive about animals.
B1 Level (Intermediate Synonyms):
3. Eager to know – bilishga chanqoq
He is eager to know how the experiment works.
4. Questioning – savollar beradigan
She has a questioning mind and always asks why.
5. Nosy (informal) – boshqalar ishiga aralashadigan
Don’t be so nosy about other people’s business!
(Note: This has a slightly negative meaning.)
B2 Level (Upper-Intermediate Synonyms):
6. Intrigued – qiziqib qolgan
I was intrigued by his unusual story.
7. Inquiring – izlanishga qiziqqan
He has an inquiring mind, always searching for answers.
C1 Level (Advanced Synonyms):
8. Prying – haddan tashqari qiziqadigan (salbiy ma’noda)
She found his prying questions uncomfortable.
9. Speculative – o‘ylab ko‘radigan, taxmin qiladigan
The scientist had a speculative approach to the problem.
10. Analytical – tahliliy fikrlovchi
His curious and analytical mind helped solve the mystery.
Example Sentence (A2):
She is curious about new cultures.
Example Sentence (C1):
His speculative nature led him to explore unconventional ideas.